Ilv •JlOKItY HAMSKY f'aniTuld Sports F.ditor ’ .'"'I think you know all there i wortli knowing about 'I'"11 in general in ay I m- vou'rc an Kncyclopedia of Sport on let;-., conversant with athletic topics from acrobatic* to Zeppelin racing, We thought we were too, until last week eiul, that is. I Ik- boy in tin- Multnomah Stadium pre ■■* box were standing around at half time, di cu *iujj the ^ame and toss ing obscure statistic back and forth faster than tin- subject change during a Triday afternoon at Maxic's. Someone bad ju-t casiiallv mentioned the number of fumbles lost (for both team ) for the 1'Akl Wounded Knee Tech Cornucopia State via -it ( Ml), when a small man in a Harris tweed opera cloak and carrying a Koval Speed Riler elbowed hi* way into the center of the discussion. Omniscient of the Gazette lie smiled around the surprised circle of the sports sc’Tibes, and said "< »entlcmcn, I am Ripley Omniscient of the Keokuk (..•/ette, and m my travel* to football ('anus I always find a K' iti|> of correspondent* who seem to know everything about sports. of this, | have prepared a short tjuiz on var i jii subject which I hand out to these experts, like vour self." -ayini', he readied into the ««]><-r;t cloak and pulled out s ane printed •ducts, and handed them to everybody listeit ii'fs- including your overawed reporter. "'l'h«- answers are on I be back no peeking." tin- little man cautioned, and then he started walking toward the elevator. If you’re a super-sports-expert, then, here are some of the questions—it s only fair to say that Gregory and Pasero missed all of them. Strite had one correct, and the Emerald sports staff really bombed it. Good luck: Question 1 How many touchdowns did the leading Wash i .vton scorer make during the 192b season? - Why has the football always been made out of pig-kin? .v What i- the two-platoon system in football ? h Why are all football players required to wear helmets, .shoulder pads and other heavy, bothersome equipment? W hat is the official ,\.\t record for running around the w orld ? f>: \\ hat is the actual distance between the 40 and the 43 yard lines on an official football field? / What did Knute Rockne whisper at half-time to Red Grange on November 14. 1024? K. In wdiat manner did the basketball terms "forward'", "center" and "jump-shot" originate? V. W ho killed Cock Robin? Hi. Who is going to defeat University of Southern Cali fornia the weekend of November 10? Invert the Facts c siiu.ijpjtu j.mjjo jnoX qp.w ajcduioa siqj saop woj{ •qjnos duj buiino.) i: no ‘sjsunoj nmnjm: pun uoSajf) jo dnojif y Ql ii.i.»fi.»a\iqXq punoj-cj u jo punoj qunoj aqi hi p.»|p>j sew uiqoyj >po") yy •sjajsdooq .laauoul ')oqsdiunf [KiJjaz'q puu y .,mi|s;,( 'juu.wjo.j .>i|jui| ) j iiji; p.mum aja.w Xaqj, ’x jaqip ‘saana Xpoq -o\ s| uopsanb siqj oj j.>a\sub aqi inq.w s.woujj Xpoqoyj / <:.>w p;p ‘oui| pjnX-Qp ipupw a ns l.upip •),\\ suojsn|auoa jn Xmdiunf sj iioa put;—spjnX /[ -g 'PP°X ■’’UK *«OJJ d[.H| pnq 3l| mq ‘sXnp ox u! p PIP ififOv.