The Oregon Daily Emerald it published .VtaTKley through Friday during the school year, except during but and vacation penodv and onca weekly during wmmer uuon by the Emerald Board o* Directors at the University of Oregon Second dess pottage paid at Eugene Oregon, *74» Subtcr.ption rotes (l.l University of Oregon student and faculty staff subscription rates are based on annual contract* between the Emerald and me ASUO and the E mar aid and me University administration The rate oi these subscriptions >s approximately *2 00 per year (II ) Special subscriptions tor persons not included m category (I.) are avail able at a rate of S10 per year. SO 90 per academic year and S3 SO per term Art •vsheetl Edrter Marcos Wrieet ^ ERROR-FREE TYPIN6 4 NYLON ’^NG SB BONN COOECTIOM IIMON ERRORITE" Sookstor I seen ffc-e 4 I seen rom bwfcj thovoht X't4 rttxd the ©r*oon Gaily Ereeroid. / oat*tr\.Y « Turn to Page 11 for Classifieds i IVow there’s a eourse that pays *100 a month. Am^ROlfc. In our Advanced Course the monthly sub sistence allowance has just been increased. From $50 to $100. One hundred dollars every month for 10 months of the school year. To spend on room and board, dates and ball games. To save for grad school. But Army ROTC means a lot more than more money. It means management and leadership experience that you just can't get anywhere else. The kind of thing that can land you a better job, and move you along faster once you get it. It means a commission as an officer and everything that goes with it. The prestige, the pay, the chance to travel, the experience. Now ROTC looks even better. For the money you'll earn today. For the person you'll be tomorrow. See your Professor of Military Science, or send the coupon for information. Army ROTC. The more yovx look at it, the better it looks. r_i Aimv KOTC F U Box l*70i Philadelphia. Pa 1V1:W| Ml me mon about ihiuxiunr that pavxtlUUi month Njmi'_ A