Chinese Refugee Speaks Today i/i. uunuiu oiiuuk, u n'iui,;n' from Communist China, will speak at 4 today in the EMU. Now on the stall at the Uni versity of California at Berkeley, Shook is a medical doctor whose work in radiology has brought him mention in "Who's Who in American Medicine” and "Who's Who in American Edu cation." Shook will speak from experi ences in Communism in Chinn lie was born in Shanghai in Ilt:t7 and fled the mainland in 11)58. He lived for a time in For mosa. serving as a translator and information worker from the Nationalist regime Shook's appearance is spon JOIN THE NATIONAL MOVEMENT! Whir# the customer in always No. I • Low weekend rate* • New Chevrolet* and other great caml NATIONAL CAR RENTAL Call 3425868 211 K. Broadway, Across t roth F.tifme Hotel Of Kujcmr Airport WHY PAY MORE? Haircut* to your ordar Just $1.75 2 blocks from campus Fairmont Barber Shop Corner 19th & Agate Next to Del HofP* EUROPE $33600 ROUND TRIP 6th Annual Charter Flight June 1 7 Portland-London September 8 London-Portland via polar propjet Write or call: Bea Couchman 24«>a Willamette St. FUKfBP, Oregon Yflppbonp 344*2196 »orea oy thr iinivnrsuy Young Americans for Freedom and the National Student Committee for a Free China. Campus Briefs Announcements for Campus Brief* iWMit b» hirnt'd in by 3 p.m. the day before publlr.ii ion. Her an si* of spare limitation* no announcement* will be run more than twice. There will be a discussion of "The Changing Hole of Marrlige?" Satur 10 00 O C H S News 10:15 Kvenlng Convert 12:00 Sign-off Saturday, February 24 12 00 Noon- Sign-On 12 15 -News 12:30 Spectrum: Good popular mu sic with interviews of note worthy campus personalities sports, news and other features for your Saturday afternoon listening pleasure 2 30 -Across the Atlantic- Interview* with University students in Holland 2 45--Alpine Holiday: A radio trip for frustrated Winter Olympic goers to France ami Yugo slavla 3:00 .Spectrum 5:00- News. Music 5 30 Voices of VISTA f> 00 Candlelight and Crystal 7:00 -Saturday Serenade 8:00 Folk Styles with the lively Sat urday night bunch and host AI Mandelherg 10:00—News 10:15 Soft Sounds: Music for your late evening enjoyment until the wee hours. Your comments on this late hour broadcasting arc appreciated n All ine promise or tomorrow is renecieo in your engagement diamond. Naturally, it should set the pattern for all the fine things you want in your future. Let our gcmologically trained diamond consultant properly advise you on the Four C's of diamond value-so you can be sure that the stone you select is one that she will be proud to wear for many lovely days. 1027 Willamette JEWELRY 345 0354 CLASSIFIED ADS NOTICE Classified Deadline: 1’Iacc In 301 Allen, Emerald office by 2:00 p.m. day pre ceding publication. Deadline for Monday, however, la 2 p.m. Friday. CiamlHed Rates: Sc per word the flrrt day, 3c per word (30c minimum) every day thereafter. 90 cent minimum on llrat Insertion. Classified ads must be paid for at time of placement. All advertising published In the classified section of the Emerald Is governed by Standards of Ethics established by the Emerald. The Intent subset Ibed to by the Emer ald Is to keep advertising clear and accurate with no intention to con fuse or mislead. Any deviation from these Standards fo Ethics should be called to the attention of the Classified Advertising Department. FOR SALE HOME — $28,950. OWNER TRANS FERRED; PRIME location. W, LOAN. Ten minute* to UNIVER SITY. 2000 *q. ft., 3 yearn old. 3 bedroom*, 2 bath*, 2 fireplaces. Formal dining room. 14x25' family room. Overalzcd garage, concrete boat or trailer atrip. Call 345 074#; even Inga or weekends. 