ME UN' IVERSITY ^ c OREGON EUGtNE j 2 •'•DDRESS. 197; UrJver.'ity street & AlVtOWn, ■ h ENTRANCE- w HIGH SCHOOL: • t.- . ^ C __SEX BIRTHyr ._SCHOOL ■ T NO._COURSE TITLE_CREOIT GRADE DEPT NO COURSE TITLE CREDIT GRADEj PICT }cov«»»»| count TIT.K ~ |c»l'p I tilot **"■ cog..! .„>■ |c«m | coi . :v Co.,;.'] 1 .myvnc , #21 *«rt ran Uw Pi 443 Adv. die Lin AIM ! - l0-1 01; ■Family .".elation, V funtur. Il-oteni, A 1 -Ml*» ^_I 1 lev • 1- • Table lennis 1 ol U‘j>2 let Year Russian A MTIi 122 Ind Condi ti or . 1 c OIPT [cou««t#| COUHSt Tint ~|c»tD ] GW«OI 1- i 123 history of West Civ *1 X |c.|«..„ !*£ lot' M; .-a..-met - ' —--—; RHT r 4 L.i-ic of Amiment 3 Y Ti» bOb Adv Interpretation 3 +++$$$ .EVIDENT BODY rKEGIDRNT $$$+++ MIT b07 Manar. ropuality b M1H I439 Intro Yoj'olofy 3 •-• 2:: . 33 Jreat i rot of Int Des-1,7! V. :u' ;' :>0b Col Constitut l:ist A " . IJB 56l| Lit Bib Sciences ij A 135 Ber Paddle Ball 1 C ; f^CAi 2 i iiOBATlOi. #ll068ll3O dpt. |c.u.n*| const titli |c»m | cu.m MW |co..»i»| cou«». Bin lom.lG.tM-" •’ #' • Radio TV 'iew. 1 3 H IH #21 Structural tetter # « Heraonal Health 3 X PH 507 Sem liquid Helium rsv #6.3 loclalizaUor ieviant * I M. 101 led Year Ru., ian 3 ,11.1 :aik:nd 3 AN1H #23 Peoples of the saciric ■■ 2#? Adv Junr’- • 1 MTt 355 Squash : /.?#/-. £ N School I Gr^di'd I Not j Crcd.t I Graded I Not I Credit | Graded 1 Not ~Tcr edit Class TrSns'.-r | Hours I Pas' I j Hours I Pass | Earned ^u,n I Hours I Pass lEamed v'-j Totals Total Total The most prized possession of your Presidential Packet (and perhaps of your lifetime), this im portant document tells the story of your college career as well as your past Presidential stature. (The transcript feature of the President-For-A-Day packet is optional and may be substituted for the text of an anti-war speech written by real professionals employed by our sister company. Famous Writer’s School. This will prove to be invaluable to those seeking work with progressive employers. During his day as Commander and Chief, our President will have at his disposal, the army of culinary workers who help to keep the (student) Union strong. Here, our President grabs a free burgerbasket fit for a king (which he truly is) and heads to the basement for a free line of bowling and a little R & R. Drucksache zu ennifiigler Gebuhr DEUTSCHE POST E 0 3 0 AUSSENPOLTTTSCHE KORRESPONDENZ DDR 108 Berlin. Otto-Grotewohl Strafle 17 >'i." h k «•< n Prasldint of Student Body University of Oregon Eugene /Ore. USA One ( the most lasting memories of your day as President is the souvenir envelope addressed to “President of Student Body." This bit of memorabilia will be valuable in a few years, when the in laws start speculating what the letter was about. < international postmark optional) The President de-briefs his cabinet in preparation for his 5:30 State of the University Address. (Table ash-trays optional at minimal handling costs). As President-for-a-day. you have the option of giving either an acceptance or a resignation speech. Orate your way into the minds and hearts of your people. Sharpen your rhetorical skills and have photos to prove it. \m i « Buy. it's been a day. but it sure has been worth it. Your day as President. and. more specifically, your Presidential Packet, is sure gonna help ya get a job (and God knows, you need every break possible in this day and age.) This photo is sure gonna bring back the memories in a few years. We will include an additional "mini-copy” in all ‘73 models which will be suitable for framing in your first-lady's favorite brooch.