Letters For Scott-Minnis Writing in the names of Orbie Scott and Jackie Minnis for ASUO President and Vice-President is an important step for every progressive student on this campus. It means that you are aware of some basic human problems that aren’t being ad dressed in the slick campaigning that’s going on. It could also mean that you’re tired of the same crap and drivel over the same old questions that ASUO politics has been centered around for years—at a time when hundreds of students have their futures jeopardized by the cut-back in work-study and the decreasing support of disad vantaged students on the state and federal levels. A write-in vote also means that you’re not going to make another “lesser of two evils” choice again, and plan to really turn student government around. Grattan Kerans Senior, Pol. Sci. Merrill for OSPIRG Thursday and Friday will be critical days for OSPIRG. There is no need to recapt the system of priorities advanced by the number of students running for the Board of Directors. They seek the same goals as the university community itself seeks—an end to pollution; landlord and tenant law revision; consumer protection; research and academic credit. Any member of the Board for the University of Oregon will work just as hard as the next member for each of these programs. The critical decisions must now be made concerning boarderline areas. OSPIRG must be kept separate from political alignment, and it must serve those supporting it—students—while at the same time providing an avenue of help for the non-student, to insure continued support by those not in the academic community OSPIRG’s future lies in a delicate balance, as close as a 5-4 decision by the State Board We must now carefully move to increase that majority, while at the same time attempting to expand the powers of OSPIRG to increase its power of litigation—which is not allowed under the present system. If money speaks, then it must speak in the form of litigation, if necessary, to bring the possibility of pressure to those problems we hope to solve. This is not to say that litigation powers are always to be used or ever to be used, but it is to say that OSPIRG must have the ability, if necessary, to pursue its goals in a court of law. Make OSPIRG work Vote Thursday or Friday. Ben Merrill School of Law Vicious letter The ASUO campaign reached a new low when the Emerald printed the vicious smear letter by Hon Eachus yesterday. 1 understand that Mr Eachus has had his frustrations this past year with the C1C disaster and with dissension from his own former naming mate and staff 1 was uncommitted before the Eachus letter, but I'm going to vote for the Alpert Neal ticket which Mr Eachus obviously fears will cause radical changes in the ASUO Hill Schuub Sophomore, Political Science Consciousness III It seems very ironic that a political party could so grossly misinterpret a concept Consciousness 111, conceived without a platform, running without the support, but instead on the tails and ideals of lain More and 1-arry Salmony, is evedently waltzing its candidates into office in the upcoming general election Vet “Consciousness III" is supposed to represent a break away from the political trickery so characteristic of Con sciousness 11 Consciousness III can didates, for the most part, ill experienced and uninformed freshman who one night came up with an idea, have not yet said anything as individuals. It seems un believable that not one candidate would vary in supported ideas. Is it possible that a party conceived under something as broad as “Consciousness III” could be so narrow. Many Consciousness III can didates, either too scared to say anything, or else not well informed enough to make it intelligent, are relying on the hard cam paigning of a few hard working party leaders. Vote Thursday or Friday, but please vote for a senator, and not a misused concept. Steve Brown Soph, Lib. arts Bob Peirce Grad, Soc. science ASUO Justification This year’s ASUO Senate has finally waded through its 1971-72 budget and although incidental fee assessment did go up somewhat, all fronts seem to be basically happy. Minority union please were answered not at the cost of existing ASUO programs. Yet new questions did come up through the budget hearings, which were left unanswered. First, the old concept of allotment of incidental fees to organiations propor tional to student interest and participation does and cannot always apply, especially in the case of Chicano, Black, Native American, and foreign student unions, which are not served by existing ASUO programs. Secondly, to what degree should a University student sponsor a minority state wide cultural diffusion program. Certainly, the major university of this state would logically be the center of such programs, and if state and federal funds are not available, ASUO incidental fees would be a minority unions only hope. And in the same light, although not so directly, we, the university majority, are responsible for the Black, Chicano, Native American and foreign students plight. From this comes a third question, which is, considering that existing ASUO programs, for what ever reason do not serve minorities, can the ASUO justify sponsoring these programs knowing that they will not serve the majority of the student body. In essence, should the student body financially support separatism. TTie one of two dollars a year is the least that I, as a white majority student, can offer. If elected, I will push for the continuation of these now kindled minority programs and push for the an swers and clarification of these questions. Jeff Law Off Campus No. 19 McKenzie for OSPIRG As a candidate for OSPIRG, I would like to propose a change in its system of funding. As currently set up, each student’s incidental fee will be increased $1 per quarter for OSPIRG. Any student not wishing to contribute may demand a refund three weeks after registration by going to some point on campus where the money will be distributed. I propose that, in the second and third quarters of the year, refunds be given at Mac Court during registration. Students would thus be largely spared the inconvenience of waiting three weeks and then going to some place on campus they might not otherwise frequent. I have limited my proposal to the second and third quarters for the following reasons: First, many incoming freshmen and transfer students will not have heard of OSPIRG and will be unwilling to read much about it during the crush of registration The cost of printing and mailing information to these individuals before registration would be considerable. Secondly, at the start of OSPIRG's existence, no one will have a clear idea of how many refunds will be demanded It might be unfeasible to arrange for the payment of a wholly uncertain number of refunds at registration. In succeeding quarters, however, this difficulty should