Letters to the Editor (Continued from piuie 2) shall pud on down to the local TNT store, purchase a cone of Htuff, yuck, yuck, ha, ha, blow up your beastly clock, and erad icate the mouse that runs up your clock at I o'clock in the morning." The next night he securely placed the TNT In the clock. He set it so that as the mouse would run up the clock at 1 o’clock, nynise and clock would blow up. But, it happened that at one hour before 1 o’clock, the n)ousc ran up the clock. What had happened? It was obvious. The mouse was on stan dard time. As I said, the mouse ran up the clock at what to him was l o'clock. Confused Roger ran up. The mouse ran down. Roger fell down on the dock. The clock went off. The TNT went off. Roger went up (I assume he went to heaven), or possibly down. The clock did rag time all over the room. There is n moral to this story: There’s at least one way to get rid of your troubles, but there is no way to get rid of the mouse. There was a good way of get ting rid of Roger Mousekey, but still, never mess around with a clock. •led Arnold, Soph. Prelaw. • • • On Stadium Election F.tnrruM lvditor: Mr. Bergeson and the other Paladins of the Athletic De partment have endeavored to re pel all dissenters in a formid able volume of verbiage, describ ing them as atheistic, authorlta rion, reactionary, Impulsive, In tolerant, socialistic and all man ner of lllatidable things, and have further recognized them to be of a generally scurrilous and reprehensible character. This may w< 11 be true and very probably these gentlemen are to be applauded for their serv ice to a mankind In exposing the questionable individuals. They have been busy. The one thing they have failed to pro vide. it would seem. Is a logical rationale for their proposed course of action. We the open-minded have waited In awed anticipation for the words of wisdom which would satisfy our gentle minds of the virtue of expropriating from one group funds for the entertainment of another. We remain benighted, however, for it still appears not only rather inefficient from the standpoint of student satisfactions, but also tends to strike one as being a trifle immoral. Monday's editorial, however, suggests a facet of the problem heretofore ignored and of at least equal importance. This involves the conception of de mocracy as being merely the will of the mob; the philosophy that any iniquity can be redress ed by recourse to the ballot box. To place this measure on the ballot implies that it is capable of being equally revolved by the so-called democratic process. This is a dangerous misconcep tion. For the fulfillment of de mocracy demands the protec tion of the minority as well as the amusement of the majority. The outcome of the election was irrelevant: had a majority of the electorate voted in favor of the compulsory use of stu dent fees for stadium construc tion, the implementation of that course of action would have been no further justified than it is now and would still have involved the extortion of the mi nority for the gratification of the mob. .1. W. Burchfield, Economic* Deportment. Japanese Theatre Browsing Room Lecturer's Topic "The Theatre of Togugawa Ja pan” will be discussed by Donald Shively, associate professor of Japanese at the University of Cal ifornia, in the Browsing Room Lecture-Forum on Wednesday. The lecture will be at 6:30 p m. University Time (7:30 p.m. DST) In the Student Union. Col ored slides will be used to illus trate the talk. Shively, a graduate of Harvard University where he also received his advanced degrees, was born in