Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 26, 1971, Page 10, Image 10

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    Baseballers win three on road
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Of (hr KtnrraM
SKATTIJS, Warfj (Spwial) It
would tir hard to givr Kuffmmt
|iraiw lo all (hr hrror* firr#
KrtiMrrltouR Strvr (IrrrnouKh
I >avr Roberta. Mikr Hutuilo.
Brurr Maawrll Andy Jortr*
T>»a*y all playrd a major rolr
ovrr (hr wi<Hund a* (hr Or**K<m
(liivltiill (ram awrpt u (hrrr
Karnr Pacific K arrirn from (hr
WakhiriKlon untvrraitiea. and
wirrurrl with a 4 2 leatfur record
and undwpulcd |MM»r«Kion of
•erond placr in the Northern
Hrosterhou* drilled a three
run ninth uininK homer Friday
III #ivr thr I hick* an 8 8 win over
Washington State in I'ullrnan
Then the Wrbfoot* swept
Washington here Saturday,
(•reenough firing a four hit
shutout for the I o first name
victory before his teammates
rimmed a I0 •> nlghti ap decision
Kiitierts HuImiIo ami Maxwell
were Oregon's big sticks mi the
road Huberts was 5 for 10 with
lour KHIk. and Maxwell ulso had
four "ribbtes" oil t wo double* and
a pinch hit homer against WSU
Hutuilo burst from a season long
■lump with a « for 13 per
lor malice including five safeties
In the Saturday double header
Jones pitched two strong in
ntngsof relief to earn the victory
over Washington State's
Cougar* And the junior from
Jackwuivdie Mill lieon (he moiuid
J\ s take
tux> games
Judging from thrOrrgun JV* 2
t lo*» to thr Ijitfirld JV* on
Saturday it a|t|trar» that thr
Duckling* art- about to ritibark
u|»m .mottn-1 losing string
lhr JV* kraMHi mi tar ha» tirrn
imr ol rjfrlm Kor tin* firMt right
gallic** Otrgmi muml t*il> 22
i tat* amt won only onr of thoar
rm ountcr* Hut ton thr tint fivr
nmtt*»!» ttw IhH'klutg* lathed 42
tUltra amt won all tlvr game**
In Saturday* low* Orrgon
managed to grt tail) thrrr hit* off
winning lanficht (Nlitirr ttamlv
Mnk Thr Wildcat* a w ml thr
winning run in thr aikth tuning
when Jut in Hanna who had
gigton tatr t*a»r \ la a walk
miml on a 1 kat HitatMai wild
Malay when thr> wrrr wtill
hilling thr JV* raw'd >4 hit* in
dn>w*ng Southwrwtrm Orrgun
i taunt unity (dllrgr »7 and It 2
lawaiting thr fl\r gamr hitting
twrigr w a* tHvtat Inga 11* who
•ml 12 ha IS and i» currently
[taring thr tram with a 41V
flatting averagr Mai over thr
w mark arr Kott liamr* ws,
* alt Hr> nultl* IM and Hrian
Mug XU
Thr JV* will try to reach thr
sou mark toda> whm thr> again
[Ua> thr lanfirld JV* thi* timr at
McMinnvillr Tomorrow thr
i hackling* moot Oregon thllrgr
of 4 dm at ton at Monmouth
IMHI 1*1
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again today when the Ducks take
on Portland State in a 3 p m non
league contest at Howe Field
WSl’ led the Ducks 4-0 after six
innings of their game in Pullman
But pinch hitter Bob Claydon
led off the Oregon seventh with a
sharp single and Karle Wicklund
followed with a not her base hit
Both runners advanced on an
error, then Gary Nall's sacrifice
fly and a single by Roberts
produced < Iregon’s first two runs
Roberts scored on a Guy Krause
The Cougars increased their
edge to S 3, but Brosterhous led
off the Duck eighth with a single,
and Maxwell followed with his
pinch hit homer to knot the
WSIJ tallied an unearned run in
its half of the eighth though, and
tiregiai had to scrap again in the
Bultalo singled as the leadoff
flatter and Krause walked Don
Knapp forced pinch runner Tom
Mulctix at third, and the Ducks
were two outs from defeat But
Brosterhous, a junior third
baseman, clouted the first home
run of his varsity career over the
center field fence to carry < >regon
to victory
(Ireenough pitched his finest
game of the year in leading the
thicks to their whitewash of
Washington in the doubleheader
opener at Seattle
The so|khoinore lefthander, who
enteml the contest with a txilging
7 M\ earned run average, allowed
only two tutils to be hit out of the
infield in seven innings He also
walked just two while striking out
six in exhibiting fine control
Washington Hurler Hob Nelson
pitched well. loo. but the Web
loots finally got to him In the
fifth Wicklund walked to open
the inning, moved to second as
Nall grounded out. ami sewed on
a single by ltol>erts
Then Huberts took second when
the leftficlder I Nibbled his hit, ami
came all the way in as Huhalo hit
into a fielder's choice
Hutuilo also IsitUsI m Oregon's
final rim in the seventh His
single followed a walk to Roberts
ami a two (wise VW error
The I Hicks [minuted out II hits
in the nightcap. IhiI nine Husky
error# including si* by short
stop Bob Krnsl actually eon
trihuied more to the Oregon
eauar Only two of the visitors’ 10
riais were earned
Washington scored one rim in
each of the first two innings, but a
single by Kotwrts and ensuing
error helped Oregon hr the
contest in the third Then the
lHicks went ahead to stay in the
(ourth when Krausr singled and
Maswetl billowed with a double
Oregon tallied in the fifth on
iHike laiwTeni-e * double, and
agam ui thr sitth on a wild pitch
to hold > M edge The lHick>
wrapped (he game up with five
runs in the eighth
Starting and winning pitcher
Alan Hardin led off with a single,
and Wtcklund followed with
another hit The Huskies spaced
lour errors around two outs and
Maxwell capped the frame with
his second double
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Knoio oy rmi waiosiem
Orreon leftfielder Mikr Hubaloties into it pitch during a recent game at Howe Field. Bubalo. who was
hitting just I ho going into weekend action, pounded out 6 hits in 13 at bats to help the Ducks sweep
three road games.
Duck trackmen downed;
