Suddenly it's final week... I (Continued from fuif/c 2) who whh an expert at outlining-. From bim, Pythagoras learned how to outline his notes, outline the text, combine the two, out line this, condense neveral times, underline the most important parts, until he arrived at one forget the word 'FLUNK'?” "By Jove!*' he said to his friends, "I have outlined and condensed and compressed my notes and the text, and I have arlved at one word. What If I forget the word “FLUNK”? “Then you will indeed,” said the friend. Still unsatisfied, and fretting about his very first final, Pytha goras consulted other friends. "One advised to practice shift ing his eyes to left and right. An other told him to learn Morse Code with a trustworthy class mate. Other friends suggested that he take a rabbit’s foot into the test, that he hire a proxy, or (most unthinkable) that he simply study, and go into the exam armed with only a pen, a bottle of ink, and a shot of brandy. Back In his office, Beowulf Ontology was autographing copies of his doctorate disserta tion. and brooding about the final, too. "Sacre bled,” he thought, "How can I give a decent t1 in St! Manners when those damned students obviously know more about it than I do?” How can I ever arive at a nice bell-shaped final grade-curve, with 40rv C’s, and 1'/, A, and 59r; F’s?" He decided to consult hi . colleagues. "Live ’em a multiple-choice teal with no right answer*," said one. “Announce that it’s an open-l>ook test the day of the final,” advised another. “Hire the Physical I’lant to mow the grass outside your classroom during the test—the noise will ruin ’em." chuckled unother. “Write the test in Sanskrit" and "Smear grease on the pages of the test-booklets so their bail-point pens won’t write," wore two other suffgestlons. The day of the Final arrived. Pythagoras Snafu name In like a lamb to slaughter, festooned with cheat-sheets and ponies. He had one secret weapon, how ever. Prof. Ontology strode Into the room, signalled for the lawn mowers to start up outside, turned up the heat in the room and closed the windows, and handed out the tests, whieh were divided into 250 true and false questions and 4,750 multiple choice questions, lie leered fiend ishly at the olas*. Pythagoras took one look at the test, pulled out his pen, and finished it in 15 minutes. He got an A. His secret weapon? He guessed. .etter to Editor... (Continued from pai/e 2) sition. We do not want to Justify our collaboration with the Jap anese but what we wish to point out i« that the Dutch should not have the moral right to accuse us of having collaborated with their enemy, when they did not treat us properly. Our collabora tion with the Japanese was only a natural reaction as a result of the bitterness we had suffered under the Dutch colonialism. (4) Our relations with the Dutch is a tragic case in the history of international rela tions. Why, if the Philippines could have good relations with the United States; why, if India can get along pretty well with the British; but why the Indo nesians should have such bitter excitmq! CJ&Ptf For Personal or House use. Imprinted with your name if desired. Valley Stationery Co. H65 Willamette [ feelings against the Dutch ? The Emerald readers have the free dom to answer the question themselves. Slamet Atmosudarmo Graduate in Political Science Phone I>I 2-1411, Ext. 818 Use Emerald Classified Ads— Friday N'oon Chi Delta Phi Ger TM Ital Tbl Scoot Com 3:00 Charla 4 00 AWS Auction SU Movie Com 4 :00 Drama Basketball Ore vs >:00 Fishbowl Mixer 9 :30 Cosmo Xmas 110 SU 111 SU 112 SU 113 SU 110 SU Ballrm SU 302 SU Theatre BYU Mac Ct Cong. Ch • Lubrication • Brake Service • Wheel Balancing MAiff IN snu rtooucrs • Tune-ups • Washing • Accessories DICK BOLIN SHELL SERVICE 2870 So. Willamette !n)AUA]] HOURS AWAY DOWN Round Trip Visit these beautiful isles of bountiful vacations, now. Get out of the "do mestic vacation rut." See a new, different, exciting world. ALSO SPECIAL CO-ED TOURS Be sure of what you are getting. Make your summer in Hawaii full of wonderful memories. These low cost programs plan ned by ship or air. Bronson Travel 941 Pearl DI 5-8431 (Serving the University for over 10 years) is to pound—but without the*^> you miss the whole idea ot a ? is to smoke-but without flavor / * you miss the whole idea of smoking! t i rf \ 111 r—>r'v h r(v I M ■ i™ps - I I II | : il«|II lltlf Up front in Winston is FILTER-BLEND that’s why WINSTON TASTES GOOD like a cigarette should ■,1 ssssig; JH1 wm ■ SSSKSSSi Z- ■ ■.f.vV:' '?s.f R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO.. WINSTON-SALEM. N. C,