1347 TRANSISTOR radlo/3-sp«*< <1 phono in good condition Need* new needle. Beat riffler over $15. Also assorted 45'w and 4-record classics album, "Polk Song* and Minstrel*.” Contac t Amanda at ext. 2553. 1039 M* ST SI.1.1. H and 4 ti ack car ateico, e ight months old. new $125. Will sell for 875 or best offer. Ski rack, excellent condition, call ext. 2292, Scott. 1313 SKIS AND ROOTS. Head <.S 210 cm. Look Nevada bindings. Blizzard 210 cm marker bindings. Koflach buckle boot, size II. 344-5451. 1342 SINOLR BED $18.50 — mattress and box spring on legs, excellent con dition. 343-5160 or Mrs. Meyer ext. 2354. 1343 2 OAKTHON \2" woofers for sale IV* voice roll, excellent bass, for stereo. *16/pr. or $20 each. 344 6737. DORM contract! Now or spring term. Mike Russelle, 343-1918 or ext. 1817. 1300 TYPEWRITER. Deluxe Royal port able. Magic margins, $60. 747 8165 after 5 p.m. 1345 2 FEMALE no-closing hour dorm con tracts. Carson Hall. Contact or Jeri or Nancy, ext. 497. 1364 NO CLOSING DORM contract for spring term. Call Sarah, ext. 496. 1346 SKI ROOTS Ricker sealed sob . < * cellent condition: $15.00, 8>i nar row. Sue, ext. 2572. 1322 SPRING term Carson dorm contract. Call Rita. evt. 2596. 1330 WORM) Hook Cyclo-Teacher teach ing -machine, new. 345-7151. 1325 < <»i i kg I l\'. contract foi salt, $395 Room 337, College Inn. 1359 HEAD SKIS- -210 competition OS’s. $70 345 3246. 1355 CARS & CYCLES ‘60 CHEV Impala 2-door hardtop 3 speed Hurst. Runs like new. Super clean. $65«> Call 342 3803. 1318 ‘67 TRIUMPH (TR-4A i Excellent con day package only $69.50* Four areas to ski; breakfasts and dinners; lifts; entertainment. For £^h,t;*information ca,1: J°el Malta 344-2119 or Jerry Sharrard 343-3176. 1293 LIKE natural gas — cheap, cheap Antiques, furniture, everything. Try us. Weds, thru Sun. The Flea Mart. Just south of the Speck, 726-7518. ; ,___ 1290 WE Bl'Y. sell, rent or repair type urlteis _ adding machines. Allen ?i,,»)C.,E‘,uipmem’ 1194 "ilamette. 1*'4~il12 _170 WANTED POETRY W ANTED FOR ANTHOLOGY Idlewild Publishers, 543 F'redeiick San Francisco, California 94117. ’ —_1252 JOB OPPORTUNITIES MEN: Especially freshmen and soph omores: Eastern business firm of fers summer jobs with more money and valuable training. Work away from home. Call Bruce, ext. 2582, Tuesda\ or Thursday, 9-11 a m. 1303 LOST AND FOUND LOS I Minolta SR-T-101 camera in dark brown leather case in 202 Chapman after 5 p.m. 2-21-68. Name: Dean Brtckey and Lakeview. Ore. address on both camera and case. If found please call 1997. $25 re ward offered. 1358 WALLET with passport, ID. etc. miss mg from library Tues. night — ur gent return necessary, ext. 1849. !3M LOST: Haynes flute (serial no. 2404*) from Music Bldg. If have any infor mation to whereabouts, call ext. 2596. 1329 LOST: Lady's gold Butova watch. Re ward. Call Nancy. 345-5376. 1344 PERSONAL ‘ATTIC TREASURES'* auction, ob jects of art and utility. Saturday, Feb. 24. Preview at 10 a m., auc tion begins II a.m. Snack bar and entertainment. Unitarian Church, 477 East 40tli At e. 1334 The Fantasticks is Coming! ! 1341 HAPPY HOURS! 10 p.m.-l a.m., Tues days. Wednesdays, and Thursdays at TING’S PIZZA PARLOR, 15th and Willamette—40c pi tellers! Free pfrza delivery on campus. 337 WE'RE ALIVE. This bit of informa tion contributed by The Town Criers. For bookings call 344-1551. 1357 BBMtEl FY BARB? It's free today with every purchase of a book, rec ord or poster at THE ID. 877 E. 13th. 1365 BORIS KARI OF—Bela Lugosi, Basil Rathbone. SON OF FRANKEN STEIN. fri. & sat. 8 & 10. Cinema 69. 1337 ARE YOU tired from finals week? Come to tlie finals week hearing, Feb. 28 at 3 p.m. in the EMU. 1363 LOVE someone today — to music by The Nitty Gritty. Phone 345-8295. 1367 PERILS OF PAULINE. 877 E. 13th. fri-sat 8-10, Cinema 69. 1336 CHARLIE CHASE COMEDY. CINEMA 69. 1366