Yasumasa Kuroda gives views on University life By KARUSNE RITZAU Emerald Staff Writer Yaaumasa Kuroda is a friendly political science major with very lucid ideas about democracy. Seven years ago, he came to the United States from Tokyo, where he was born. He is now working on a Ph.D., which he says, “I hope j to finish in six months.” Laugh- j ing, he added. "I hope my advisor reads this." YAS, AS YASUMAS.VS friends call him. is the one who brought up the very controversial racial From the FASHION BY THE YARD to YOUR OWN r ; FASHION CREATION .*! through the Emerald Empire's most complete selection of FASHION PATTERNS j SIMPLICITY BfjTTERICflt VOGL'B ADVANCE McCALL’S MODESROYALE HEATH’S wonder fabrics 878 Willamette : Eugene clause issue. Yas says, "I like the society in which everyone will have equal access in everything in which he wishes to partici pate.” He feels that some people believe in saying that which they do not practice. Yas says that he believes in action. He said “The University becomes dull and use less when the students cease to make a fuss about something." There are some ninety univer sities and colleges in Tokyo, and it is filled with students wearing black uniforms. When asked to compare school systems of Japan and the United States, Yas said. "Perhaps the most noticeable thing is that students over there are free from daily assignments so that they can pursue their own time." There are exams twice a year and the selection of stu dents is made before the students come to the university. YAS STUDIED very hard in high school in order to prepare for college selection. He says that students in high school here do not study as much as they do in Japan, but that American stu dents in colleges and universities here seem to study more. Yas says that here at the Uni versity some students are very good and some inferior. In the national universities of Japan, MEXICAN FOOD - TWO LOCATIONS MORENO'S MEXICO NOW OPEN ]] A.M.-12 MiDNITE 411-438 Ki*st Broadway MEXIC AN FOOD — SHORT ORDERS Sit inside or eat in vour earl TACOS • TAMALES • ENCHILADAS BURRITOS • CHILI STILL SERVING DINNERS MORENO'S Mexican Kitchen located in the Osburn Hotel — Lower level mmm "You will not find the inferior students because of the selective process.” “PEOPLE IN EUGENE seem to he very friendly to the foreign students on campus," Yas stated. He referred to the Foreign Stu dents Friendship Foundation or ganized by the people of Eugene. Yas says his first impression of the United States was, "Rich, rich, rich!” He said that he has since discovered some very poor Americans. "I do not think Am ericans are as materialistic as some people like ’to think." he concluded. In comparison of the educa tional system in Europe and Am erica Yas remarked that educa tion in Europe and Japan is to Discussion topics of church, politics chosen by group Reverend E. J. Murnane of St Mary's Catholic Church will speak on "The Church and Politics” at Christian House Sunday at 5:30 p.m. A question and answer period will follow. From 8:30 to 11 Friday eve ning there will be a "waffle study j break” at Christian House under the direction of Anne Thomas. Students may eat all the waffles they want for fifty cents, said Miss Thomas. Registration for the annual Re gional Conference of the Disciples Student Fellowship should be made before leaving for spring vacation. The confe'ence will be held at Menueha on the Columbia River. April 1-3. The annual election of officers for Christian House runs from 1 p.m. Friday through 4 p.m. Monday. SOCIAL DANCING 123-123 Leading Questions Professor Dip Female reaction to dancing partners using ordinary hair tonics (Text: I’m Dancing With Tears in My Eyes). Female reaction to dancing partners using ‘Vaseline’ Hair Tonic (Text: Waltz Me Around Again, Willie). Universal use of water on hair with drying effects therefrom. Conversely: with ‘Vaseline’ Hair Tonic you can use all the