making the rounds' By I.INDA HANSON Kinmlil Starr Writer A f'lcr a few too many name old jazz weekends hiul gone by, we camo to the conclusion that something ought to be done to make extra curricular life a lit-; tie more stimulating. And by means of that handy and loquacious old grapevine we found that we are not alone in1 our opinions. Of course, we rea-! lize that we aren't exactly liv ing in an entertainer's mecca where you have only to cross The Bridge to see Mose Alison or Th< Llmelighters. However, with a moderate amount of research, we have found thut then are things to !>e done and places to be gone i that are a little more exciting than a run-of-the-mill keg pai ty. The fact is that it's pos sible to spend a pretty enter taining evening right here in our own little green back yard. \KMKD WITH, and prompted by, thefie bits of information we arrived at the following dilu tion; a weekly section of this newspaper devoted to places and events of interest and accessibil ity. To wit (as a Thui her owl once said): Gassy things to do on iho weekends. As it happens, the question of what to do oughtn’t to be too hai'd to answer this weekend. Since George Shearing and the Four Freshmen are going to be here Saturday night and if en thusiasm is any indication at all. it will be an "F" evening In addition to George and his friends the UT Is going to be active. "Come Back Little She ba" opens Friday night and may also be seen next week. BOTH OF THESE events arc a bit beyond the ordinary scope of weekend happenings and in rase you would like to make the entire evening something a lit tle- less ordinary we have a din ner suggestion. The Club Cross town is a really nice place to go. They serve good steaks and drinks and the atmosphere is aw fully nice. The Light is Lark enough. Of course, it’s possible that there are a few people who don’t dig George and who may be In tel ested in what else is going on. Jason Ko bards. Jr, is in “Tender is the Night" at the Fox. Its taken from the Scott Fitz gerald novel of the- same name; it s set on the French Riviera and revolves around a husband and or wife and or lovers con flict. Jason Robards Is an out standing aetor, as anyone who saw his portrayal of Hickey in “The Iceman Cometh" on Play of tho Week this fall will surely testify. Big burly old Rock Hud son and Doris Day do their parts to perpetuate the modern day myth of romance, etc., in "Lover Come Back,” now showing at the Heilig. And better-than good old Alec Guinness is in "A Majority of One" now in the sec ond week at the Mi Donald. Should you be interested in yet another form of culture visit the Surrealist exhibit at the Univer Hity Museum of Art.. It closes Sunday, tail we suggest that you nee It before then because it may take a little while to recov er. SAT! iil)AY morning at 11 o’clock on KKRCJ the Metropoli tan Opera will present Puccini’s "Turundot.” The story of an icy, vengeful princess who melts In the fact of love, Is an opera well worth hearing. And on that note we conclude this week's efforts. We hope that you can combine this informa tion with a bit of imagination and have a happy Friday, Satur day and Sunday. Campus Calendar Friday, February 23, 1962 7:30 A M. to 12:30 A M. '■'60 II SI Kl. Hr# ixtrat ion 101 SI’ * Roundtable U»»c Cbm 101 SI' '» '• HsIKl Flemming Wrlc Mar Ct '• i Fa net Di»c Mac Ct il "0 !!sIM!s~ Xovick Sykr Mac Ct S'**n HSIKL Advb* Lnch 110 si: Hnid Jr Hi 114 St’ IISI HI, Lunch Hallrm SI* 2 4 IISIKb I,iviiig«ion, S|>kr Mac Ct .1 00 ( barla Cof Shp SI* OrrKima iJiotribution Coatrm SI' 5 00 Swim Tram 113 SC llahai 114 SU 7 <0 HSIKL limit Hallrm SC 7 Mi \at ILm 123 Sci 9 *>0 HSIKL Kxch Student ( of shp sr I ishla/wl Mixer Campus Briefs • The screening test required of all elementary education mnj'ir* will he ad nm-t sirred at 9 a.m. Saturday in Room 17 Education. • Pet.tion* are being called for Rally king they are due Monday at r- pm