NORTHERN DIVISION • 1958 Ducks leave for test Oregon’* unbeaten track team leave* Kugene Friday at 10 a m. for Seattle and a crack at it* fifth Mtralght Northern Division championship. Coach Bill Bowcrman «eot. hi* thlnclad* through a light work out Tiiursday afternoon, ending their workout* for the meet. There i* nothing left for the Din k* to do, but wait until race time. Itoweriinui expect* an ex tremely clone meet with WSC providing the big hurdle to u fifth straight title, .luck Moo berry'* ( ongar* have a great (bail of depth, and arc well hula need. Pacing Moo berry'* afjuad are a pair of Kpeedy Kophotnore*. Don Maw and Spike Aril. Maw i* the top WHO sprinter and will be favored in both sprints Saturday if hi* pulled muscle 1* healed. Maw'* bent race i» the 220 where lie holds a best time of :20.9, top* thi* year on the Coast. Arlt I* currently the leading low hutdler In the Division, should put on an exciting dual with Oregon Dave Eidstrom for ingh hurdle honor*. Other strong Cougar conten ders inelude Dick Ituhcnser, who has the Second >>est javelin throw in the leugue, Jack Fun rdng and Don Kliingsi n. who are 13 plus pole vaulters, ■Steve Frye, who has league Ix-sts In two events—the dis cus and the shot, and !*■<• Hall, OKKOON'M JIM GKEIXE (right) and Terry Tobacco of Wash ington urc favored in their respective events in Saturday's North ern Division meet at Seattle. Grelle runs the mile, while Tobacco Is a quarter-mller. one of the two t«»p quarter inllers In the Division. Against this fine array of tal ent Howerrnan will send hia own talented crew, of which all mem hers appear, at last, to be ready to. go. STAN ML’SIAL, who bunged out his 2!i!l9th bam- hit on May 12 at Wrlgley Field, Chicago, selects a hat prior to hitting his 3000th safety the next day against the Cubs. Manager Fred Hutchinson hud Intended to keep Musiul on the bent'll so he could try for the big blow against the San Francisco (iiants in St. Louis, but he used “The Man” in a pinch hit role and Musial belted a 2-2 pitch for u double. Tuesday, May 20th Deadline for turning in Co-op receipts for refund. Leave your envelopes at cashier's window before May 20th. University Co-op The discouraging pulled mus cles that have botheied sprinters Steve Anderson and Jack Morris and broad jumper Sam Taylor over the past few weeks are healed. Following Saturday’s competi tion the Ducks will board their chartered bus and return to Eu gene by 10 p.m. I*hnne DI 5-1511, Ext. 218. Use Emerald Classified Ads Chung's Cafe STEAK & CHICKEN TOOI 26 W 7th Dl 3-1825 Golfers seek title, netters face OSC Oregon’s Webfoot golf and tennis squads bring down the curtain on the 1958 Northern Di vision campaign today and Sat uroay with matches against Ore gon State at Corvallis. Sid Milligan’s Duck golfers can wrap up their 11th ND title in ; the last 12 seasons with a victory ! over the Beavers today on the OSC course. Best-ball play began early this morning, with indi-, vidual matches slated for this af-, temoon. The Ducks whipped the Beavers in an early-season ND match. Dick Williams’ Webfoot netters could formulate a commendible ND mark for the current cam paign with a win over OSC Sat urday on the Beavers’ courts. The Ducks currently stand 2-2 in the ND, and could use the win Saturday to better an already good record. Prospects for an Oregon ten nis victory Saturday aren’t too bright, however, since Oregon State has one of its finest court squads in Beaver history. OSC was trimmed, 4-3, by the Wash ington Huskies last week in Seat tle for the ND tennis crown, but the Huskies and Beavers are re sponsible for the two defeats on the Webfoot record. Stalwarts of the OSC net quin tet are Tom Cottle, Paul Skvar na, and captain Jimmie Jackson. Skvarna has lost only one singles match all season; and he and Jackson are the Beavers' number one doubles pair. Oregon should have little trou ble with the Beaver linksmen to day. Captain Bob Prall is ex* pected to pace the Webfoots to another title. Oregon meets Seat tle U. at ECC Saturday. Oregon’s Duckling golfers host a three-way match with the Ore gon State Rooks and South Eu gene High this afternoon at the Eugene Country Club. The Frosbi will be shooting for their sixth straight win. Delivery! “A Snack or A Meal Aa Near As Your Phone” 6 P.M. to Mdnight Dewey’s DI5-8275 your DIAMOND at House of Diamonds Want a Commission — Plus Only 6 Months Active Duty The National Guard offers you a chance for a com mission — 6 months of active duty and the oppor tunity to engage in a full time civilian career while serving your military obligation. We believe we have a good program. Why not discuss it with us? We will be interviewing on campus May 19 Sign up at Graduate Placement in Emerald Hall. Check into the possibilities of becoming.a commissioned officer in the National Guard and serving only 6 months active duty. COMPANIES K and L, OREGON NATIONAL GUARD Eugene Armory TheOrtfi* hify EMERALD I