The Body Bar At 767 Wilfcomette na: nant ".aat a'sen; comotefe Dtc oes_aaar>e neitnrm tr +m non * a-*?' o esse"T,a oils ojodk Da*~ ant ~assa:K d tron c du-* Diene cr ✓eaeraDit ot’i ~“r'~oa snamuac. te-nor -Mist a nr sr~a*rz*e"* a’T’nr attt conn one- to- ■*-*». r lazonj- c ^se*im dot soar rr tueornDe' M^riDu d .>eDe— o* ne..n~a _r>y»>en trice: it ’Dvir—sort n +nt ojrizt aTrt ~ a a* *: Oi.- i»-: •• •rg-'O’’ •• r .* - -'•UJ J */' ««*««. .«// ■'•<.«- "* tiif** o’'- •*'■* " ■xr-xj. x'. '*'* »*** • v >'* t ' -e-o-C V 'J■'W* ■ e '■v s • '■> '/«/' >-w< -CxW. -xxi vx >* < **’ '/we v *.'. ^xjx.- vx* -O'* ^, • V V«V< «'< "* _r ''* '«*** ^ .xax.'V’Vr. r. f/w **•««* .5> •>• ^ -XJS-'V'*'- *v ifB' ff rtrCik/OtJt # 'ftf'V// • p'* C'< PV* c' « '«•* tr sn i*?' *«»' 3* V. >* *«r c & .,aS*E? ?C $*? sGf ELD ~~3 S"a 'S ^ -rs A » A „A E . E COMPLETELY RE-F s $-ED nC ^CC-C. c - BEVERAGES - OPEN THE ^UE.’C i c6Bfu^inc tne c-eobit Sttapfec!*' Show anC Mtss Terry i_ee 5 32rd as: JASPER rd SPRINGFIElD S:3I T\M. IX>ORS OT’EN L- ' IN. ALL i >, i. C O. N : F- \ OKITES - SOME LITE ETC* FOR THE 'i DI NGER SET - NICE CHIEF ?' >F THE DLCTTV-ETF FI N KW n ER)OM - Tct vpt’l. t>f t*puc :r s;.v, < b> "It Zen.t from Ctrl Crete*' M "t'CVUCi" nbau* tr*r •i W»i, thf^f novr ctronne * hovre oomonc \**> m r*»r. .oun mefci: to&hionod tn a»'o»*»t *3^5.00 *£)9i.X Jncr "il «- K>t- n. M *Ct MOf' He= -isvwte A^n.-ar «m So.i*tv EJ3r*<: POftUANO S ^ hrciaoNU' 34D 5W ^3 * X V, m»' ... j| f 111 (.ritiriam not of oor/jiwittee •.!.:,**** ! y*-" '-usct '**'■&*■ y<- '■**** u«*Qa» tugn- meetup to 0/«f> « ie*Aw »a Hit* ','.r taiiung t> s -Cji/; ;•. j.jc 1 ‘x 'fSrj c" 'i‘y u -ot bum# >jy!.'■!.)*)** «t >/„ 0* -a,- rs* Sftaiut t he filed V y>sf^ »?/. ’a rwsn* i «gre* a‘ a* enc of W inter term a tot Off** of tfat hegistrar Uergy conference *>et for today >_v>. a*?. frun arvunc tot state wiL gatne: 11 >",cu:.. //la,. aoc Satuf’da* io? tot first o' urn v«trt cierg} e®. fert-vl* C by tot Cooperat.-v* Cnristtar Ministry a y • " toaay tot tnergyioei will meet witr am interested ^ootrgrao-atet a tot Wesley Center tZ* Kmeaic Faculty memoers „ --/et v ti tfatrit at tot Koioomt Center >4...4 ioncaut at - :[;m. allr - . t-'ts.ioei Kooer Qarr. wil mee: witr toen a: 4 15 it tot Vtwmai Center .t&t Eaneralc at pm. wil nt a -leet of witi. saoete’-art groupi according u CCM minister G G. VoiOtirwaite Cat urea ■ morning a V um More AS'JC Pressmen! wiL meet with tnen. _ FurpOK tr tot eunferenre a u increase commumcanor netween tot Vniversity earnout anc Gregor. atrgymer. Together Quh hold- all day fest Together Qut is thing, financially Ti* private out “hr tut poop* locates a: 2nc Avt anc Peak St neeos u eomt m witr S5(* it neeos u »' ite landiarc nsr Mod oay St it -aist rutme} u sav* ant