water you want...with neat results. Status of the Male Wallflower at Con temporary Proms discussed in relation to • briarpatch hair caused by alcohol tonics. Use of tacky hair creams explored, outlining sticky situations. Emphasis on the one step (the one Step necessary' to be on the ball at the ball, namely a simple application of ‘Vaseline’ Hair Tdhic.) Materials: one 4 cz. lottle 'Vaseline1 Hair Tonic it’s clear, it’s clean, it’s Vaseline* HAIR TONIC ‘Vaseline ’ Is a registered trademark Cl Ciiesebroufli-Pond's Inc. an extent based on education for the elite as opposed to education for the masses in the United States. He stated that some peo ple in Japan are too sophisticated and over educated. They become apathetic, because they feel that they cannot do anything about their country's situation. ABOUT AMERICAN' women Yas says, "There are some I can't stand." He said there are others he finds to be good friends. "It would bo desirable If more women could participate In In tellectual discussion.” He says that the United States is not using female brains to create sputniks and that there are many women scientists in the Soviet Union. He also stated that ho hates to see women wearing men's clothing and working where men work. Yas said, "The femininity of Woman gives a freshness to mail's mind.” m 'electronic order" Drive-In V Extra! Front page story. THINKING MANS HAMBURGER V THE NEW ANCHORAGE • STEAKS • CHICKEN Orders to no Dl 5*1111 Franklin Blvd. Across from U of O Classified! Ads — RATES: lie per word first insertion; 3c thereafter. Minimum charge 50c. A!i classified ads must he in before 3:30 p.m. on the day preceding publication. Call [JI i-Hlt, Ext. OIK. FOR SALE 1951 XK-t20 JAGUAR Convert ible. Mint condition. Must see to appreciate. $1785 or make offer. DI 5-2561. One pair of ski-boots (famous Henke's, made in Switzerland), size 42, in very good shape (used only few times). One complete fencing equipment. Weapons, mask new! Jacket, trousers, glove used (all made in France). I must sell cheaply; am leaving the country. Ext. 477 or 478. Girl's bike.. $20.00 or make an offer. 771 K. 17th. DI 4-4044. RENTALS Two single rooms for male stu dents. Linens furnished. $25 a month. Available March 8 and March 19. DI 5-7380. 310 E. 14th. Furnished, one bedroom trailer house. Washing facilities. Close in. On hillside, quiet. Non drinkers. $65. DI 4-3590. Three warm, clean rooms. Private hall entrance. Preferably upper division males. Close to cam pus. 810 E. 18th, eves. LOST & FOUND LOST Beta Theta Pi pin. If found, please contact Linda Hatfield, Alpha Phi. HELP WANTED WOMAN, age 18-28 to work in doctor’s office as receptionist, secretary, nurse and book keeper. Write P.O. Box 359, Springfield, giving full details. Only those whose applications are accepted will be inter viewed. Living organization representa tive for laundry and dry clean ing firm. Inquire Bethel Clean ers. DI 4-6833. TUTORING BIOLOGY TUTORING—Private or small group sessions. Rea sonable. Call DI 5-8817 before 8 a.m. or after 10:30 p.m. High School and College Algebra. Phone DI 5-4705. AUTO REPAIRS Auto Painting $59.50 • Complete Body and Fender Service f Custom Work • Wrecks repaired with Used Parts if desired Independent Collision Service 3810 Franklin Blvd. DI 4-4341 ANYTIME STAINLESS STEEL Chrome Face PISTON RINGS . . More Power . . More Gas Mileage . . 30,000 Mile Guarantee INSTALLED « as low as $40 (Labor) Terms loan Cars THRIFTY AUri) IMPAIR 940 Pearl Street DI 3-7114 After 6 p.m. DI 3-15997 Rebuilt Engines $145 10,000 Mile Guarantee! Automatic Transmission Complete rescal Job $28.50 Total parts & labor Motor Overhaul $58.50 LOAN CARS EASY TERMS T&A Motoirs 2025 Franklin Blvd. DI 5-1110 Eves RI 0-1981 SERVICES OREGON PHOTCT LAB House Dances -Group Pictures 1231 Alder — DI 3-7541 PHOTOGRAPHS- House groups and activities. The Fehly Studio DI 4-3432. TYPING: Elizabeth Tolman, Apt. 8, 1346 Alder.