on the third floor of the Student 1'nion. Try* *<efore the Balia's month r.f tl*e Fast They are day* socially devoted t»* hospitality to friends, th« giving of p*» *rntst and ministering to the poor aiwl snk. Anyone desiring more informa tion may call I)I 4 46oo or 1)1 3*1349. • The Newman Club social committee w ill meet at 4 .30 p.m. Sunday at New - man ( enter. • Cosmopolitan Club will present a show* for high school delegates to Friday’s IB I. < • uferenre from 30 to 9 p.m t * » da % I he exchange student- in the IK I. delegation will meet with the Cosmo Club mend.? • in the SI* coffee shop after 9 I m. This ctiffee„i!tscussii»n hour is limited t • ( < -mo flub member* and the visiting exchange student*. • There will be a Fish Bowl mixer Friday from 9 to 13 p m. The dance is primarily for the high school IRL dele gate**, hut university students are wel come. • There will be a Bottom of the Bowl dance Saturday after the concert. Admis sion i* 35 cents j>er couple. • Interested members of the Dames Club (married students’ wives) are to sign up for the decoration committee for the dance March 3. Call I)I 4-4870 or I>1 3-6831. For That Before-Date Dinner NOW SERVING Steaks — Seafood — Prime Ribs and a large selection of other entrees Complete Banquet Service Featuring Our New NEPTUNE SEAFOOD BAR LYNWOOD CAFE 796 Hwy. 99W—North Eugene Plenty of Free Parking Dl 5-9064 Jarboe Represents University ct ROTC Conference Cadet Colonel Daniel .Tarboe, Cortland, i ’presented the Univer-j Bil.y Air Fone KOTC last week fit a me< ting of t he National Ar-J nold Air Society executive board fit. Maxwell Air Force Bane, Ala bama. Jarboe was one of 38 senior AFf'OTC cadets attending the meeting from all part.a of the country. They make up the Na tional Executive Board of the Ar nold Air Society. Jarboc is area Alpha Xi Pledges Entertain Children Children at the Children's Ho«-1 pita] School and at Sacred Heart General Hospital were present ed with valentines and candy by the pledge class of Alpha Xi Del ta. Linda Galen, pledge trainer for the group, was in charge of the Valentine's Day project for the sorority. -ommander of area H-2, which in cludes Arnold Air Chapters at ".even universities in Oregon and W ashington. HKI'UESENTED AT the meet ing was the Arnold Air Society’s officially sponsored auxiliary, the Women's Week ScikS Successful "This year’s Women’s week was very successful compared to past ye- r»,” according to Janice Na gs t a, AW'S president. "There wan greater partici pation among women, necessary to its success. Although it could be improved, this year’s program v.-as a big step ir4 the right direc tion.’’ Financially, the AW’S project did well. The Pledge Auction made $547, the Heart Hop brought in $250. and the Hazel Schwering dinner collected about $108. Ange! Flights. The Arnold Air Society is an honorary natonal organization of AFKOTC cadets. It is affiliated with the Air Force Association. Tt was founded in 1947 at the University of Cincinnati. Mem ber..hip in the Arnold Air Soci ety squadrons, located in nearly ail the 187 AFROTC units in col leges and universities through out the United States and Puerto Rico, totals around 5,000. MING’S RESTAURANT Chinese — American Seafood — Polynesian Japanese — Bombey Curry 10% off on Sunday dinner with student body card open daily 11:30 a. m.—3:00 a. m. uma Doors Open 6 P.M. Show Starts 6:30 r «■ Gate Open 7 P.M. Show Starts 7:45 D! 4-4152 g with iTftdpj* Tf* **** « Flip!!! ITS A WONPFPFIM nevv ■RocK, Hudson ^ Doris Day Tony ‘Randall "I pledge never to reveal the secret of « ViP *4 ...if you don't! EDIE ADAMS • JACK OAKIE ■ JACK KRUSCHEN r h STANLEY SHAPIROPAUL HENNING *, OE18ERT MANN '■<*** t, STANLEY SHAPIRO « MARTIN MELCHER ih<.m ROBERT ARTHUR ■*) ni»«> Cowt«« not »w ftMucimi me -a™* Prwsciwi. * rw ■ * uww in™ AN ADULT SOPHISTICATED CC**£OY ’ CO HIT! I JOHN SAXON I SANDRA DEE TERESAWRIGHT MES WHITMORE