Student receives YMCA grant One of three of the winners of the national John R. Mott Fellow ships for advanced training of YMCA executives is a graduate student at the University. HE IS Richard Ortmeyer. who is studying toward his masters degree in the School of Business Administration. The Fellowships are awarded by the national John R. Mott Fund, established through the YMCA front gift contributions throughout the world. This schol arship fund of over $1,000,000 is administered by a national com mittee. Chairman of the com mittee is William C. Jones, dean of administration at the Uni versity. Professor writes business book The structure and functions of the American contemporary en terprise system are illustrated in a new text written by Stanley C. Vance, H. T. Miner Professor of Business Administration at the University. The text, “Industrial Structure and Policy,” published by Pren tice-Hall, Inc., presents the en terprise system and shows how it affects the social, political, and economic future of this country. Certain outstanding business and economic policy factors are treated in a summary discussion in the text. Vance has previously written three other books. They are “American Industries” (1955), “Industrial Administration” (1959) and “Management and Decision Stimulation” (1960). THE FELLOWSHIP program is a new venture for the com mittee, which has awarded nu merous scholarships. Under the new program, the fund is awarding stipends to pay the full living expenses for one year of outstanding executives in the YMCA. These stipends will enable men with families to cover living expenses while attending American colleges or universities. The objective is to develop key men in the YMCA movement. THREE RECIPIENTS were se lected by the committee for the first awards. One of them is a graduate student in psychology at Columbia University. One is a doctoral candidate in physical education at Boston University. Ortmeyer is the third. Ortmeyer is on leave from his post until June. By then he will have completed course work for a masters degree in personnel and management. ORTMEYER is married and the father of two school-age children. His wife, Carolyn, is also a Uni versity student. She is taking education courses with a teach ing career in mind. Classified Ads RATES: 5c per word first insertion; 3c thereafter. Minimum charge 50c. AU classified ads must be in before 3:30 p.m. on the day preceding publication. Call DI 2-1411, Ext. 618. HELP WANTED NEED Oregon R.N. for part time work at Eugene Convales cent home, 707 East 17th. DI 4-3489. SERVICES TYPING "" Bernice Blakesley. Campus Apartments, 775 East 15th, Apt. 5. DI 3-0158. Photography Of House Groups House Dances Campus Activities FEHLY STUDIO 1214 Kincaid DI 4-3422 IRONING wanted. $1.00 an hour. University district. 1676 East 15th. DI 3-2969. TYPING: Theses, manuscripts, papers. IBM Electric. Frances Ericson, 2206-12 Patterson Dr. DI 3-7696. FOR RENT EUGENE CABANA. Furnished or unfurnished. All-year heated pool. Wall - to -wall carpets. Drapes, range, refrigerator, large closets, party room, laun dry facilities. 25th and Willam ette. DI 3-2069. 3-BEDROOM apt., near Edison school. Range, refrigerator, wall t® - wall carpets. References, please. Evenings, DI 4-8537. CLEAN, furnished one-bedroom apt. All utilities except electric ity and water. Newly painted. , Walking distance University. $55. 169 East 13th. DI 4-2997 after 1 pma. 1-BEDROOM house. $55. Garage being remodeled to make fine studio, study. Attractive inte rior. Will sell stove, refrig., & contemporary fireplace. Now or Nov. 1. DI 3-1836 or ext. 1168. | FOR RENT TWO UPPERCLASS MEN to share new 3-bedroom house from Dec. 1 to June 9. Furn., all appliances. Steve Chandler, DI 3-4124 after 6:30 p.m. FURNISHED room for rent to male student. $40 per month with lease. Utilities paid. 205 East 3rd. DI 2-2545. FOR SALE B&L BINOCULARS dissecting microscope. B&L Metalurgical microscope. PH meter. RI 7 9693. 1961 COMET. Only 2300 miles DI 3-0936. 1960 VW. Top shape. $150 for my equity. DI 4-4875. ALLSTATE Cruis-aire Scooter. Good condition. Call evenings or after 10 a.m. DI 5-6612. 1957 DKW. 4-dr. sedan. Brand new engine and transmission. Leave country in two weeks, so make offer. DI 5-1091. 325 East 14th. _ GIBSON Classical Guitar. Cl Model. 3 months old. New Au gusting strings, with case. $125. Call DI 3-4252. 1960 CORVETTE. Used by little old T.A. to pick up Phi Beta’s. DI 2-1913. 1 PR. Head Skis, 6’9”. 1 pr. Nes tle slalom skis, 205 cm. Both with bindings. Call DI 2-2576 after 5 p.m. AUTO REPAIRS BALANCE all 4 wheels. Regular $10 value. Student and faculty rate—$4.88. GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE 164 West 7th INSPECTED U. S. 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