Kyoto, Japan. His special fields of interest have been in Japanese literature, drama, and intellectual history. In these areas he has written numerous articles for scholarly magazines and jour nals. He was a Junior Fellow in the Harvard Society of Fellows from 1947-50 and In 1949 was Lowell Lecturer at I>owell Institute, Bos ton Public Library. He has been at the University of California since 1950. Since 1955 he has been managing editor of the Journal of Asian Studies. Discussion leader for the Wed nesday lecture, which is open to the public, will be D. S. Willis, associate professor of Oriental languages at the University. Johnson Receives Teaching Award Carl L. Johnson, professor of romance languages at the Uni versity, was decorated with the Palmes Academiques of the French government April 24. Pi erre Basdcvant, the French Con sul-General in San Francisco, presented the decoration. The award was presented for academic achievement and in rec ognition of Johnson's 36 years of teaching. The professor's first publica tion was a French pronunciation text published in 1936. The book was used at the University until l9r>9. He published "First-Year French" (D. C. Heath i which has been widely use das a text. He is also the author of "Professor Longfellow of Harvard" which he published in connection with his doctoral thesis. UK IS A PAST president of the Northwest Pacific chapter of the American Association of Teachers of French. Use Emerald Classified Ads— Phone DI 2-1411, Ext. 618. “Duck Those Washday Blues" 13th AVE. LAUNDROMAT 365 E. 13th FEATURING • Washers • Dryers • Hairdryers • Laundry service • Ironing service We Never Close—Open 24 Hours Job Opportunities The St. Helens Public Schools will hold Interviews Wednesday and Thursday ai the University Placement Service. Positions open are Klementary | teachers; Secondary teachers in Speech-Drama-English; Biology I Algebra-football and basketball coach; English and Girls PE; Junior High Language Arts, Girls PE; Math-Science; English-Social j Studies; Social Studies-Girls PE I and/or Social Studies-English. Interested persons may sign the interview schedule at. the University Placement Service. Use Emerald Classified Ads— Phone DI 2-1411, Ext. 618. I Reading-Study Classes Open Registration for reading-study classes is now open. These non grade, non-credit laboratory class es are designed to develop read ing and study efficiency through the improvement of reading rate, textbook centered comprehension, and techniques of learning and retention. Two course selections are avail able: 9 a.m., M.W.F., beginning Monday, April 30, 1962. This is a four-week course emphasizing reading rate. 10 a.m., M.W.F., be ginning Monday, April 30, 1962. This is a four-week course em I hasizing reading-study skills. All classes will meet in the De Busk Memorial Center (Educa tion 135). The DeBusk Memorial Center r also provides individual counsel ing in reading-study skills. A $5 Counseling Center regis tration fee is required for the University reading-study serv ices. Students may enroll in both classes for no additional charge. Registration and further infor mation may be obtained through Miss Kathryn Whyte in the De Busk Memorial Center, extension 1215. Use Emerald Classified Ads— Phone DI 2-1411, Ext. 618. Limit right reserved Now thru May 6th ll-oi. Aerosol SHAVE CREAMS Aey. 98c \2 for 99c Rexall Lavender or Ready Shave, in regular or mentho lated. —ASPIRIN IMKf, 5 gr. Reg. 64e I 2 for 65c I No finer quality I aspirin made at any Rexoll RUBBING lALCOHOL * Pint, Keg. 7»c I 2 for 80c Cooling, soothing body rub. Finest quality available. Rexall PANOVITE 100't Multi-Vitamin* wa 2 tor 2.99 One tablet gives you all the v.tainins nor mally needed. 