Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 12, 1972, Image 1

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    Photographer held
by LINT agents
An AUGUR photographer was detained
for about an hour Tuesday morning in the
Lane County Courthouse by an undercover
narcotics agent working with the Lane
Interagency Narcotics Team (LINT).
Kate Thompson. 18, was taken into
custody after attempting to take a
photograph of the arresting officer and one
other LINT agent.
Ms. Thompson was released after an
hour of questioning and no charges were
brought against her.
Although Ms. Thompson was not booked,
the arresting officer, Det. Rudy Mauch,
Springfield Police Department, placed her
“under arrest for harrasment,” she said.
Charles Porter, Eugene attorney, who
represented Ms. Thompson, said the
harrassment clause of the new criminal
code which went into effect Jan. 1, is
“unconstitutional on vagueness and
In an interview with the Emerald. Ms.
Thompson reported she was at the court
house to “take a picture basically of only
Steve Cain.”
Cain and Mauch were identified in the
Jan. 6 issue of the Augur as narcotics
agents. The Augur was present at the
Courthouse because they had heard that a
secret grand jury would be held to issue
indictments against drug users and
pushers the LINT agents had identified.
Ms. Thompson continued, “I missed
Cain when he got off the elevator, and I
grabbed my camera to get a picture of the
back of him and of Mauch, who was
walking straight for me. I was able to
shoot one frame when Mauch grabbed my
camera, which was around my neck, and
said, ‘Give me that camera.’
“I refused to give it to him and he put me
under arrest for harrasment.
“He .ook me by the wristlock (a method
used by police to partially imobolize a
prisoner), and took me down the hall and
some other r.arcs met him. He said, ‘take
her camera’ and they took it from around
my neck.”
Ms. Thompson said she did not give the
officers permission to take her camera,
which was returned to her when she was
released, nor did she give them permission
to take the film from the camera.
The district attorney reimbursed her for
the film which they took from her camera.
“Mauch took me into the DA’s office and
I was questioned for about an hour.
“They talked to me about how much the
lives of officers and their families were
threatened by having these pictures
Assistant District Attorney John Moore
said he felt the arresting officer was
justified in his action “from a human
He cited an incident in which LINT agent
Steve Cain’s car was burned on Jan. 5, and
his family was threatened prior to that
The car fire was classified as first
degree arson, reported the Springfield
Police Department.
Moore said Ms. Thompson was released
because he “didn’t feel it was appropriate
to file a charge against her."
Porter, Ms. Thompson’s attorney, met
with Moore Tuesday afternoon and said,
“Moore returned the film to me, said he
would apologize officially for what hap
pened to Ms. Thompson, and said the of
ficers involved had been duly admonished
for their actions.”
Porter went on to say that “the film
appears to be unexposed, but I’m not sure.
“Moore also agreed that unnecessary
roughness had been used in the arrest.”
He add, “I think he realized they were
off-base, since she had a legitimate pur
pose to take the pictures, and that there
was no violation of the law.”
Shortly before Augur photographer Kale Thompson (center) was detained by Det.
Kudy Mauch <right), a LINT agent, a freelance photographer (left), identified
himself to Mauch and another LINT officer Paul Smith ' rear) Ms. Thompson was
•alter into custody f r about an hoot for taking pic tures of a LIST agent.
Photo courtesy of The Augur
"It's an easy way to keep eating," Doug Southgate said as he pipes for his living
outside the Co-op. Doug is from Oberlin College, Oberlln Ohio, and is working for
Mctiovern. Photo ty Mott McCormick
Last day for basketball tickets -
Today is the last day to buy student tickets for Saturday night’s tilt
with New Mexico State. Tickets, at $1 apiece, can be purchased at the
McArthur Court ticket booth from 8 a m. to 5 p.m. Reserve seats,
which can be obtained at the Athletic Department ticket office, are $3.
General admission tickets, which goon sale 5:30 p.m Saturday cost 82
for adults and 81 for high school through grade school students. They
can be purchased at the Mac Court ticket booth.
Aid applications available
Application forms for financial assistance for the 1972-73
academic year at the University are now available at the University 's
Office of Financial Aid
The forms are available to students currently enrolled in the
University and to high school seniors who plan to attend the University
next fall
Forms and detailed information may be picked up in the Office of
Financial Aid or may be requested by letter The address is Office of
Financial Aid. Emerald Hall, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon
Applicants are advised that in order to receive prime con
sideration for the available funds, applications must be returned to the
Office of Financial Aid prior to March 1.