Sherburne Disagrees with Luvaas • • • (( ontmurd from page 2) committee and publicized to the student t»ody. This was to pre vent the "on thc-spot rule-mak int.'." by University officials. The student is guaranteed the right of a trial, of counsel and of an appeal if he feels his case was improperly handled. The University also distin guishes its rules and the en forcemen of the same from those of the wider community. Stu dents are usually no longer pros ecuted by the University if their case has been handled by the community. The new code also establish es that students shall he pri marily responsible for the ad ministering of justice, and that students will participate fully in the formulation of all policies and rules pertaining to student conduct. These provisions form t h e foundation of our current stu dent conduct program These provisions are in effect, and arc effective. ( flea Two Areas Now what were Mr. Luvaas's criticisms’’ Aside from the gen eralities that "the code is now doing very little other than harm." Mr Uuvaas only point OREGON DAILY EMERALD The Oregon Daily Ktnerald i* published C« e in Septrmher and five t|*>* a week during the a cad rime year, except during rumination and va,n petiod* by thr Student Publication* Board of thr Vn\ verity of Orrg /») Klilrtnl 4« second tbs* matter at the po«t other, Kugroe, Oregon Sub*criptlon rate* IS per year; %2 per term Opinion* capre-sed on thr editorial page are thoae of thr Emerald and do not pre lend to repreamt the opinion of thr ASUO or the University. EVERETTE DENNIS, Editor JIM SPEER, Huiincai Manager THE TIMBERS MOTEL DOWNTOWN 1 Block South of Eugtn* Hotel Phone 343 3345 I PLAY PUTT-PAR «*