Letters Grade the teachers “In most jobs, if a man does not do what he is paid to do, he is considered a failure. In teaching, when that happens, the student is considered a failure.” —The Soft Revolution, by Neil Postman and Charles Weingartner. Dell Publishing, (1971). For a long time I have been rather puzzled at the fact that nearly all faculty members go without being evaluated by any effective means. In my opinion, this has two rather bad consequences. First, teachers who are ineffective, continue to teach year after year. No steps are taken to improve the quality of the learning. And second, students have no idea of the type of instructor that will be teaching the course. It appears that teachers are hired for how much they know, and not for how ef fectively they can express it. Why not have an evaluation sheet which students could use to appraise the ef fectiveness of the teaching staff for that course. And then publish that appraisal of the instructors, by the students, for the students, on a university-wide basis. This seems fair for several reasons: First, by the time students are in college, they are pretty good judges of teachers. After all, they have spent a good portion of their lives in school. Second, it seems no less fair for three-hundred students to give one instructor a grade, than for one in structor to give three-hundred students a grade. Also, with so many opinions, a’ possibility of personal grudge would be eliminated. And third, it might be a learning experience. Teachers might be a little more careful about presenting ideas if they knew they were being graded too! The faculty might be a little reluctant to have themselves exposed to the public like this, but it appears to be no less fair than it is for the students, who have to try to get their jobs by the grades given to them at the University. The students are the University! Michael Tinnesand Jr. Biology Withdraw the British I was dismayed and shocked by the performance of the British troops in Londonderry last week. At least four of the thirteen civilians were killed by shooting at their backs; all of those injured were shot on the ground; and no weapons were found on the scene. Furthermore, none of the British troops was injured by bullet in spite of the fact that more than thirty civilians, whom they said were snipers, were shot. If there has any justice ever existed in Northern Ireland, the British troops who fired the shots must be prosecuted of homicide with malice aforethought. The Westminister government deliberately created Religious dif ferentiation as a cause of troubles in Northern Ireland. There has been a historic conflict between the British in vaders and the Irish patriots dated back to 1169 when King Henry II of England conquered Ireland. For centuries, the British invaders have supressed the Irish home-rule movement by forces. The Irish people of all Religious denominations in the name of God had fought bravely in the Easter Rebellion, 1916. The Protestants and Catholics of Northern Ireland have long considered themselves as Irish and different denominations under the same God should not put the Boarder in existence. They have realized the fact that as long as they mix politics with Religion; or hate one another; or find it impossible to work amicably together, they can hardly claim to be any sort of Christians. Sir Roger Casement, an Ulster Protestant, a former British Consul, has become a founder and a member of the Irish Volunteers (later known as IRA) and an ardent rebel against British occupation of Ireland. After centuries of resistance against the British occupation, the Republic of Ireland, first proclaimed by Patrick Pearse on Easter Monday of 1916, finally accepted by the English Republic of Ireland Act of 1949 as a foreign country More relevant here is that the minority self-government of Rhodesia was granted in 1923 almost on request without a shot. This is because the earlier settlers of Rhodesia were mostly English. The position was (and still has been after Smith’s ‘Unilateral Declaration of In dependence’) that a white supremacy ruled several times its number of native Africans. The Irish in Northern Ireland have yet to confront internment without trial, being shot indiscriminately, and worst of all—ruled by foreigners. The Westminister should realize that it is time to end the traditional abhorrence between the English and the Irish, and therefore should withdraw from the British colony of Northern Ireland. Berry Hsu Editor’s note: Parts of the following two campaign letters were inadvertently transposed inWednesday's and Thursday’s Emerald. In the interest of fair play, these two letters are being printed correctly in today’s paper. Marsh In this year of financial crisis the students need experienced representation more than ever. The first