Chemistry Professor Gets Research Award . Lloyd J. Dolby, associate pro fessor of chemistry at the Uni versity has been named a Sloan Research Fellow to receive an unrestricted grant for basic re search. He is one of 91 young scientists in the United States and Canada who were named by the Alfred 1*. Sloan Foundation to receive the awards, which are for a two year period Candidates do not apply for Sloan Research Fellowships, but are nominated by their depart ment chairman or other scient i.sts familiar with their research potential. Dolby will become one of three Sloan Research Fellows now conducting research at the l diversity. Previous Awards Continuing research u n (I e r grants awarded in previous years are Marshall Fixman, professor of chemistry, and Robert M Mazo, associate professor of chemistry and director of the University’s Institute of Theoretical Science. At present Fixman is on leave from the University and is at Harvard University as a visiting professor of chemistry. other University faculty mem bers who have been honored with the Sloan grants in previous years are Terrell L. Hill, John A Schel Iman and Virgil (.'. Boekelheide, al professors of chemistry. Faculty Member Dolby has been a member of the University faculty since I960. A native of Illinois, he received his bachelor's degree from the University of Illinois in 1950 He received his doctor of philosophy degree from the University of California in 1959 From 1959 to I960 he was a National Science Foundation post doctoral fellow at the University of Wisconsin. His two major line* of research are the synthesis of natural products and investiga tions into the mechanism of the I’rins reaction His research is also being sup ported by other grants totaling more than $50,000 This includes a Public Health Service grant of $13,998 from the National In stitute of Mental Health, a grant of $21,500 from the National Sci ence Foundation and a grant of $19,068 from the American Chem ical Society. THOMAS J. DOI.RY Sloan Research Fellow Library Extends Saturday Hours The University Library will be open longer on Saturdays during spring term. It will now remain open from 8 a m to 10 p m. It was formerly open from 8 a m to 5 p m The reserve book room has also added 2 hours to its open sched ule on Saturdays, remaining open from 5 to 7 pm, a period that was formerly close*! New reserve room hours are the same as those for the general library on Sat urdays Additional hours have also been added to open time at the branch library in the School of Archi lecture and Aliled Arts The AAA Library, formerly open on Sat urdays from 8 a in to noon, will now also be open on Saturdays from 1 p m to 5 p in. The changes, which will be come effective on Saturday, April 3, were made in response to a recommendation from the ASL'f) Cabinet. 1 love a man in Van Heusen “417” It’s wild, the way his long, lean good looks come on strong in that “V-Tapered” fit. Anyone can tell he’s top man on my scene when he steps out in the stepped-up styling of authentic Button-Downs or smooth Snap-Tabs. And the added attraction of Van lleusen spring fabrics and colors make him my favorite distraction. Publications Interviews Set The Student Publications Hoard has released the follow ing schedule of interviews and times petitions will be accept ed for editor and business man ager of The Emerald and Ore gaua and editor of Next: • Oregana business mana ger—petitions due April 1, in ter views, April 5. • Emerald editor and busi ness manager—petitions due April 7 interviews, April 12. • Oregana and Next edi April 17, interviews, April 12. interviews. May 3. All petitions are due at 5 p.m. in the office of Burton A. Ben son, student publications direc tor, in the Student I'nion. All meetings will be at 7 p.m. Fulbright Grant Recipient Named Miss Charlotte Sue Potter, a senior in foreign languages, has been awarded a Fulbright grant to study and teaeh abroad during the coming year. Miss Potter is the third Univer sity student to receive a Fulbright this month. Thora Mae Williams, a senior in journalism, and Ray mond Pomerleau, a research as sistant in international studies, have both received grants along with Lusian C. Marquis, associ ate professor of political science 1 and director of the Honors Col lege. Miss Potter is currently study ing advanced linguistics at the University of California in Ber keley, but will receive her de grc here at the University in June. The 23-year-old senior is plan ning to spend the next academ ic year in Italy where she will study Italian literature and work as a teaching assistant in a secon dary school The grant will cov er all her travel and subsistence expenses while abroad. She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Paul Potter, 2087 Alder St Her father is the vice principal of South Eugene High School Play Production Class Offered A course in producing the new play” will be offered during spring term at the University. Original scripts from students have been submitted and are available for production, but there is a need for a roster of theatrical talent, including artists, designers and technicians to work in the program. Students, faculty and the general public arc in vited to participate. Those interested should call the University Theatre at ext. 1781 or send a card to the I T stating name, address, telephone number and area of interest. Horace W. Robinson, director of the UT, is in charge of the1 program. Want to really get results^1— Use Emerald Classified Ads— Phone 342-1411, Ext. 1818. "ORIENTAL FOOD PERFECTION" CHINESE - AMERICAN - JAPANESE POLNESIAN - INDIAN - BOMBAY MAKE DINING OUT A UNIQUE PLEASURE AT Ming's Restaurant and DRAGON DEN 26 W. 7th ORDERS TO GO FREE DELIVERY 345-3031 DANCE featuring THE AQUANAUTS 'direct from tour with Dick and Dede) SATURDAY, APRIL 3 9 p.m.-l a.m. CASCADE CLUB Special rate from 9-9:30 p.m. -------.... ___J 1M ■■ ■ -- ~ I Pretty as a Picture * WITH AN EXCITING NEW PERSONALITY created by exciting new frames personalty selected by Columbian Style Consultants to flatter natural beauty. “Sophisticate-'... a sleek, simple frame ... available in black, plum, bronze, linen or white frost. Convenient Credit We Give Green Stamps* Our 60th Year 120 West Broadway 343-9742 We Also Buy I'sed Texts Paperbacks PAPERBACKS Records RECORDS BOOKS STATIONERY Stationery I TEXTS Texts s ?u3o P.m. Campus Bookstore 9-5 on Saturday 877 E. 13th