Emerald Vol. LXXII, No. 13 University of Oregon, Eugene. Monday, September 28,1970 ‘America made a revolutionary’ The following is the text of a statement ex-University professor John Froines made to the press on Sep tember 21. This statement is being prepared one year past the beginning of the Chicago Conspiracy trial. During the trial it was evident that we were not indicted for crossing state lines to incite a riot or for conspiracy to do so; rather our generation and our identity were on trial. On trial were eight scapegoats chosen by the government and later the press to represent the movement of the sixties. My own experience in the early sixties is representative. I had been energized by the election of John F. (Please turn to page 1) ‘A stronger university’ The following is the text of an ad dress University President Robert Clark made to the faculty on September 23. I am glad to welcome you at the beginning of this new year. As an old schoolmaster, I find that my pulse still quickens to the return of students to the campus and, despite the anxieties and tribulations of recent years, it is not a pulse that beats loud with anger or faint with trepidation. These have been troublesome years but exciting ones, and out of the student unrest, I believe, will emerge a stronger and better university-one more responsive to student and societal needs, but one no (Please turn to page 2)