Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 19, 1967, Orientation Edition, Section 3, Page Thirteen, Image 43

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    Library Offers Low-Cost Texts
How often has a question come
up in your family that could be
answered if the proper reference
book were at hand'’
The l diversity's School of LI
hrarianship, aware of the need
for low cost reference books in
the home, has compiled a list of
:t5 hooks covering a variety of
topics from everyday etiquette to
a legal handbook.
The reference hooks are all
SU Lacking Space
1 i nnnnth ii jrrnn p**m' i )
the building rest with the Stu
dent Union Hoard.
The SI! Hoard is comprised of
17 members and headed by Tom
Nash. I.ast February, under rec
ommend.ilion by President Arthur
S Flemming, the SU Board was
incorporated into the ASI'O, mak
int its decisions subject to the
A8UO Seriate
Under the SU Hoard are ten
committees which carry out their
own programs recorded classics,
jazz, arts, forum, movies, dance,
talent, personnel, and publicity.
There is also a recreation coun
cil which coordinates all non
NCAA sports such as rugby, soc
cer, howling, jmlo, the rifle team,
the ski team, the hiking and hi
cycling club*, and the outing
Reynold* ha* plan* to add to
the SU's facilities if the space and
money becomes available. He list
ed five additions to facilities he
would like to see made,
• An art* and crafts center
which would provide work space
and equipment for everything
from woodwork to sculptoring
• A periodical room that would
provide material not contained
in the Browsing Room,
• A service area and travel
agency office
• A hall for public lectures.
paperbacks from the 19«7 listings
and can be purchased at book
stores or from paperback vendors.
Total cost for the entire 35 books,
at listed prices, is $35.
A purchaser would be able to
choose the particular books to
fill his needs for less money.
Probably only a family with chil
dren would want the Family Med
iral Kncycloppdia at 75 cents,
whereas the Consumer's Guide
to Better Buying (50 cents) would
be handy in most homes.
The list illustrates the wide
range of good reference material's
available at low cost in paper
bound form.
Graduate students in Advanced
Bibliography and Reference in
the University's School of Librar
ianship prepared the list this
summer under the direction of
Robert Carter, visiting instructor
from Pasadena City College.
Single copies of the list may be
obtained free by writing to the
School of Librarianship.
Canadian Cops History Award
A study of machine politics
over 100 years ago has won the
I niversity’s Marion V. McClain
Prize Award in Pacific Northwest
History for .James Hendrickson,
associate professor of history at
the University of Victoria in Vic
toria, B.C.
The prize is given by the Uni
versity in recognition of the beat
manuscript in the field of Pacific
Northwest history submitted by a
candidate for an advanced degree
at the University.
Hendrickson won the $500
award for his doctoral disserta
tion "Joe Lane of Oregon: Ma
chine Politics and the Sectional
Crisis, 1849-180].'’ It is the story
of the first governor of the Ore
gon Territory and a chronicle of
American political history in the
chaotic 1850’s.
Use Emerald Classified Ads
"Customers would rather tight than switch"
One Hour “Martinizing
the most in DRY CLEANING
In by 10, out by 4!!
1 338 Hilyard
Also 66 West 29fh
100% nylon
with skid
resistant backs.
Decorator colors
gold, avocado
green, blue,
white, brown, red.
Fourth Floor
1 nn°4 nv/lnn run 1/nam kanLo/-!
100% nylon rug, foam backed.
Fashion colors: gold, avocado
green, red, chocolate brown,
or blue. Buy now at this
low Penney price!
Fourth Floor
lighted dial
drowse dialite
sweep alarm
sweep second
Fourth Floor
High Intensity Lamps
Long study hours need good
lighting—save your eyes
with a high intensity lamp.
A. flex-arm hi-intensity lamp
B. telescopic arm hi-intensity lamp
Fourth Floor
Open Mon. and Fri. Til 9 P.M. Tues., Wed., Thur., and Sat. Til 5:30 P.M.
9 Drawer
Knotty Pine
finish to match
any decor
4 drawer chest 13.88
4 drawer desk and
Fourth Floor