Humor in the Union Right: Kill l-arujers, 29, activities director of the Htudcnt Union, and friend appears to be poking fun at an aspect of rushing activities. ( per haps this issue of Old Oregon should he suppressed. At least the wiles should be held to a mini mum. i The author uses the device of the literary letter to make his point It is a letter from the rush chairman of a fraternity to an old alumnus explaining why the son of that alumnus had to be rejected for membership. Ir the course of the letter, the rush chairman reminds the father that though the house in question did not accept the boy, at least the Upsilon Nu house did. "I tell you truthfully, Brother Harrison, there w <• r e some mighty long faces in the front room the night we dinged him," says the chair n an. "Kvei-y one of the brothers know that the Upsilon Nu house got a really great kid when they picked your boy Al. The Ups i Re mem her our old song, 'Oops. There (toes Another Kreshman Ker-Plopp-?) have a great house here at Oregon and they will cer tainly benefit from the leadership qualities of your boy Al." AN A I* DISPATCH some time ago mentioned that Sen. Olin Johnston