thing the Senators will have to do after the election is to vote on almost one-million dollars worth of funding. In my year on the Fiscal Committee I have learned a great deal and am presently applying it in the Fiscal Hearings. However, if I am not re-elected I won’t be able to carry these points of our discussion to the Senate floor to a vote. No give-away is my policy in regards to the financial matters of the Senate. Any candidate who advocates increases to much of any extent on any programs is not being realistic. This year has got to be the year of responsible cutting. The programs that warrant student fee support should be student-centered and involve a benefit to many students. The best programs will have proven their worth. Promises were made by the programs when they came to see the committee last year and if they were not lived up to and the service was not offered then they should not receive their requested allocation. Most students don’t have much interest in their student government. Your Senate allocates your money, why sit back and see it go. Get into the election process. If you have any questions call me at 345-0970. By just reading these letter’s to the Editor you’ve started but now finish by reading the Voter’s Guide and the ballot slogans. Please think and vote responsibly. Re-elect responsibility on the Fiscal Committee, I won’t spend all your coin. MIKE MARSH Candidate for Senator-at-Large Position no. 5 FEINERMAN Control of the allocation of incidental fees should permit the Senate to closely supervise and direct its funded organizations. However, this has not always been the case. The Senate must gain a tighter control over the institutional outlays of University funds, benefiting the Student as opposed to the institution. Yet, this is not possible until the Senate allows itself to run smoothly, with scrutiny, and without political circus rings. Parliamentary games and factional disputes have bogged down the Senate and prevented it from functioning as a viable body. We need a strong Senate that doesn’t submerge its goals. Once the Senate has gained control over its own internal dif ficulties, it can look to the University in stead of being lost in ASUO conflicts. As a Senator, I would strongly support the Day Care Center, SEARCH, the Outdoor Program, Club Sports, the Emerald and all programs which realistically benefit the Students of this University. Although in five months of operation, OSPIRG hasn’t achieved the force mo6t of us envisioned last year, it certainly is a program deserving of student support. However, its uniqueness warrants it a funding mechanism outside of the incidental fee process. I support a restoration of balance to control of student government On a campus where undergraduates are an overwhelming majority, we should wield a reasonable share of ASUO power. I’m willing to put time and effort into being a productive, responsible and accountable Senator. If you have any questions, please call me at 342-8533. (between 3 p.m. and 11 p.m.) NEAL FEINERMAN Candidate for ASUO Senate Off-Campus no. 18 Sexism I have noticed that your stand on sexism is, to say the least, hypocritical. While you sit patting yourselves on the back over the "liberality” of your “MS” stance, your content often, oppresses women. I refer particularly to the blatantly exploitative advertisement on page six, Feb. 17 issue. As a man, I find this repugnant, and I can not imagine how a self-respecting female Emerald staffer would allow this to go into print. Also, Steven Smith’s ‘‘A Chick In The Joplin Mold” is definitely belittling to women. A woman is not a “chick” to be played with by a fellow “sitting there a way past (his) third beer, feeling pretty horny anyways.” More than half this campus’ population is female, and they deserve a little more real respect and less lip service from the Emerald. In fact, In thinking about its own sexism, the Emerald can show itself more respect as well. Marc Lifsher Journalism Politics There seems to be some confusion as to the political affiliations of OSPIRG in both the “real world” and in ASUO politics. I would like to clarify the issue simply. OSPIRG is not a partisan political organization. OSPIRG supports no par ticular candidates for either ASUO office, nor for City, County, State, or Federal office. This is not to say that OSPIRG is not a political organization. The difference is clear. OSPIRG will attempt to work within the existing governmental system, with the state and federal agencies, with the city and county commissions. But OSPIRG won’t endorse particular candidates or parties. When I lend my name for endorsement of a particular candidate, in the case of David Novick, or former Senator Eugene McCarthy, it is not backed by the Oregon Student Public Interest Research Group. This is no more