Trovato Snaps Record, Ducks Win (( nnlmuat irmn rmjc Palm intercepted a mis guided Utah pass on the Redskin 411 after the kickoff Trovato then hit split end Hay Palm for a 47 yard pass play and, three plays iater, Kim* scored for the Ducks Utah scored in the remaining Emerald SPORTS minutes oi inc llrst half on a 15 yard run by halfback Ben Well*. Oregon moved into a two touch down lead again in the third quarter on the Trovato to Bunker 71 yard pants play, hut Utah came within seven points with quarter hack Itich Oroth's four-yard pass ; to Ken Chelin. i Oregon got that one back on I Cress' second touchdown of the night, a one yard leap in the fourth quarter The big play in Varsity Bowling Slates Tryouts Oregon howling coach Lou Bel lisimo will hold tryouts for his men’s varsity team Monday at 4 p m. on the Student Union lanes. Bellisirno will be looking for new prospects for the team, as only one member of last year’s varsity—Jim Barker—is back Barker, a sophomore, was a mem ber of the 1965 Region 14 cham pionship team Oregon has won the regionals 10 times in the past 13 years and will host the four ; state college tourney this Febru ary. that drive was Trovato’s pass to Bunker for 37 yards, to the Utah 15. •’lace kicker Marc Scholl end ed the scoring for Oregon with a 25 yard field goal, to add to his l four previous PAT boots. After | a field goal and a couple of extra points in the Pitt game, Scholl ran his total to 12 points for the season. The Duck defense proved strong Saturday, stopping several Utah drives with two fumble recoveries and four pass interceptions. Les Palm picked off two pass intercep tions, while Dave Tobey and Cam Mol ter nabbed one each. ATTENTION Law School Students We Carry a Complete Line of LAW TEXTS and GILBERT LAW SUMMARIES At Our Regular 5% Discount Open ’Till 7:30 p.m. MONDAY, SEPT. 27 THROUGH FRIDAY, OCT. 1 CAMPUS BOOKSTORE 877 E. 13th 343-4082 or a lithe Jc e placed you yoi 1 SEPERATES SKIRTS • SWEATERS • BLOUSES JUMPERS • DRESSES • ETC. A unique little shop on our second floor . . . especially dedicated to the smart young in dividual who is sure of her taste, the girl who is syncopated to the new fashion tempo of the day! It’s the new home of the famous “Villager” casuals . . . suits, dresses, skirts, shirts and sweaters in a marvelous selection of fall fabrics and colors . . . and the most unusual collection of accessories ever ... do come in soon and let us show you around. You’re sure to find just what you’ve been looking for! S*ow r«#ss©UIs? SHOP MONDAY-FRIDAY TIL 9