Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 20, 1966, ORIENTATION EDITION, Page Seven, Image 7

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    Allen, Shirley W., and Grant W. Sharpe. Introduction to American forestry. 3rd ed.
1961. 0.95. McGraw
Allen, Steve Question man il. I960. 1.50 (Geis) Random
Allers, Rudolf Existentialism and psychiatry. 1960 5.50. Thomas, C. C.
Alley, Hartley. Gentleman from Indiana look at Marblehead, il. 1964. 5.00; pap. 2.95.
AI ley no, Margaret. Story of Mr. I’rettimouse. il. 1940. 1.25. Wame
Allgire, Mildred J., and Ruth II. Denney. Nurses can give and teach rehabilitation. 11.
1960. pap. 1.25. Springer
Allgoewer, Martin, ed. Progress in Surgery 4 vols. vol. 1, 1961. 14.50; vol. 2, 1962.
16 25; vol. 3, 1903. 18 00; vol 4, 1964. 7.50? Hefner
Allingham, Margery. Estate of the beckoning lady. 1962. pa
Allingsmith, Wesley, and Judy E. Rosenbli
development and educatio
Vcth, Giltay. Dutch bookplates, il. delux ed. signed by author. 15.00; limited ed. 5.00.
Vetter, Hal. Mutiny at Koje Island. 1964. 5.00? Tuttle
Vctterli, Richard. Mormonism, Americanism and politics, il. 1901. 5.95. Ensign
Veuillot, Pierre, ed. Catholic Priesthood: Papal documents from Pius X to Pius XII.
1958. 7.50. Newman
Vialar, Paul. Le petit garcon de l’ascenseur. ed. by J. R. Miller. 1960. 2.40. Houghton
Vian, Nello. See Matt, Leonard von. jt. auth.
Viaud, Gaston. Intelligence: Its evolution and forms, il. 1960. 2.25; text ed. 1.75. Harper
Vichnevetsky, R., ed. See International Association for Analog Computation, seminar,
Brussels, 1960. Analog computation applied to the study of chemical processes,
udies in the theory of money. 1959. 6.50. Chilton
so. ed. by D. D. Kosambi, and V. V. Gokhale. 1959. Harvard
rst two thousand years. 6.00. Sheridan
Allis, Oswald T. Critique of RSV
Alsop, M II Population of Natal. 1
Cicero. Basic works .(272) 1951. 1.
Cicognanl, Amlcto G. Addresses
Cieza, de Leon, Pedro de Incas o
Cioffi, Raphael Bridge endings. 2
Cisin, Harry G. TV consultant, il.
Cissel, Robert, and Helen, Mathe
Civardi, Luigi. (Christianity and so
Clausen. Harold. Football’s unforg
Clagelt, Marshal. Archimedes in t
Claiborne, Craig. Herb and spic
Clair, Colin. Of herbs and spice
Olairmontc, F. F. Economic liber
Clancy, Herbert J. Presidential
Clapsattle, Helen. Doctors Mayo.
Clapham, A. It., and others, Exc
Clapman, C. B. Practical shop m
Clapp, Jane, comp College tex
('lardy, Jesse V. Philosophical id
Clare, John. Selected poems. (Mus
Goodman, Paul. Utopion essays an
Goodpasture, Clark, and others. Se
Goodrich, Carter Governmental
Goodspeed, Edgar J., tr. New Te
Goodwin, Hal. Heal book about s
Goodykoontz, Betty L. see Good
Gopal, M II Introduction to re
Goppelt, Leonhard. Jesus, Paul
GopaiU, G. II Teaching of geogr
Goran, Morris. Introduction to th
Gorbman, Aubrey, ed. Comparati
Gorce, Paul-Marie de la French aar
Gorchakox, Nickolai M. Stanislav
Gordon, John D. Ralph Waldo E
Gordon. Benjamin Lee Medicine
Mahoney, Thomas H D. Edmund
Mai, Ludwig II. Approach to eco
Maiden. Cecil. Beloved Son. 196
Maier, Franz J. Manual of wate
Mailer, Norman. Barbery shore. (
Mailick, Sidney, and Edward Va
Maillard. Roger. See Lake, Carlto
Maimonidcs, Moses. Guide for th
Main, Charles F., and Peter J. Se
Mainardi. Pompcy, and others. Fi
Maine, Henry J. S. Ancient Law: it
Mainwaring, Marian. Murder in pa
Maiori, Rachel. See Martin, Gene
Mair, Lucy. New nations. 1963. 4.
