Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 30, 1959, Page Three, Image 3

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    World Nows In Brief
(Continued from puye l)
phy. Murphy will be the State
Department's top repreHentativc
on the trip.
Churchill 85 today
LONDON (UP1) • Sir Winston
Churchill gave In to his wife and
agreed to a family party today.
Jt will be his 85th birthday. The
former British prime minister
hud wanted to spend his birthday
in the south of France, where he
loves to paint leisifrely. Just over
a week ago Churchill wan con
fined to his bed with cheat
trouble. But his secretary says he
la completely recovered.
Holman funeral slated
PORTLAND tjpi The funeral
for former U.S. Sen. Rufus C.
Holman of Oregon wan acheduled
here Wednesday.
Holman nerved In the Senate
from 1938-19-14. He wan known as
an isolationist and fought New
Deal domestic policies of Presi
dent Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Reds claim victory
TOKYO (TIPI) Communist
China claims Communist-led
rebels have scored new successes
against government troops in
Laos. The Red Chinese news
agency, monitored in Tokyo,
alleges the rebels killed 28
soldiers and wounded 19 others
in clashes during late October
nnd early November. It based the
story on reports published by a
i ebel newspaper.
Mikoyan returns
MOSCOW (UPI) Soviet first
deputy premier, Anastas Mikoy
an. has returned to Moscow from
a 10-day visit to Mexico. Mi
koyan told a crowd at the Mos
Holiday baskets
(Continued from paye I)
dren and then plan their Christ
mas gifts accordingly, she said.
Miss Scott Explained that the
Salvation Army Clearing House
makes its list from the reports
of the county's relief agencies.
The names are then given to
chai itable organizations. This
prevents duplication, she said.
Tie- AWS takes this list and
distributes the names to inter
ested living organizations.
Job IOC's
Business administration majors j
will be interviewed Wednesday, |
Dec. 2, by Burroughs Corp., for;
jobs on the West Coast.
Longview Fibre Co. will inter
view persons Dee. 2 for jobs in j
the Pacific Northwest. Business:
administration industrial sales
trainee rs who are December!
graduates or alumni are desired, i
Personal Products Corp. will
interview business administration
management trainees Dec. 2, for
West Coast jobs.
Two motion picture producers
were arguing over the prize of a
recent contest. The prize, who
was a eurvesome co-ed, listened
to the two nun argue as they
exclaimed, “I won her!” “No I
won her!” "I won her!” “No I
won her!” they retorted. These
w e r o the original “won-her”
brothers who are now engaged in
the Dairy Queen industry in Deek
you, Iowa. If you want to l»e
argued over eat non-fat Dairy
Queens — made from a special
secret formula. (13th and Hil
yard, of ourse).
row airport that he brings them
ardent feelings of friendship from
the people of Mexico. The Russian
official made the trip to open the
Soviet exhibition In Mexico City.
Moon shot possible
ranking government space offi
cial has hinted that the U.S. may
be considering another moon shot.
Richard Horner, associate direc
tor of the nation's Civilian Space
Agency, said on a TV program
(ABC College News Conference)
that his agency now has no Atlas
rockets assigned for another
moon-orbiting attempt, but he
added that his group may revise
its production schedule.
Naval interviews set Dec. 2, 3, 4
United States Navy personnel
will present information concern
ing commissions In the U.S. Naval
Reserve at the University, Dec,
2, 3 and 4, in the commuters’
room of the 8U.
Questions will be answered on
the Naval Aviation Cadet (NAC),
Aviation Officer Candidate
(AOC) and the Officer Candidate
School fOCH) programs. Inter
views will be held between 9 a.m.
and 3:30 p.rn. each day. Quali
fication tests can also be taken.
The NAC program is open to
men with at least two years of
college and between the ages of
18 anti 24. AOC is for college
graduates between 19 and 25.
Seniors within nine months of
graduation may apply for the
OCS program, if they are between
the ages of 19 and 27.
Cadets are commissioned En
sign after 18 months aviation
training at Pensacola, Florida,
and college graduates receive j
their commission after four
months of pre-flight training.
Both aviation cadet and officer
candidates receive their wings
after 18 months flight training,!
then serve 42 months with the
Fleet’s sea-air team.
Further information about the
Navy personnel visit may be ob- ’
taincd from Navy Recruiter, Jim
Davis, at the Navy Recruiting j
Station in Eugene.
AFROTC names
top sharpshooters
The top five men for the Uni
versity’s Air Force ROTC rifle
team are James Needharn, Johna
thon Shew, Thomas Prock, Henry
Dealer, and Melvin Nice. The men
are selected on the number of
points they have scored.
Col. Horace Neely
presented citation
Col. Horace D. Neely, profes
sor of air science and tactics at
the University, was presented a
citation Nov. 23, by Col. B. A.
Strozier, AFROTC Area Com
mandant. Neely, who is also head
of the AFROTC program here,
was cited for his forceful leader
ship ar.d outstanding service as
assistant deputy chief of staff,
Intelligence Headquarters, United
States Air Force in Europe.
Colonel Neely, a graduate of
the University, also holds the
Commendation Medal and the Le
gion of Merit. His citation accom
panied the award of the Oak Leaf
Cluster to the Legion of Merit.
Neely served with the Fifth Air
Force in the Pacific during the
second World War.
Use Emerald Classified Ads—
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Pairs from Zell’s
Beautiful Blossom time "look-alikes" for your engagement and wedding!
The design in one duplicates that in the other to double the effectiveness
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but a few of our matched Blossom Time sets in our made-for-each other col
lection. If you wish, you may purchase the engagement ring alone, and later add
the matched wedding band. Prices include both rings.
You arc welcome to divide your payments equally oz'cr 10 months without
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*TM Registered U. S. Patent Office
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