Adair, poor groups slate Salem visit The University Adair Sup port Group and members of the Oregon Council of the Poor will visit the state legislature in Salem Saturday. Plans for the trip, an attempt by the two groups to influence the Legislature’s action concerning the abandoned Adair Air Force Base, were made in a meeting of the Support Group Tuesday in the EMU. The Adair Support Group has been formed as a result of the turmoil over the base, ten miles north of Corvallis. The Oregon Council of the Poor wants the land for vocational training and housing for the poor, but the site has been given to a private university in California. United States International University in San Diego is the school which has acquired the base. Under federal properties law, a non-profit educational institution can acquire public land free, as long as the land is used for educational purposes. The Oregon Council for the Poor has asked the governor’s office for help, but have achieved no headway. Oregon officials have not been showing much favor toward the Council. The trip to Salem this Saturday by the Council and the student-oriented Adair Support Group will try once again to impress upon the state legislature the poor people’s demands for Adair. Three mam committees were organized during the Support New Hope appears The New Hope, an eleven-man group of veteran entertainers, will be performing their new brand of music at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 29 at South Eugene High School. Tickets will be available at the door. For more information, contact South Eugene High School. V a lb. AIRPLANE RIDES THIS SATURDAY. CALL 686-0619, 747-4388 *ELFo°7 meeting Tuesday. These will supervise transportation, leafletting and child care. The poor people’s representatives gave the Support Group some information on poor people’s workshops. The new office for poor people is 253 City View. The Council assured the group that they definitely welcome all student picketing for the cause of Adair. Transportation on Saturday will be for both University students, poor people, and all other interested parties. People in the community will be picked up by drivers. Cars will also leave the EMU at 8:45 a.m. for University students. Halloween UNICEF fund drive set Dozens of trick-or-treaters will be out in force October 31st in the Eugene-Springfield area, soliciting Halloween con tributions for the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The annual drive, now in its 21st year, is being conducted in Eugene under the sponsorship of the United Church Women. Saturday’s collection will entail visits to local homes and University living organizations by a number of small, supervised groups. The UNICEF par ticipants will be identified by their official collection box: a small orange and black carton with the UNICEF symbol of the mother and child. Only those persons carrying the carton are authorized to collect for UNICEF. Although UNICEF receives about two-thirds of its annual income from the governments of U.N. member nations, a sub stantial amount of its funding is derived from individual con tributions. Last year’s budget of 47 million was supplemented by an additional $3.25 million collected in a Halloween drive staged in thousands of com munities nationwide. This year, a total of 13,000 communities will participate in enlarging a 1970-71 budget allocation of $54.5 million. Proceeds will contribute to the funding of over 250 different projects in 112 countries, primarily through contributions of farm equipment, educational and medical supplies, and training grants. EUGENE SYMPHONY | 1970-71 Season Lawrence Moves conductor GABRIEL CHODOS, pianist Appearing Tues. Oct. 27 & Wed. Oct. 28 Pertorming Schumann Concerto in A Minor for piano and orchestra; Concerto No. 7 by Handel; Nocturnes by Debussy. Singletickets now available S1.7S-S2.50 Limited number of general admission tickets at the door $1.25 Call Peggy Hunt—344 7223 \FiPirtPiFiFiPiFlPiFiF*ipiF*iFip±ipipipipiF Starts Today 9 a.m. I <2©-@® BASEMENT I Record Sale! • STEREO I • MONO I • CLASSICAL < • WESTERN > COMEDY > ROCK I JAZZ » FOLK MUSIC *479 List ON SALE OVER 2600 RECORDS TO CHOSE FROM. INCLUDING A SPECIAL SELEC TION OF CLASSICAL RECORDINGS AND FOLK MUSIC FROM FOREIGN LANDS. ALL POPULAR ARTISTS ON POPULAR LABELS TO MAKE YOUR RECORD LIBRARY COMPLETE. ARTISTS INCLUDE: MAMAS AND PAPAS, RAMSEY LEWIS TRIO, PAT PAULSEN, ROD McKUEN, FERRANTE AND TEICHER, TIM HARDIN. ALBUMS BY LIBERTY, UNITED ARTISTS, MERCURY & MGM. USE YOUR BANKAMERICARD FOR YOUR RECORD PURCHASES Final Sale Used Texts 25* And Up Closeout on Used texts, discontinued titles, some slightly damaged. Many assorted subjects. Priced to go. Special Sale! Classic Albums Special purchases of Classical Albums. Fine recordings for that evening of listening pleasure. MASTER CHARGE CARDS ACCEPTED ON ALL SALE ITEMS T-SHIRT, CLOSEOUT SALE Discontinued Styles Adult and Children's Sizes Broken Sizes and Colors Some Closeout Sweatshirts Red Tag Specials Vs OFF All reduced one-third! T-shirts of all kinds, colors and sizes. Discontinued items that are still popular and prices you can afford. All sale items red penciled for your selection. NYLON HOSE, ORIGINALLY 2/*1°° 2 PAIR Originally 2 pairs for $ broken sizes and colors...out they go at 2 pairs for 39c. Packed two pairs to each box. 13th and Kincaid Campus phone 4331 8: IS a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to l p.m. Saturday only