be largely removed The cost of administering an effective, yet wholly voluntary funding system for OSPIRG appears prohibitive (primarily because of the labor expense in precoding IBM cards). I can see no justification, however, for inconveniencing students uninterested in contributing to the extent that the present system does. Jim McKenzie, Law Candidate for OSPIRG For Kay Johnson With the existence of a financially supported OSPIRG, the people of Oregon will have the opportunity to achieve various environmental goals. Such a viable program requires responsible leadership, and that responsible leader ship can be found in Kay Johnson. As a candidate for OSPIRG’s local board, Kay would like to see several changes in our fight against pollution and consumer protection. The prevention of high rents for substandard housing and skyrocketing food prices in the Eugene area as well as the establishment of paths for non polluting bicycles would be realized under Kay’s leadership. Students should also receive credit hours for research to be done under OSPIRG. Kay’s major of Public Health Protection demonstrates that her concern over our ecological crisis is more than a passing whim, and that her election to the local board is more than a political ego-trip. If you want genuine and sincere leadership, action and not words, then you will vote for Kay Johnson for OSPIRG on May 20-21. Tom Della-Rose Jr. Political Science Don Ross Jr. Political Science Jeff Johnson Soph. Political Science Won for won Since the marked political activity of last spring, the ASUO has come to play a larger, more involved role on campus. This active and concerned involvement in University affairs must continue if the ASUO is to effectively promote the students’ welfare. As a senator, I would work to make the ASUO a more influential organization on campus—more responsive to student needs, and protective of their rights. Specifically, I would work to (1) expand such needed student services and programs as: OSPIRG, ESCAPE, Day Care centers, married students’ housing, and the Outdoor Program, (2) attain greater student representation in University policy-making in areas such as : the Faculty Senate, campus secrurity (OCS), dormitories, the campus development committee, and the professors’ tenure system, and (3) re finance the athletic department’s ac tivities through other, more equitable means. Of equal importance is the need to hold down students’ incidental fees—by working within the present budget to maximize the benefits from student ser vices and programs. This could be ac complished through budget reform, re allocating funds in accordance with student priorities. I would appreciate your vote and a chance to bring about these needed changes. Benny Won, Soph., Pre-Law Double taxation I can't afford to pay $17.50 next year for a season ticket to attend athletic events The double taxation becomes in creasingly bitter when you learn that we will be paying almost three dollars more per term for incidental fees, and yet having to pay to attend athletic events which we've always attended for no charge. Spence Alpert and Dan Neal would stop this rip-off of student funds. Only the .Alpert-Neal ticket has promised to keep athletic events free for all students Their opponents would prevent students from lower income brackets from attending athletic contests. To protect your pocke book, vote for Alpert and Neal. Susan Neal Senior. Education OSPIRG: Clear directives OSPIRG has tremendous potential for building a powerful student movement in Oregon ... if taken in stride. I cannot realistically see how our long-range goals and community support can be achieved with propositions for “hard pressure grouping’’ and “Sue the Bastards.” However appealing these emotional tactics may be, I believe it better to solidify OSPIRG’s framework in our effort to build a productive organization to combat the social and industrial pollution of our state. Perhaps with less “teeth” and more prodigious prowling the long range policies noted below might be developed to aid our cause: —to prevent further ecological deterioration of estuaries, wetlands, and wilderness areas; —to investigate and expose pesticide use, deficient health and safety standards, migrant labor conditions, and city pricing; —focusing on Eugene university com munity problems as well as state wide issues for reform and solving them in alliance with ASUO and state lobbies; —directing OSPIRG organizational network into a mold for a statewide student party capable of capturing local electoral positions, as well as influencing state campaigns. mcnara reincn OSPIRG candidate For Boy lan Of the members of the current senate John Boylan stands out as one of the most progressive and enlightened. He is a hard worker who represents one of the most intelligent and articulate spots in the senate. I encourage all students to give John the strong support that he deserves so that his hard work and concerns can continue to be felt. Jack Foreman ASUO Senator John Petersen We must reject the old models. Choosing our representatives and our leadership we choose an image by which to see ourselves. It is time to reject big business models for leadership. Third floor gets its models from big business and professional politics. Those that don’t confirm them are not taken seriously. Your help-vote is needed to reject third floor professionalism. Third floor serves those on the road to success that have chosen old world models. Confirm them no longer and reject their ways. We must find those to represent us who will not be in timidated by them. JOHN PETERSEN is a very special person. John is not like any that sit in the Senate now, neither does he strive to be like them. He speaks quietly and carefully and you know it is you that he addresses. He is capable of dialogue rarely witnessed in the Senate. He can bring concerns into ASUO without destroying their integrity by fitting them into the old models. Revolutionary com munity requires new forms. Please help me reject the ways of big business and professional politics by electing JOHN PETERSEN to the ASUO Senate. John points to a different and better way. Vote JOHN PETERSEN Off campus No. 23. David Lichtman ASUO Senator Lack of leadership There is a lack of leadership in the ASUO Senate. TTiere is little action. Pat Mackin is running for ASUO senate position No. 27, off-campus. I have had the opportunity to observe his participation as a member of the Junior Class Council, ASUO Social Division, and ASUO Cultural Division. Pat is a dedicated individual and isn’t afraid to speak out on vital issues As a teaching assistant in Non-Violence classes, he has worked to make his course relevant to our troubled society. The breadth of his service, his depth of thought, and his independence of action would make him a leader in the ASUO Senate . Steve Neal Senior Class President