Hearvey stars in 100
Of thr Kmrrald
The University of Oregon track
team met defeat Saturday af
temoon in I-os Angeles as the
IK'I.A Bruins took advantage of
their well balanced strengths in
downing the Ducks 86 59
There were relatively few
surprises or upsets in the meet,
and the Bruin victory and final
score followed form chart
predictions The significance of
this meet, and all dual meet
competition, does not lie in the
final score; rather, the important
element of these Saturday af
temoon events is found in the
individual performances
Dual track meets have dual
functions, the lesser being to
win ’ Their real purpose is to
prepare trackmen for com
petition in the big meets, i e , the
Pacific 8 championships and the
Both the Ducks and the Bruuis
received top performances by a
do/eti or more athletes There
were five events where par
ticularv good competition was
seen, and the two relays saw both
teams run season bests
Oregon's standout performer
was Albert Hearvey Running
with an injured leg Hearvey won
the 100 yard dash in 9 4 seconds,
by outspnnting UCLA's Warren
Kdmonsun and Reggie Robinson
in the last JO yards Hearvey
almost caught John Smith of the
Brums in the 230. but finished
second in a season best of 20 8. to
Smith's 30 6
Steve Prefontatnr led a Duck
sweep in (hr mtie by dipping
under the four minute mark in a
fine time of S SO 1 Equally cn
cthit aging were Rick Ritchie s
and Todd l ail her* times of 4 (12 8
and 4 « 0, respectively
The Bruins went 12 in the 440
yard dash as Smith ran a season
best of 48 0 and teammate Wayne
Collett ! unshed second in 48 1
WciiVsi Vance of the [Hicks
finished third in 47 4
One of thr closest races of thr
afternoon was run in thr M0 Nils
Kmthaon of Oregun narrowly
missed overcoming UCLA's Paul
Williams at the tapr as hath
runner* were timed in 1 SI 1
Other tHicks to compete well
were Marty HiU taking first in
high jump 8 10 I Vic Shmork s
second place finish in the shot put
tflOlV. Paul Wilkinson s Ut
intermediate hurdles tune and
Bouncy Moore, with four jumps
over 25 feet, taking second at 25
8a4 in the long jump
Next Saturday the Ducks travel
to Pullman, Wash for another
dual meet, this time against the
Cougars of Washington State
The following week, Oregon goes
to Corvallis for the Oregon State
meet The Ducks then finish their
Pacific 8 season with the Nor
thern Division in Pullman and
then the Pacific 8 meet in Seattle
Or»«on *1 UCLA
