★ BURGERS GALORE* HAMBURGERS CHEESEBURGERS CHILIBURGERS 854 L 13th TRY ONE WITH FRIES AND SHAKE The ASUO Cultural Forum Presents: THE CAGE g Friday, MARCH 31 I 8:00 pm, EMU Ballroom I A prison ploy acted by San Quenf/nl parolees Wretched, resentful, a violent men bound together in an |j§ unnamed cell. H Tickets: $.50 EMU Mam DeskH and at the door H FRAME PACKS *30-*60 Rentals from *1°° per wknd. (Outdoor Resource Center _Rw. 21 EMU »3088 nuc presents THE ORGANIZER Marring Marcello Mastrotanm (named best actor ot me year by independent Film Importers tor this per form ante ) Winner ot numerous international awards •One ot me best movies ot mis and many a year •• N Y Hertad Trtbune • genome work of art" America The compassionate story of the beginnings labor's struggles agamst degradation and exploitation With amaung fidelity historical truth mis picture details the horrifying conditions of Italian text workers also: OIL STRIKE A Short documentary of a tee* Northern Caiiformaoil worker's strike thursday, march 30 7:00 A 9:30 p.m. ISO science_admission $1.00 a 8i> JAPAN! Kyoto. Nara. Kamakura, Hiroshima. Inland Saa region, Hoiu Rapids. Mount Koya. June K - July 7. SI 375. MEXICO! Mexico City, Chiapas, Yucatan Peninsula, Caribbean Island; Toitec. Olmec, Artec and Mayan ruins, Indian communities. July It - Aug n 51040 Earn 4 sem. hrs grad, or un dergrad. credit in art, anthropology sociology. Asian history. Mexican dance, American Indian civiliiations. Spanish language or inter disciplinary program. Free. Summer Field Trip brochure tells all Write NMYUIMST C0UESE Marylhurst ore. 07014