Maisel, Edward. Tai chi for health
Maisels, Misha. Thought and tru
Maitland, Frederic W., and M. Ba
Maiuri, Amedo. Pompeian wall p
Majchrzak, Colman. Brief history
Major, Henry I)., and others Mi
Maki, John M. Government and
Makris, Nick. Megairon and life
Malamud, Bernard. Magic barre
Malan, I). H. Study of brief psych
Malldanc, A. Stylistique coinpar
Malehman, L A., and A. Slavin. F
Maides, Louise N. Bibliography, t
Malcolm, N. Dreaming. 2.50. Hum
Malcolmson, Davis. London: The do
Tokyo Y. W. C. A. Japanese etiqu
Toland, John. But not in shame. (
Tolansky, S. Surface microtopogr
Tolbert, Frank X. Dick Dowling a
Tolboom, Wanda Neill. Shining b
Tolegian, Aram, tr. David of Sass
Tolkien, J. R. It. Farmer Giles of
Toller, Ernst. Seven plays. 5.95. L
Tolies, Arnold, and Robert L. Ra
Tolman, Cyrus F. Ground water
Tolstoi, Edward. Living with dia
Tolstov, Georgii P. Fourier scrie
Tomalin, Miles. Growth of mecha
Tomasic, Dinko. Impact of Russ
Tomich, P. Quentin. See Linsdal
Tomekeieff, S. I. Coals and bitum
Tomkins, Silvon S., and Samuel M
Tompkins, Walker A. Santa Barba
Tompsett, I). II. Anatomical tech
Tondel, Lyman M., Jr., ed. Disar
Toner, L. M., Jr., ed. Legal aspe
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63. 1.93; lib. bdg. 2 28 net. Random
ond. il. 1962. 6.50? Dover
hysics. 4th ed. 4.50. Wiley
interferometry. 1955. 5.95. Wiley
960. 9.95. (Interscience) Wiley
seling. 1959. 6.50. McGraw
t Sabine Pass. 1962. 3.95. Yale
ry of Texas, il. 1961. 4.95. Harper
61. 2.50. Exposition
ctic bride. 1957. 4.00. Morrow
w (gr. 6-10). 1957. 3.25. Coward
ird. il. bds. 2.25. Dutton
ee De Toledano, Ralph
ombadil. il. 1963. 3.75. Houghton
the Ancrene riwle. ed. from ms.
am. 1962. 2.95. Nelson
he ring. 1954. 5.00. Houghton
. 3.00. Oxford U. P.
it. il. 1938. 3.95. Houghton
king. 1956. 5.00. Houghton
1959. 2.50. N. Y. Acad, of Sciences
tivities. il. 7.50 Yoseloff
nd others. 1946. 5.00. Yale
erica. 1957. 3.75. Little
g house, il. 1963. pap. 1.65. Norton
d planning. 1961. 3.95. Iowa State
ter, il. 1937. 12.00. McGrew
an. 1058. pap. L95. U. of Calif
sh. il. 3.50. Smith, Richard R.
antic Monthly Press) Little
ghmg. 1963. 3.75. Washburn
ford U. P.
oise, il. 1963. ISO. Milady
pt. 1. Visual poise; pt. Wardrobe
ing; pt. 4. Body perfection; pt.
ext ed. 1963. 7.50 ea. Milady
eace and power through prayer,
allery 1964. 3.00. Twayne
blic of Liberia. 2.75. Twayne
th diabetes. 1952. 2.50. Crown
r. by Moura Budberg. 1962. 5.00
00. (Chemical Pub. Co.) Tudor
; text ed. 10.50. Prentice-Hall
arey. 1962. 3.50. Dufour
ntercourse between England and
. 25.00. Franklin, B.
dmund Fuller, pap. 0.60. Dell
12, 613) 1.95 ea. Dutton
37) 1.95; (T36) pap. 1.26 Lib.
de. 3.00. Oxford U. P.
y. 0.45. Schoenhof’s Foreign Bks.
rep; pap. in prep. McGraw
uth. (W.C. 352) tr. by Louise and
xford U. P.
ew. pap. 0.50. New Am. Lib.