eiui r. a ncadina ar al-oay fjve nanc ali-yoa-can-ea: nome-maot aimier ann Sunoa-’ rar XL Aceardng; u Bo1 Zagarir of tut ciut Togemer wil ot oner iron 1 ti] wnenever r. enoa Rustiac poet to gi^e reading Tnert wil be a noetr} rime n xtussiar witr PTipi'^r coe mentar} r" Anore - cateseiisr} a ' .'3k t.n. Saturoa• n tnt EMI' nalirooir. eznesensr} is Russia s lorenius: moaerr ix»e: anc a protest of Bin:- Pasternak Ht nas neei nesmiiec as tnt ' etaquen: nev voice of Russia ' Tnt -eading a :reins sncmsores n; ok aSI I Cuitura. Far un. I' of O lectures Committee tnt limversit} tssp-n-, me Departments a Engiisr. r^ussiar. Grermar anc Histor- anc the Honors Zoliest A amiss 1 or a tret Reception to be held The University s annua Foreign Stunen: -eeepnar wil at netc at - X jr aunaa j n xnt Centra. Prespyrsnai Uniim. or I5xr ant Fary St Among most speaEinf: wiL r*t Umversiry r~esiaen: ttoaer riant. ASLU r“esiaen: lan. Mora anc Lueent Mayo- _et Annsrsor. Tat -eeepxior it aeint saanso-ec p> xnt Fo-eigr Sruoenxt Fnenasnip F nunaatiar. 1: it expense xna: 7t naxiont wil at -eppesentse ( Briefs Meetings Universe Dbiecttvts Discussier Grout "nee* e‘ ' r rr Stinote* «r tv tM. rernpuv O'lISlftdE to OH “is wil rrw»f. p- f r rr. ssonop* ir tv cWo «»norr tr v nostfv. w*l tv * oeve t*rs'Vs$ "wt>v ♦o p* i»vi»er sti*»-*e- n ? f r « seUi-aav ir V Sv~*evp ^teesr mpvf * rwr. tr v tVf ^»v-f wit ^ OH ~Vt* wompr^ Ht " ”»o^ h >p ' H»'v ot'vrtv -to er vo v HT *0 tv .'.vn^i" N prv WW** 0«“ts ’ '• V .V ' V v, v Vv p- f r - N>11 Vip\ * A i»tpv V *V 'W v p tv ' o' VO v *- V' p V V* x ft r\£ v v.VxjWVv pv sHpftV V» tv V'PP * ,V W. AN* , ,WtjK Oe-e S*J 0>P' A iV-'V^ ,V',\ Mp*\ >AWA pA .«. '. •>*.-■• ,H\ .V- V ,V »V«V fw ■. i' A," IW,.,, .,,y,.,v .N v. .v n'f , ,v.i0 ^ L ^pt'iikers ■> • rt.« M„ x, ,,, ,<,A-«V* h\ \-vt-o • ** o-'w. 'NW* ■ •* V'«- wpa*V %*••' * Mu H' >>' •- *v V " ' * • Ml t*>Wf • Vs* tsv *v ■,,,M ,Mt' ,v % H • ~r»i ir-nwr* ftioioo Deae-^wn- will r'fs?- w tL 5*t>*rT>’' : 5y ~tm^v cr *n* SvnfNese ftear'icr zsfnm o* SftrTf*’-iar^«rranr>v a* i £ v tog? • ir 123 jy_ T* «*••! r»f rW>rT 3f B' 3 36 c ~ ^vp-von? 15 wfptrom* H?nprru»r*5 "!>»« 'jrptr Sa^'^C" * W Tittfprr«5 assoc ta^ior r~esBr)% r>«M9 -^ecT*^ o- ^ *on^ cp«f~»*‘ar one "vve r>nM9HF tr c©» witr =npis* siio^nes Arfmissior ft S one *» r* ** 7 r rr S^tn-rtf* fr 15 S: £^-vane cs wc^,'pme “ot*c* « Sv« * c-m- Socte^ yagra^. » Or r>'-psp«ftic o* ' one c ^ S»»ncSF > *r ^ ii^.vr^-sr^ Mp^nrtp's* ^ 'ictert wiH ?V or ^j»tf ^ T+*f *** oftiCS kW AX t^orf 5amf n-ofra** *»on«*o*'V *-o*t i,mv c"*air V ~ rr. , K rctsr- aoi 'f ^ ^ '*» 4T ' *r fU;tP- >> $*PS5« ^ -ecBTMB - s:x > f* r ~ a t> oci cmcB^K ■'?*'s **v rv*o?v p«o*"s . V - IMs'ff Ome*? Cok?**» 'f W r rr >»;vf»orOr 4 nr c- rr. C* *-■* o A-tonif v