Applications Invited For Study in Europe EAST LANSING, Mich. — Col lege students interested in study in Europe during the winter, spring and summer terms are in vited to apply now for Michigan State University programs begin ning in 1966. Offered by the American Lan guage and Education Center (AMLEC) of MSU’s Continuing Education Service, programs are scheduled for Paris. France; Lau sanne and Neuchtel. Switzerland; Florence. Italy; Cologne, Ger many. and Barcelona and Ma drid, Spain. Winter programs start Jan. 10, and the spring programs, April 18. with the exception of the Madrid course which begins April 11. The deadline for winter term applications is Dec. 10. and for spring term, March 18. Details for the summer credit and informal courses will be available soon. The programs will feature classes in conversation, composi tion, grammar and reading. Par ticipants will also visit points of historic and geographic interest, which become the topics of lec tures and seminar-type discus sions covering cultural, political, social and economic institutions of the country in which they are residing. To promote the use of the for eign language and to provide themselves with opportunities to better understand their Euro IMPORT CHEESE DELICACIES BEVERAGES MR. Ds 1509 Willamette r pean contemporaries, American participants will attend classes and share living accommodation with students from many coun tries, including Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland and Great Britain. A descriptive brochure and ap plication forms can be obtain ed by contacting AMLEC, 58-A Kellogg Center, Michigan State ] University, East Lansing, Mich. Sidewalks Marred By Vandals Several of the new sidewalks on the campus have been mar red by vandals. Wilbur Weed, physical plant superintendent, observes, "It's disgusting to think that stu dents care so little about their campus." Initials and other distracting marks can be seen on many of the new walks. Footprints run the length of the newly con structed drivewav to Carson Hall. Sigma Kappa Elects Karen Ash was elected presi dent of Sigma Kappa for next year at the elections held Nov. 29. Her cabinet includes: (Jena Spielman. first vice president; Colleen Lehl, second vice-presi ident: Stephanie Holloway, re cording secretary; and Carol Car ney, registrar. Use Emerald Classified Ads— Phone 342-1411. Ext. 1818 Comes in tan, light and dark blue. 5.95 all sizes “FOR WORK, WESTERN AND OUTDOOR APPAREL” ( Viet Nam Christmas Gifts Can Be Sent to Servicemen Through Red Cross Airlift Plan Cookies and candy packed in popcorn and sealed inside a colTee can or plastic container can pro vide a ‘forgotten” American serviceman in Viet Nam with a lot of Christmas cheer, says Mrs. M. C. Warren of 310 E. 14th Ave. Mrs. Warren came up with the idea of sending Christmas gifts and greetings to American boys stationed in Viet Nam after reading about similar programs in other communities. She talked to the Lane County Chapter of the American Ked Cross which suggested various gift ideas and gave her a list of 16 military addresses where things could be sent. Packages and cards sent to the addresses will he distributed by the lied Cross field director there to servicemen who don't receive things from their family or friends. According to the Red Cross, military authorities advise against sending perishables, except candy and cookies. Suggested gift items include books, toilet articles, ra zor blades, presweetened powder drinks, popcorn which can be popped in its container, small metal mirrors, and towels and wash cloths. Also recommended as gifts arc ballpoint pens, stationery kits (with self sealing envelopes be cause of humidity), small pocket sets of checkers, chess, or crib bage. harmonicas, and adult jig saw puzzles. Packages can weigh up to live pounds under the Christmas air lift program set up by military authorities. To insure Christmas delivery, packages should go by surface mail rate to San Fran cisco by December 10 From there they will go by airlift The word "airlift'’ should be written on the outside of the package Packages can be sent to the American National Red Cross Field Director at any of the fol lowing addresses: • IV Corps APO San Francis co. Calif 96215 • 6251 TAC FTR Wing APO San Francisco. Calif 96227 • I Cor^s APO San Francisco, Calif 96337 Edwards to Discuss Decision-Making Ward Edwards, professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, will speak on "Emerg ing Technologies of Making De cisions” at 4 p.m. Monday in room 138 Commonwealth. T h e lecture will take place as a spe cial meeting sponsored by the School of Business Administra tion. Edwards has worked in the areas of decision making theory under conditions of risk, com munications theory, and Bayesian Statistics. He is the son of Cor win D. Edwards, professor of eco nomics at the University. • 8th KHU AH) sun i’rancis co, Culif. 98308 • 3rd Mar Uiv FPO San Fran cisco, Calif. 98801 • IKiS US Army Field Forces AH) San Francisco. Calif 98240 • 3rd Engineering Croup AH) San Francisco, Calif 98312 • II Corps APO San Francisco, Calif. 96295 • 1st HI)K 101st ABN Div APO San Francisco, Culif. 98347 • 97th Engineering Grp APO San Francisco, Calif. 98238 Francisco, Calif 90307 • tfS Army Vietnam APO San Francisco, Calif. 00307 • 2nd Ord Hn APO San Fran cisco, Calif 902111 • 1st Cavalry Division Air Mo bile Ai'O San Francisco, Calif 90490 • 1st Infantry Division APO San Francisco, Calif 96345 • 173rd AHN PDF APO San Francisco. Calif 90227 It's a Christmas Gift from Tiff any s" I NEWLY STYLED! /}. PRESTO COFFEEMAKER with beautiful *Z)0&tGm0 Attractive top nestles tightly against rim . . stays securely m place. Tapered knob is break proof, easy to grasp, convenient to handle. Easiest coffeemaker of all to keep clean! Washes under water. Easy care stainless - o o steel, generous spout. Brews a cup 1 ioo a minute of perfect, full flavored ■ ** coffee. 2 9 cup size. 5 CUP INSTANT PERK $088 Ideal for that "Quick Cup of Tea or Coffee" Free Delivery Phone 345-2337 TIFFANY'S For all your shopping needs. "It's just like having nty\ own private tutor when I study / with Barnes & it oh/e V College Outlines... v keyed to my texts.". TEXTS KEYED I TO OUTLINE | A Tabulated Bibliography | of Standard Textbooks i indicates pages in the | Outline that summarize | appropriate chapters in I each text. OUTLINE KEYED TO TEXTS A Quick-Reference Table indicates pages in various standard textbooks that correspond to topics cov ered in chapters of the Outline. Subjects range from Accounting to Zoology ON DISPLAY AT I Co-op Annex 1258 Kincaid