The Man (( nnlinufil from />U‘. to , , *. f>' * t. . / ,,,.. , u % i H *!»-' f; \ l;sf prices Jjscour ii Reproduction tf an actual text book publisher's invoice. As the above invoice illustrates, the publishers set text book prices, not the Co-op. Books are invoiced to all college bookstores in the nation at an established selling price. This set selling price includes a 20' i discount (again illustrated by the invoice above) for the Co-op and all bookstores. The co-op realizes a 20% margin on text book sales . . . half of this is returned to the student as co-op membership dividends and the remaining 10% must cover freight and handling charges. The Co-op's 20% profit is short lived. When Co-op membership dividends are dis tributee! in the spring, a student is returned 10%, half of this profit. Thus the net cost of ti $0 book is actually So.40 to you. The Co-op's remaining 10% profit is soon almost consumed by freight and handling charges. This cost proves to be quite significant sinee most publishers are located on the east coast. The small profit which the co-op realizes on text books must help to share some of the high cost of dealing in used books. Contrary to popular belief, the used hook business vfhieh the Co-op engages in proves to be quite a costly enterprise. Once it is committed to buying hack a used book, the Co-op must purchase all those presented even though it learns that another edition is to ia* substituted. Despite the small price paid for used books, many times this investment turns out to be totally worthless and this is the reason higher prices aren't paid. You are protmbly well aware of the many edition and text changes that do occur. The Co-op endeavors to provide this used book service to Oregon students at as low a cost as possible, but unfortunately, many of these changes cannot be foreseen. We hop*- this information has helped you understand better the text book prices at the Co-op. Should you have questions about this or the used text book operation at the Co-op, please do not hesitate to contact one of us or .Mr. Jerry Henson, the Co-op general manager. Remember, it’s your store. Your Student Co-op Board Representatives, Pepper Allen Sharon Hewitt Paige Frank Weigel Roger Stevens Chuck Bordenkircher