World NewsJn Brief • Cr>: * Recognition Expected WASHINGTON (IJI’I) Act ing Secretary of State Cheater Bowles gay* he assumes the II. H. will recognize the new mili tary regime In Month Korea but saya a decision now would he premature. The .State Department has withheld public statement since It began studying the situation. Committee Set Up SEOUL, South Korea OJFT) A 32-member military revolu tionary committee has been set up in South Korea to tighten the i '-ta-l grip on that nation. However, there were reports of serious army-ma; me differences on how long th committee should rule. LBJ, Nehru Confer NEW DELHI (U PI) Vice President Johnson and Indian Prime Minister Nehru conferred Letters... (Continued on page 3) presented as a prime tenet of conservatism. At this same question period, a professor ask ed a question concerning the relation between conservatism and fascism, which created much heat and no light on both sides. AFl'KK the period was over, the conservative ideal of per sonal freedom, so roundly ap plauded a few momenta before, was completely forgotten by some of those present. “Boy, I wish 1 knew that prof's name; he sure was a dirty guy." "That nut should be purged from the University for things like that." Ideas as controversial as Buckley's must be able to give ns good as they get. The attitude that different ideas should not be presented, if carried to its logical extreme. wnuM have prevented Buckley's appearance on campus to pres ent his own controversial views. Or arc. freedom and intcllec timlism reserved for the “true believers?" Krlr Carlson, Jr., roll. Sci. 'fane 4.0429 .99 ft: lx MS. No.of-Otferhco l JACK RiCMT I 1 LEMMON NELSON 1 The WACKIEST SHIP in the ARMY csi-Mcoe* . r.moa ALSO wr STARTS SUNDAY JERRY LEWIS CwCES'fELto ■ptCMNICOLO ANNA MARiA ALBERGHET11 JUDITH ANDERSON ED WYNN -W. ws OR J| UNDER TEN FLAGS VAN HEFLIN CHARLES LAUGHTON MWNE DEMONGEO! IrfltkwL THEATRE 1 Kidd if. plaifylauiul ' fane 4.0429 . .99 N...I'iMi.No.of Overhead Thursday on India's economic de vclopmont program after John son flew to New Delhi from Thailand. The Vice President, has sched uled a visit to the scenic Taj Mahal and then will visit nearby Pakistan. Niven Publishes College Calc Text Ivan Niven, professor of math ematics at the University, is the author of a new text for college students described by the pub lishers as "one of the shortest calculus texts ever published.” The hook, published by D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., as one of the University series in Under graduate Mathematics, is "Cal culus: An Introductory Ap proach." In the text, the publish ers explain, Dr. Niven "by con centrating on a small collection of central concepts . . . illumi nates in less than 200 pages the ideas that lie at the heart of cal culus." The text "strikes a sen sible balance between theory and applications, and requires no background in analytic geom etry.” NIVEN, a mpinber of the Ore gon mathematics faculty since 1047, wait selected as the Earle Raymond Hedrick lecturer at the 10(50 meeting of the Mathemati cal Association of America. The mathematician's previous writings include “An Introduc tion to the Theory of Numbers," and a Cams monograph, “Irra tional Number.” He has also published many articles in pro fessional journals. A UK ADI ATE of the Univer sity of British Columbia, Niven received his doctorate from the University of Chicago. He has served on mathematical advisory (tanels of the Office of Naval lteseurch and the National Sci | cnee Foundation and is a mem i>er of many professional socie ties. May 20 Deadline For Pageant Entries Application deadline for entry ' blanks for the National College Queen Pageant is midnight, Sat urday, May 20. Applications should be sent to: National College Queen Contest * Committee, Paramount Building, Suite 100(5. 1501 Broadway, New j York 56, N. Y. Foreign Students Make Coast Tour Foreign students from the Uni verftity will take a coastal tour this weekend from Coquille to the Oregon Caves. This tour is sponsored by the Foreign Stu dents Friendship Foundation which ia a General Extension division of the State Board of Higher Education and the Uni versity YMCA. TIIE TOUR is designed to ac quaint the international students with the people of Oregon and to become familiar with its geo graphical and scenic attractions. The tour plans to depart Fri day afternoon and make stops in Coquille, Brookings, and Goli Beach presenting programs at the various dinners to which they are invited. IN ADDITION to meeting these people the students will take scenic tours. The committee planning the tour have arranged to return to Eugene Sunday night by bus.. Hintz to Address Education Banquet The annual Spring Education banquet will be held Sunday at 6:30 p.m. in the Student Union. The banquet is for members of Phi Delta Kappa and Pi Lamb da Theta, men's and women’s edu cation honoraries, and their wives. Carl Hintz, University Librar ian, will £ive the banquet address on "The Tools of Education.” Keith Goldhammer of the School of Education, will be master of ceremonies. Tickets are $2 per plate, and are available at the School of Education office and at the main desk of the Student Union. 1__ PORTLAND AUDITORIUM FRIDAY \ EVENING 8:30 PM. WHUFFS (oncerF»Stef«i Featuring Hie RAY CONNIFF ORCHESTRA and CHORUS CAST OF 38 Box Office—J. K. Gill Phone Orders CA 6-4611 At Auditorium Show Time $4.00 • $3.00 • $2 00 "hungry i" Vets In College Concert Ine hungry 1 College Con cert,” from Kan Francisco's famed "hungry i," will be pre sented at the SU Tuesday, May 23, et 7 and 9 p.m. ST.AHR!\O in the review will WRA to Sponsor Bicycle Trip to Park 'The Women’s Recreation As sociation is sponsoring bicycle trip .Saturday morning at 9 a.m. The group will leave from Ger ; linger to Armitage State park. Everyone is invited; bring a sack lunch. Leighton Pool Open Leighton Pool, on the Univer sity campus, will be open be tween 7:00 and 8:00 p.m., for co educational swimming on Wed nesday, May 24. be "hungry i" veterans Stan Wil son with Lenin Castro, Wick and Brand, Ada Moore, and a jazz trio. Wilson, the first entertainer to appear at the "hungry i” is a folk balladeer. Vocalist Moore has appeared at several night clubs ar.d on television. A jazz trio and the new comedy team of Wick and Brand wlllicomplete the jazz program. TICKETS for the concert are available at the SU. Prices are $2 for adult reserved; SI.50, stu dent reserved; $1.50 adult general admission, and $1, student ODE TO INSECTS Butterflies have wings of white, And firebugs wings of flame . . . Dairy Queens have no wings ,at all But they get th«re ju*t the same! HOMECOMING THE TRAVELERS THREE, Web foots all, are back in Oregon—fresh from si>t months at the Shell Ear in the Hawaiian Village at W aikiki—better than in their student days at the U of O—and they were pretty better then if you'll recall. That’s Charlie Oyama on the left, Pete Apo. and Dick Shirley on bass. Drive up to the Ho-Ti Supper Club in Portland and join the homecoming. Come prepared —these boys are good! (P.S. the food's not bad either.) From Now Through Sat., May 27! THREE SHOWS NIGHTLY — A BLAST BROADWAY AT MAIN IN PORTLAND ERB MEMORIAL STUDENT UNION PRESENTS COLLEGE CONCERT Starring STAN WILSON WITH LENIN CASTRO (Pictured) MISS ADA MOORE WICK AND BAND JAZZ TRIO Two Shows: 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 23, 1961 SU Ballroom Admission: $1.00 Student General Admission $1.50 Adult General Admission $1.50 Student Reserved Section $2.00 Adult Reserved Section On Sale: Erb Memorial Main Desk