Library Award Winners Share $570 (Continued from /’./ in books I'nri Knapp, .Senior, Kast Asian Studies. Sn'itnd Prize—Slo in hooks Will Wright, Senior, Mathe matics. Third Prize—$10 in books Philip D, Thompson, Senior, Ar chitecture and Philosophy. Iloaorubte Mention Albert Wach, Senior, General Science. (•ruduate Student's (icneral Library Sponsored by Mrs. Henry Trump, a m<*mbi r of the Associ ation of Patron* and Friend* of the University Library and a former mem tier of the University Library staff, in memory of her husband, Henry Tramp, f irst Prize—$25 iti tvxik* Lowell A. tiinrich*. Graduate. Mathematics. Second Prize—$15 In books Robert A. Lee. Graduate, Eng lish. Third Prize—$10 in books Donald Neuman, Graduate, His tory. Honorable Mention Suzanne Broulllard, Graduate. Art Education. (•rudunte Student's Specialized Library Sponsored by the Association of Patrons and Friends of the University Library. First Prize—$25 In books Dilip N. Kavol, Graduate, Chemistry. Specialized: Ancient ar.d Prim itive Art. Second Prize—$15 in books Victor Yu, Graduate, Physics. Specialized: Science. Third Prize—$10 in books Glenn T. Edwards, Graduate. History. Specialized: American History. Honorable Mention Essuo Kurimoto, Graduate, Physical Education. Specialized: Physical Educa tion. Library No. 1 Research Refer ences. Special Paperback General or Specialized Llbrarj Sponsored hy the University Co-operative Bookstore and the House Librarians. First Prize—510 in cash offered by the University Co-operative Bookstore Glenn T. Edwards, Graduate, History. Specialized: American History. Second Prize—$.r) in cash offered by the House Librarians Larry Lee Parker, Junior, Phil osophy. Honorable Mention Greg Berglund, Senior, Gener al Social Science and Secondary Teaching. Specialized: Russia and Russian History, Culture, Politics, Litera ture, Language. Undergraduate Student’s Specialized Library' Sponsored by the Association of Patrons and Friends of the University Library. First Prize $2") in books Philip Harding, Senior, Archi tecture. Specialized: A rrhitecture. Second Prize—-$15 in books John Milde, Junior, A,A.A. Specialized: The Pacific North j west and Tlie West. Third Prize—fit) In hooka John Tysell, Junior, Pre-medi ! dne. Specialized: The Soviet Union and Her Russian Heritage, Honorable Mention Otho G. Bandera, Junior, Rua : Man Language. ! Specialized: Russia: An Inter pretation. S PK< IA L <: A TEGOR I KM THE EUGENE PIPE & PROD UCTS COMPANY offers two j cash prizes of $30 for the two best specialized libraries in the field of science submitted by an undergraduate student. First Prize—$20 in cash Hoy Stephen Silverman, Gradu ate. Mathematics. Specialized: Mathematics. , Second Prize—$10 iri cash George F. Neavoll, Junior, Po I litical Science. Specialized: Wild Life Conser j vat ion. THE EUGENE REGISTER* iGUARD offers a $20 cash prize ' for the best general or special ized library submitted by a jour nalism major an undergraduate or graduate student. Winner Jennie D. Wilson, Freshman, ; Journalism. General Library. ROY M. MORSE, BROADWAY. INCORPORATED, offers a *20 I cash prize for the bent general or ! specialized library submitted by a business administration or eco nomies major, undergraduate or | graduate student, i Winner John M. Selander, Graduate, | Economics. Specialized: Economics. PHI DELTA KAPPA, Nation al Men's Educational Honorary, ' offers a cash prize of $20 for the best general or specialized library submitted by an education ma | jor, undergraduate or graduate I student. ! \\ inner Suzanne Broulllard, Graduate, Art Education. General Library. SOUTHWEST OREGON ! CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS ] offers a cash prize of $20 for the best library in the field of ar | chitecture submitted by a School of Architecture major graduate !or undergraduate. Winner Philip R. Harding, Fifth Year I Architecture. Specialized: Architecture. UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL I offers a cash prize of $25 for I the best law student's personal library submitted by a law stu dent. Winner Richard A. Shaw, Graduate. Law. Specialized: Law. Richard A. Shaw, Graduate, ; Law. General Library. Richard A. Shaw, Graduate, Law. General Paperback Library. TUK WEYERHAEUSER TIM BER COMPANY offers a $20 cash prize for the best library submitted by an undergraduate or graduate student in the field of political science. Winner Douglas K. Vincent, Graduate, | Political Science. Specialized; Political Science. MR. AND MRS. CLARENCE CHASE, members of the Associ ation of Patrons and Friends of the University Library, offers a $20 cash prize for the best li brary submitted by an under graduate or graduate student majors in philosophy and reli gion. Winner Sam Sung Lee, Graduate, Phil osophy. Specialized: Philosophy. Honorable Mention N. P. Ros;, History and Reli gion. Specialized; P.ciigion. MR. AND MRS. ELMO i CHASE, member s of the Associa tion of Patrons and Friends of the Univcisity Library, offers a $20 cash prize for the best li brary, general or specialized, sub mitted by a foreign student, un dergraduate or graduate. Winner: Ffsuo Kurimoto, Graduate. Physical Education. Specialized: Physical Educa tion, Research References. Honorable .Mention Sam Sung Lre, Graduate, Phil osophy. Specialized: Philosophy. MRS. GEORGE GIUSTINA, a member of the Association of Pa trons and Friends of the Univer sity Library, offers cash prizes for the two best libraries in the field of literature (foreign, Eng lish, American) submitted by a graduate or undergraduate stu dent. \\ timers First I’ri/.r—$20 in cash Robert A. Lee, Graduate. Eng lish. General Literature. Second Prize—S10 in ea h Quentin Breen, Senior, English. Specialized: Literature. MR . AND MRS. EVERETT HARPHAM, members of the As sociation of Patrons and Friends of the University Library, offers a ?20 cash prize to the graduate or undergraduate student submit ting the best specialized library interpreting a foreign country or area of the world empha.siz the cultural, social, political, his torical. economic, and scientific aspects which will promote bet Continucd on (age 8) SMOKED SLICED MEATS Kosher Salami (Chicago) Lebanon, Bologna, Wine cured Salami Porter's Foods Unlimited 270 W 8th Eugene Dl 3-7011 It's what's up front that counts FILTER-BLEND is yours in Winston and only Winston. Up front you get rich golden tobaccos specially selected and specially processed for filter smoking. Smoke Winston. R. J. lU ynoWs Tobacco Co.. Winston- Salem, V. C.