Workshops, performances scheduled Northwest thespians meet tonight Anti-theater disestablishment theaterism and other positive an ti-isms is the central theme of the Northwest Drama Confer ence scheduled to get under way at the University today. In addition, the conference will bring to campus such celebrated guests as Agnes Moorehead, cur rently playing the role of En dora, a witch on television’s “Be witched” and Ron Davis, the part founder and non-organizational head of the San Francisco Mime Troupe. The conference, held each year under the sponsorship of the de partment of speech, is being or ganized and conducted this year entirely by the students. Howard Dallin, a graduate student in speech, is head of the organiz ing committee. The three-day conference will also feature some new attempts at integrating delegates into the arts. On Friday afternoon an im provisational “happening” is scheduled for the Gerlinger Hall dance studio. Everyone is invit ed, but those who come must par ticipate. Everyone will improvise dance and drama to improvisational mu sic in an “environmental art” set ting prepared by Ric Millward, a fine arts major. Miss Moorehead will make two appearances Saturday during her stay in Eugene. The first will be in the morning during a confer ence workshop at the University Theater and the second in the evening when she will perform a one-woman show called “An Inti mate Evening with a Fabulous Redhead.” The performance will Student court imposes sanctions The Student Court re-imposed and added two more hours of work sanction on a freshman and placed another student on dis ciplinary probation until the end of this academic year during Tuesday’s hearings. The defendant in the first case was found guilty of failure to comply with a work sanction. He was found guilty by minor court last December of keeping a dog in the dorm. The defendant in the second case pleaded guilty of academic cheating or plagiarism. The pros ecution recommended to the court that the defendant be put on two terms of probation be cause of past precedents. The defense in this case said there was no intentional plagiar ism. He said the student, from Holland, cited all his sources in his paper. The defendant received admon ition and warning from the court and was placed on academic pro bation for the remainder of the academic year. The Lane Memorial Blood Bank needs the following types of blood for its special account which serves the faculty, students, and staff of the Uni versity. Donors hours: 1:30 to 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday; by appoint ment on Friday, 3 to 7 p.m. Please call LANK MEMORIAL BLOOD BANK. 345 0336, for additional information. Units Needed Type Blood Bank 3 2 5 3 2 “A” POSITIVE “A” NEGATIVE *0” POSITIVE "O” NEGATIVE “B” POSITIVE “AB” POSITIVE MT. BACHELOR SKI PACKAGE 2 Nights Lodging 2 Days Skiing COO per 5 MEALS person For Reservations & Info. Call 344-9519 After 5 be in the sanctuary of Central Presbyterian Church, 1475 Ferry St., Eugene. Registration has been limited to 500 delegates this year, ac cording to Dallin, because “there were about 1,000 delegates last year and we couldn’t handle them.” There is a $5 fee for at tending. Most delegates will rep resent colleges and universities from around the Northwest. Also included in the confer ence will be workshops conduct ed by Davis, Ted Kraus, editor of the Critical Digest in New York, and Ken Gaburo, an author, com poser and choral director whose play, “In the Can” is currently in rehearsal at the University Thea tre for a regularly scheduled pro duction. RICHARDALPERLPh.D. Sharing His Journey Into Consciousness Psychology Psychedelics and Yoga IS NOW BABA RAM DASS 8:00 P.M. Tonight — Union Ballroom — $1.50 Also in Seminar Saturday, 1-5 p.m., at Newman Center 1850 Emerald—$3.00 Proceeds to publication of Yogic Text PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD EXT. 2700 MUSIC FROM BIG PINK/' is a legend in its own time. Critics have acclaimed the second album, "THE BAND" as the "ALBUM OF THE YEAR. "RAG MAMA RAG" is the new single by popular demand. Capitol. THE BAND playing THE MUSIC. ihebanq