complicated than an ASUO executive attempting to endorse a can didate in the name of the entire University of Oregon student body. I hope this clarifies my outlook on the problem of any political endorsements I might make. Peter Glazer OSPIRG State Secretary Two sides Thank you for printing “The Vietnam peace plan: two views’* (Emerald, 2-14-72, p. 9). It is always refreshing to know that there are two sides to every question. Liberal intellectuals should never have to confront the horrible possibility that “A” cannot be both “A” and “not-A.” Gary Jenks states: “Upon the disclosure of his secret efforts of the past thirty months to end the Vietnam confrontation, President Nixon, in effect had dealt an embarrassing moment to his critics ami colleagues who have without relent ac cused him of not establishing an un conditional date for the total withdrawal of United States troops from Indochina." Then in column three we find thane words, “The conditions that President Nixon has placed upon his proposal . . And in the paragraph above we learn that one of those “conditions” “demands a return of prisoners of war." Poor ignorant slob that I am, the idea of an “unconditional” proposal with “con ditions” simply blows my mind. What about the p.o.w. “condition?” Article 118 of the Geneva Conventions on the Care and Treatment of Prisoners states: "Prisoners of war shall be released and repatriated without delay after the cessation of active hostilities.” The North Vietnamese may be crazy but they are not stupid. After being gulled by both the French and the U.S. they are not about to trade p.o.w.’s for Nixon promises. That would be stupid. Either Nixon knows that he has given the North Vietnamese a proposal they cannot accept or he is stupid. But if he knows, then the “un-conditional date” turns out to be no date at all. Just another incident in “his secret efforts of the past thirty months” at deliberate deception. "An embarrassing moment to his critics,” indeed! Such crap! Are you in political science, Jenks; or is it political mythology? Harold Bock Graduate, Education Sexist This letter is in regard to an ad which I saw and was angered by in the Tuesday Emerald. The ad was information about the opening of the “Gentlemen’s Retreat” I believe that this ad was sexist in nature, and degraded women to the highest degree. I do realize that the Emerald has the right to print whatever it wants, and I’ll be the first to defend that right. However, I think you should be aware that this ad reduces women into mere sex objects. Up until now, 1 believed that the Emerald was one of the finest college newspapers in the country. Why ruin it? Charlie Silberman Freshman, Psychology Fire It seems a shame to have to agree with Fire Marshall Wick about the situation at Mac Court, and his request for no more concerts, but do we really have any choice? There could be two alternatives: We can disregard Wick's proposal, let the smokers continue to break the rules and let them take the blame for any fire and deaths that result. But then again, not all of them would escape the flames, smoke and stampeding crowd that would result from their selfishness. Then who could we blame? The fire marshall? As a second alternative we can continue to plead with the inconsiderate few who insist on pleasing only themselves, and how much will that help? We can’t help but look in awe at the selfishness (or is it ignorance?) of those people who have to be told over and over again like little children, that what they are doing is a “no-no.” Robin Van Metre Janet Epley Toni Twigger PRO human Intelligently self-defensive Oregon youth will effectively require of U.N., WORLDLAW: (informally stated) “If you desire to keep on living in this particular Planet Earth, you must first simply will to be 100 per cent loyal to MAN’S BEST in terest, a PROhuman; or you have to die. Obviously biologically infallible as being MAN’s strongest self-defense in the struggle for existence (Darwinese; better called war for life). This is just as cer tainly our manifest destiny as that Bell knew he’d done, Edison electric lite . . . same reason: long years research. No only LAW students are invited to accept this one wisest wisdom and live by it, that we sooner eliminate arms manufacturing, thus saving a trillion dollars every five years; but it is the gentlemen of the LAW that sometimes sloganize: “Earthwide Rule of LAW.’’ You just read how, and easily how. There’s no other way to reach your maximum potential than by willing to be 100 per cent loyal to the best interest of homo sapiens (and allied species), a PROhuman. (The alternative? To be antihuman, anti your own human self, abnormal. Neutrality is impossible in the war for life.) Interesting? PROhaman Williams (court-ordered legal name) U.O. grad student 1934-‘35, et seq. Pane 13