Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 25, 1972, Page 9, Image 8

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    | Commentary
Face to Face
Is there pornography in the classroom?
The following commentary, written by
Ray Camay, was published in the Valley
News, April 19.
The T.A. advised the students “All who
take the special project course of study
will get 40 points toward the 250 necessary
to complete the “Psychology course.”
Names must be signed “But of course
they'll be removed and numbers
assigned.” Baloney!
What a great file some perverted leader
could build with those records.
Now .. . What can we do about it?
First, there must be sweeping changes
which would prevent the recurrence of
such “special projects.” Assistants should
be carefully and thoroughly screened.
T.A.’s material should be submitted to
professors before hand. If they approve
material which is outright objectionable
then the profs should be fired. Some
students go through an entire term without
even seeing or knowing the names of their
professors. We talk about failing budgets.
Put the professors back in the class rooms
and let them earn their dollars doled out by
the taxpayers. Get rid of the crud and the
deadwood and get the University of
Oregon back to a reputation beyond
It s a sure bet I’ll be accused of over re
acting. But . If you’re over 21 and wish to
read the class material we couldn’t print
then take a look. You too will join a long
list of “over-reactors.”
The much respected professor who
heads the course was unaware of what was
about to take place. Imagine your
daughter, or son, suddenly being told to
turn to a classmate and say aloud the four
letter word meaning fornicate. Chances
are the word is (or was not) foreign to
them. But after a lifetime of refrain from
uttering such obscenities around the house
or in mixed company . . . suddenly your
child is asked to shed every moral scruple
he has been taught and say aloud, “-.”
That was the beginning.
Then came the daily records which were
passed among the young men and women.
They were being asked to fill them out.
“Tell about your menstrual cycle . . . are
they regular?” “Did you have intercourse
today?” “Do you like one or more sex
partners?” ‘‘Did you experience an
orgasm?” “Find a place where you can be
alone. Absolute privacy. Think of
something sexually stimulating.”
On and on . . . meditate, masturbate,
fornicate. “Read the literary master
pieces,” instructs the T.A. Masterpieces?
They stink . .. they are filthy . . . they are
morbid . . . they are as warped as the in
dividual who’d ask young people to read
them. None of the project related, in any
sense of the word, to what the textbooks for
the course contained.
It was discouraging enough to see the
University of Oregon turn into a breeding
ground for dissidents, dis-illusioned and
distractors. Now comes another element
of defiance to the norm. He ... or she ... is
the T.A. (Teaching Assistant), many of
whom are lost in their own world of
megalomania and fancy.
True, there are many, possibly a
majority who are pursuing a teaching
career with diligence and dignity. Some of
their compatriot kin, however, are
maniacally luring unwary students down a
path of absolute moral decadence.
Such is the case in Psychology 4(57. The
class is held on Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays at 9:30 a.m. There is also a
nighttime class which has not been sub
jected to the indignities, humiliations and
embarassment suffered by those attending
the morning sessions.
Were the class one which, in advance,
warned that pornography would be the
theme . and those who elected to take the
course knew full well what they were
getting into . . . then there may be some,
but a great deal less, agrument.
But the female teaching assistant ad
vised the class on April 3, 1972 that she was
presenting her own project, four days after
the term had started.
Tapes and transcripts
The following is the first editorial com
ment on the subject as broadcast April 11,
by Ray Camay on KPNW radio. It was
transcribed by the Emerald from tapes of
the broadcast.
“This is Ray Camay. The following
contains KPNW editorial comment. The
University of Oregon has some good
professors, only problem is they’re seldom
seen in the classrooms. Imagine this if you
will: a class of some 800-1000 young men
and women, a teaching assistant tells
them she’s doing her own research and
those who co-operate get 40 points towards
the 250 points needed for the course. Those
students who agreed found themselves
filling out a questionnaire, having to sign
it. On Monday April 3rd, the class was
instructed to say aloud the four-letter word
meaning intercourse, then the question
naire . . . some of the questions . . . Now
believe these if you will, these are some
that were asked, 1) Have you ever had
intercourse? How many times a day do
you like intercourse? Do you masturbate
and how often? Tell about your menstrual
cycle and is it regular? Do you have one
sex partner or more? Write an essay
telling what turns you on or off sexually.
How well can you stimulate your sex
partner? Have you ever had an orgasm?
Can you have an orgasm through
manipulation? Take a booklet and go into a
room alone, write down the sensations you
experience suggesting self-stimulation. An
actual experiment for the boys: see how
ong it takes to get an erection in freezing
water in the school. And none of the
material offered by the teaching assistant
relates to the text books assigned for the
oarticular course. Tomorrow, an editorial
analysis of what appears to be a well
directed plan to undermine the moral fiber
of our University community. This has
aeen a KPNW editorial comment ... all
material the sole responsibility of the
KPNW news department. Equal time is
offered to those with opposing views . . .
This is Ray Camay.”
The following is the transcript of the above
April 11 editorial as supplied by KPNW.
“The following contains KPNW editorial
cohiment: The University of Oregon has
some good professors . . . only problem is
they are seldom seen in the classrooms.
The result is . . . students are getting in
ferior instruction from incompetent
teacher assistants ... not all... but many.