53c GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES Rexall 12’s.. 98c fSS11 buffered ASPIRIN loo's 0 /A_ 59c MILK OF MAGNESIA-2f Rewll- 12 oz. * J fnr cfl 59c RIIBBLnValcOHOL-2f°r 80 Alco-Rex. Pint O ah '“KyfiiS-f •“ T GULDEN PARTT **85iS^— '•« SBKSB — 125 UWIO fOUNDMIOH Cera Nome. 4 thaoes. »HS£SS2 '» SSJS?S—— 'SS 69C 90 BAU DEODORANT 24-hour protects • ?5c PEROXIOt Retail. 6%. 20 volume bleach. 98c AEROSOL TOOTH PASTE Retail. - r».ii SACCHARIN Tablets Reg. $1.19 Va gr. 1,000's 2 {or 1.20 Finest quality. Quick dissolving. Ml-31 ANTISEPTIC MOUTHWASH K?gn,S9c 2 for .90 Kills contacted gems, sweetens breath. Use on minor cuts, scratches. Cora Nome HAND LOTION *7o”c 2 for .99 Fragrant, creamy, lanolin-rich to keep ' hands soft, smooth. .HOUSEHOLD GLOVES ' Reg. 89c 2 for .90 1 Non-slip outside, L smooth inside. Pink rubber. S, M, L. MONACET apc TABLETS 100'f. _ . .. Reg. 98c 2 TOT .99 Ease simple head ache and cold dis comforts. Brife Set HAIR SPRAY Beg. SI.25 2 for 1.26 Sets hair right, keeps it bright, ll-oz. aerosol Sheer Comfort SUPPORT STOCKINGS Reg. S4.9S by Spuntex p°'r 2 pairs 4.96 Relieve leg fatigue. Seamed or seamless. Cara Nome MASCARA NOME ^ Reg. 75c 2 for .76 Automatic applicators. Color goes on fast, really lasts. BOXED STATIONERY jj.m’bo* 2 for 1.01 >' "Forget-Me-Not” and \ others. Quality paper and envelopes. { Leather BILLFOLDS B Reg S1.0C each S 2 for 2.01 Men's and women's styles, hand tailoring, i gold tooling. KUrio TOOTH BRUSHES r«s *9c 2 for .50 Adult’s nylon bristle brushes, medium hard or fine texture. Clear plas tic tube. KAIR NETS/ Helen Cornell, regular and wave, colors. 2 for ell KOO PLAYING CARDS/ bridge, poker, pinochle, 2 fof leOl 43c ADHESIVE TAPE, x5,d,.„:2for.44 49c Rexall FOOT POWDER, ^«^brS»l__.2for.50 leOO HAIR BRUSHES, curved and flair, color choice. 2 for leOl 49c LIGHTER FUEL &.c»'1lr:_2/or .50 87c TARGET INSECT KILLER, 4 „ _2 for .88 69c Rexall COTTON BALLS, l'X'AnZMw.2for JO 89c REXALL BAY RUM KMr9'00""-_2 for .90 59c FLASHLIGHT, fe£^i,c_2for.6Q Elkayi MOTH FUME CRYSTALS Full Found, Reg. 89c 2 for .90 Protect your woolens. 2 for REX FILM S6e Panchromatic high speed, ** Sizes 120, 127. 620. Ktg. 5S* each Victoria HOT WATER BOTTLE Reg. $3.59 4. 2 for 3.60 I Quality rubber in red X or white. Guaranteed 4 years. ^ SUPPRISEBUYS Not on our 1c Sale Pfan but values too good >o miss! .24 .87 LOW CALORIE DIET AIO Liquid. Rexall 8-0z. can, 33c Val.. 1 6-pk., $1.98 Val. Now t.44. 1.19 SPUNTEX NYLONS Seamless, first quality.... 9.95 value KIDDIES’ POOL SET 72 x 12", - nn with beach ball. 5.99 3.98 COLOR MOVIE FILM Rex. 8mm. daylight, n n_ 25'. Price includes processing.Z.85 1.59 FLUORIDE TOOTHPASTE Rexall. 3-tube pack... .89 6.49 value BATHROOM SCALES guaranteed . V accurate. Weighs on any surface._...4.43 WESTINGHOUSE FLASHBULBS 12's. M-2, Reg. $ No. 5, Reg. $1.80 . 63c QUIK-BANDS Rexall 45’$. Sterile adhesive bandages... 6.95 value LAWN SPRINKLER Everain oscillating... .1.29 .. .43 3.99 . .49 75c MINERAL OIL Rexall. Tasteless, odorless. Full pint.„... 10.95 REX WRIST WATCHES men's or ladies’.g QQ 3.98 value AIR MATTRESS vinyl with foot pump, pillow. 6’ x 27".2.99 / VISIT OUR FOUNTAIN Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner • EXCELLENT FOOD! • GOOD SERVICE! • LOW PRICES! We Specialize In ONE DAY PHOTO FINISHING Color or Black and White Prints, Slides or Enlargements TIFFANY'S UNIVERSITY 1950 FRANKLIN Open 8 to 10 Sundays 9 to 9