SHOT PUT I. Mark OOo.cn UCLA. 61
10 I. Prir SMnock UO. 60 14. 1. Dale
Gordon UCLA. 57 1‘i
JAVELIN I. \L»rk Rich«rd»on UO. 717
1 J. Prior Jonrv UCLA ?J4 5 3. Robot
O'Br.rn, UCLA. JOJ 4
440 RELAY I UCLA <R*bq.» Echo!*.
Reggie Robinson w arren Edmonson.
Collett). J9 1 (Betters meet record of
<0 7 set by UCl A in 1970) 2. Oregon 40 3
MILE I Sieve Pretontaine UO. 3 59 I
i Betters meet record of 4 00 0 set by Bob
Day of UCLA in 19**) 2. Rich Ritchie. UO.
4 02 I 3. Todd t *mers. UO 4 05 0
LONO JUMP 1. James McAlister.
UCLA 25 10 (Betters meet record of 73 M set
by Bob Wooden of UO in !***) 2 Bouncy
Moore UO 25 fV. 1. f *nr> Bend.aen UCLA.
25 4V.
120 HIGH HURDLE! I Ivory Harris.
UO U) J Duane Johnson UC l A US J
Warren Chen V*u UO. <4 •
*4* 1. John Sm.tn UCLA. 4*0 (Betters
meet record of 4* I set by Smith m 10JQ > 2.
WeyneCoitetf UCLA 4*1 ) Wekton Vance
UO 4) 4
POLS VAULT l Steve Hardison UCLA
l**^y t Betters meet record of I* 1 set by
Mar< Savage of UCLA m 19*0) 7. Francois
TracaneMi. UCLA. t**«y X Jim Dowhower
UO 14 *
t«t t Albert Hearve> UO 9 4 (Betters
meet record of 9 * set by M>kt De*oe< of UO
n to**) j Warren f dmonson UCLA, f S 3.
Regge Rob«n*on UCLA. «*
DISCUS 1. Mark Ostoich. UCLA. 179 9 2
Roger Freberg. UCLA. 171 1 3. Mac Wilkins,
UO 170 9
880 1. Paul Williams, UCLA, 1:51.1 2,
Nils Emilsson. UO, 1 51.1 3. Bob Langston.
UCLA, l 51 6
HIGH JUMP I, Marty Hill. UO, 6 10
(Betters meet record ol 6 1 set by Larry
Fischer of UCLA in 1967) 2. Doug Huff,
UCLA, 6 10 3, Phil Singleton. UO. 6 8
Wayne Collett UCLA, 53 8 2. Paul
Wilksmson UO. 53 9 3 Steve Wittier UO.
55 7
220 1. John Smith. UCLA 20 6 (Meet
record disallowed because of excessive
wind) 2, Albert Hearvey, UO. 20 8 3. Reggie
Echols. UCLA, 21 I
TRIPLE JUMP 1. Denny Rogers UCLA,
51 8' j (Meet record disallowed because of
excessive wind) 2, James Butts, UCLA, 51
4*3 (Betters meet record of 50 UV* set by
Gerald Lee of UCLA m 1967) 3, Warren Chen
Shui. UO. 46 10' ?
TWO MILE 1. Steve Savage. UO. 8 50 2
2. Knut Kvalheim. UO. 8 50 2 3. Ruben
Chappms. UCLA, 9 09 6
MILE RELAY 1. UCLA (Regg.e Echols
47 7. Warren Edmonson 47 8 Henderson
Cooper 48 2. Wayne Collett 46 8), 3 10 5
(Betters meet record of 3 11.1 set by UCLA
m 1966) 2. Oregon 3 10 8
TEAM UCLA 86 Oregon 59
a 8 436
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Wildish Building - 144$ Willamette
Eugene Ore 47407- Phone M3 *031
Oregonian Building - 1330 S W Broadway
Portland, Ore *rjoj Phone TT7 1*17