An appalling example sounds like a horror
story: A very embarrassed young lady . ..
first year at U of O tells KPNW she walked
out of a psychology class. If highly
respected professor Frank Lopiccolo knew
what was happening in Psychology 426
he’d probably cut short his vacation and
return post haste. Imagine this if you will:
A class of some 800 to 1000 young men
and women. A teaching assistant tells
them she’s doing her own research and
those who cooperate get 40 points toward
the 250 needed for the course. Those
students who agreed found themselves
filling out a questionaire and having to
sign it. On Monday April 3rd, the class was
instructed to say aloud the four letter word
meaning intercourse.
Then the questionnaire . some of the
questions: 1. Have you ever had in
tercourse? 2. How many times a day do
you like intercourse? 3. Do you masturbate
. . . How often? Tell about your menstrual
cycle and is it regular? Do you have one
sex partner ... or more? 4. Write an essay
telling what turns you on or off sexually. 5.
How well can you stimulate your sex
partner? 6. Have you ever had an orgasm?
7. Can you have an orgasm through
manipulation? 8. Take a Booklet and go
into a room alone . . . write down the
sensations you experience suggesting
self stimulation.
Last summer—under another teacher an
actual experiment for the boys ... see how
long it takes to get an erection in freezing
water ... In the school. None of the
material offered by the teaching assistant
relates to the text books assigned for the
particular course.
Tomorrow ... an editorial analysis of
what appears to be a well directed plan to
undermine the moral fiber of our
University community. This has been a
KPNW editorial comment... all material
the sole responsibility of the KPNW news
dept. Equal time is offered to those with
opposing views . . . This is Ray Camay.”
The second editorial broadcast by Camay
matches the following transcript supplied
by KPNW. It was broadcast April 12.
The following contains KPNW editorial
“Yesterday KPNW listeners heard an
editorial which apparently shocked them
either out of their senses . . . or . . . into
sensibility . . . Good . . . Maybe we’re
making some progress . . . Maybe there
are some who are concerned. The com
ments yesterday revealed, with no
reservations, how a teaching assistant at
the University of Oregon is getting away
with absolute filth.
Now, maybe that thinking is all right for
those adults who wish to practice their
orgies and pornographic stimuli in their
communal habitats, but when one of them
crawls out of their hole and, like a maggot
out of the rest of the decaying flesh on
which it feeds, eats away at the minds of
our university students, then . . then it’s
time drown in its own scum. Some students
never see their professors, teaching
assistants and now is the time for a house
cleaning. The psychology class, as taught
by the teaching assistant in this case is
sheer pornography and pornography is a
symptom of decadence. This is the
judgement of history. We should not be
taking this road. But, at least one teacher
is, at the University of Oregon.
This has been a KPNW editorial com
ment, all material the sole responsibility
of the KPNW news department. Equal
time is offered to those with opposing
views. This is Ray Camay.”
The following is a transcript made by the
Kmerald from tapes of Camay’s April 24
“This is Ray Camay. The following
contains KPNW editorial comment. At
least one student leader who indicates his
thinking is representative of a large
number of other students on the University
of Oregon campus takes issue with earlier
KPNW editorials. He says the attack on a
special project in one of the psychology
classes is unwarranted and unfair. The
project, offered by a teaching assistant,
was injected with some of the basest kind
of pornography and vulgarity. We have
asked this student leader to take ad
vantage of an equal time offer and sin
cerely hope this broadcast time will be
filled soon with his opinions on the subject.
We have also offered a half-hour for open
and free discussion on the issues raised by
KPNW During our discussion he did raise
the question as to whether there was in
actuality any academic value to the so
called literary passages handed out to that
class We believe there is none and that it
should under no circumstances be offered
to freshmen arid sophomores who are
under age. Aside from that it was
generally agreed that adults should
exercise the prerogative of choice for
himself. It appears likely that such a
discussion will be held soon on KPNW in
the interest of fairness. In the meanwhile
we are investigating every avenue of
legality toward presenting with as much
exactness as is possible just what was
taught in that class When we do air it, you
will be in for what we consider to be a
shock that no teen-age freshman should
have to endure. So be ready for it. We want
you to know it all and you will. This has
been a KPNW editorial comment. All
material the sole responsibility of the
KPNW news department. Equal time is
offered to those with opposing views. This
is Ray Camay."
I have recently had occasion to use the
student infirmary facilities for the first
I m extremely impressed.
Nowhere in any other institution.
Medical or otherwise, have I been so
warmly and humanely treated. Upon
?ntering for my appointment I was
promptly greeted by a smiling, friendly
and sympathetic nurse. I was given every
fonsideration for modesty during my
female-type check-up by a male doctor,
although mostly not necessary.
The day may have been a slack one but
the doctor and nurses I encountered were
responsive to all my questions They were
extremely consciencious and thorough
without hurrying (or at least giving the
impression of hurry).
In conclusion, this experience has been
one of the few times since entering the
university that I've felt treated as not only
a name instead of a number but as a being
instead of a body. The Student Infirmary
has one very satisfied customer.
Cindy Bell
Atrocities at Autzen?
Here's to the public spirited bom
who. by his (her?) actions has alerted
general public to the nature of
atrocities being committed at Autzen
Stadium Hopefully this constructive
criticism will alert people to the problem
involving the burning of babies on 50-yard
lines all over the world. I hope you are
proud of yourself, you have done us all a
great service.
David Kussman
Soph., Pre-Med