, and Happy ever after. (L 109).
monds. 1961. pap. 0.95. Penguin
choenhof’s Foreign Bks.
Maude. 3.00. Oxford U. P.
eig. 1960. pap. 0.60. Fawcett
ife through literature (gr. 10)
63. 3.95. lib. bdg. 3.39. Pantheon
ill. pap. 0.75. New Am. Lib.
962. pap. 0.60. Washington Square
AA 58) pap. 1.95. U. of Mich.
(347) 2.45. Modern Lib.
d. by Philip Rahv. 1946. 7.50 Dial
nd English. 0.75. Transatlantic
dged ed. pap. 0.75. Bantam
ed. by Edmund Fuller. (LS101)
0. Dell
ed by Alfred Neumann, and others.
cDonald. 1963. 4.50. Dufour
eace. 1956. 3.50. Grosset
guage ed. 1945. 7.50. Int. Univs.
ols. pap. 1.45 ea. Penguin
anctum ed. 1942. 6.00. S. and S.
Ration, il. 1961. 4.50 Springer
alytic theory of motivation. 1960.
via. 1955. 10.00. Stanford
munism. 1953. 5.95. Free Press
ean politics. 7.50. M.I.T.
he ’45. il. 1962. 5.00 Macmillan
Tong, Te-kong. United States diplomacy i
Tonkin, Richard D. Story of peptic ulcer, il. 1957, bds. 2.
Tonn, Martin. Adventures around town. il. 1962. 3.95. Denison
alanx manual. 1956. 1.25. Assn. Pr.
y Harold T. Friermood. il. 1963. 2.95; pap. 1.95. Assn Pr.
racle of the song. il. 1955. 2.75. Morrow
Tonne, Herdbert A., and others. Business principles, organization and man
Tonning. How to measure and evaluate salesmen’s performance. 1964. 15.00. Prentice
Toohey, John J. Elementary handbook of logic. 3rd ed. 2.25. Appleton
Tooker, William W. Indian place names on Long Island and island adjacent. 7.50.
Toole, Camerson S. See Athcrn, James L., jt. auth.
Tooley, Fay V., ed. Handbook of glass manufacture. 2 vols. vol. 1. 15.00; vol. 2. 10.00.
plus postage and handling charges. 0.60 ea. Ogden
Toombs, Lawrence. God’s people among the nations. 1964. pap. 1.25. Assn. Pr.
Vestal, Stanley. Happy hunting grounds (gr. 5-9). 3.50 (Lyons) Meredith
Vestling, Carl S., ed. See Biochemical preparations, vol. 6
ev. ed. by Lee wyndnam. laoa. z. io. Lippincou
Younger, Edward, ed. See Kean, R. G. H. Inside the Confederate government: The
diary of Robert Garlick Hill Kean.
Youngson, A. J. Possibilities of economic progress. 1959. 6.00. Cambridge U. P.
Yourgrau, W., and S. Mandelstam. Variational principles in dynamics and quantum
theory. 2nd ed. 1960: 5.75. Pitman
Youse, Bevan K. Mathematical induction. 1964. 2.95. Prentice-Hall
Yudelman, Montague. Africans on the land. 1964. 6.50. Harvard
Zabilka, Gladys, ed. Customs and culture of the Philippines, il. 1963. 3.95. Tuttle
Zador, Henry B. Hear the word: A novel about Elijah and Elisha. 1962. 4.95. McGraw
Zannas, Eliky. Khajuraho. il. 1961. 44.50. Wittenborn