| S«au|l|,[ A|||S i1ll|}).)if A[|K3J ajtloX A\Of^ ■£ iaiu[ iftnjpif itiojj uiaqi d.iaq oj pajjnbaj aan aja sjauipq ‘sped—ifuojAC aj.noX ‘saa -Aepl ijkcjjooj a>p| aaoui jjooj uuqj a>p:m oj pins noX jj -p aunj j|ui| in put; ouii’.l aqj aaojaq sapnand pjBnif aojoa 0,1,0>1 luajajjip n Xqaaaq.u ‘uo|jnAoiiu| .wan n s| siqj, •£ sXt;p asoqi ui sasaoq ao savoa on aaa.w aaaqi asnnaajj •£ ■|.woso\| .ii|i ipeaj Ul.lip pod|.H| lln)JJllll|si; \\ JO Aps'JaAlllfl ,)l|J JOJ S | \/J [£ |)UtJ s[i:oJ1 |»|->jj naAas asoipw ‘jjoo^ oujJjir.j sea\ ai|—auo_\[ [ M itchel Kinuiy more .632 .<>3 J Orel; CSC l)S( Stauf. Wash.-Cal, Malm WSC MSI Minn. Nutrr Dame* Miss. Tcnn. Texas A&M Rice Alhright Juanita Oreg. Oreg. 14 6 use use < 2 2 Wash. Cal 7 3 WSC WSC 7 I MSU MSU 1IJ IK Okla. Okla. 13 14 Iowa OSU 11) 1 Tenn. Tcnn. 7 12 Ars Ars 1 12 Juan Alh. y« So: Wilson Johnson .632 .632 Ore*. Oreg. 7 12 OSC OSC 1 1 Wash. Cal. 6 6 Idaho WSC 1 5 MSU MSU 7 6 N.D. Okla. 1 6 Iowa Iowa 12 4 Tenn. Tenn. 13 7 Rice Ags. 7 5 Alh. Juan. 2 2.5 Mullin Chapman .597 .597 Oreg. Oreg. 10 13 OSC Stan. 7 4 Cal. Cal. 6 6 WSC Idaho 5 6 MSU MSU 14 7 Okla. Okla. 7 21 OSU Iowa 7 _ 5 Tenn. Tint. 8 4 Ars. Rice 13 6 Alh. . Juan. 99 6 THIS AFTERNOON Frosh Finish with Pups Oregon's freshman footballers will throw a revised starting line up at the University of Wash ington's Musky Pups when the two elevens meet in a 1:30 p.m. contest today on Hayward Field. The first 1957 home contest for the Ducklings, today’s en counter will also be the Frosh’s last of the current session. Satisfied with merits of a week of practice with empha sis on defensive play, the Duckling mentors are confi dent that their charges, wln less to date, will give the rug ged Pups a top-notch battle. Although the Northerners have not been scouted by Duckling personell, the Pups are expected to place a well-balanced team on the turf this afternoon by virtue of their past performances. The Pups clobbered WSCs frosh, 20-7, In their season: open er, while Oregon State’s Rooks edged the Cougar yearlings by a slim one-touchdown margin. The Rooks have a pair of de cisions over the Ducklings in their 1957 skein, so Washington is not expected to be any push over. Oregon's big problem in their 20-0 loss to OSC last week was inability to plug up the middle of the defensive line. The Rooks ran rampant at that spot, but Duckling mentors think that con centrated practice this week on the problem has been successful. "The boys looked good in practice this week,” Bob DoorniYk, Frosh assistant coach, commented yes terday. Oregon’s starting eleven will see several new faces, and old ones at different positions. lUley Mattson and Bill Lin coln w ill again open at the ends, while Paul Ramirez and (iary Stenslaml will hold down the tackle spots. Boh Ahlc and I)ave Urell are the first-line guards. Co-captain Carroll Tichenor will anchor the line at center. Darryl Eisner will quarterback the outfit and direct the activi ties of halfbacks Paul Bauge a’.id Vance Yoakum and fullback Paul Thompson. KKANOI'S COGTIKANK, fiery Oregon guard last jear, is back on the Duck grid scene—but as a roach of the UO Frosh, along with 1‘hil McHugh and Bob Dormink The twice-beaten Ducklings face Washington's freshmen here this afternoon. IM Schedule Friday, Nov. 15 • IM Volleyball 3:50 Philadelphia A vs. Hale Kane A, Court 40: Staf ford A vs. Hunter A, Court 36. 4:35 McClure A vs. French A, Court 40; Stafford B vs. Young B, Court 36. 5:15 Chi Psi B vs. Sigma Phi Epsilon B, Court 40; Sig ma Nu B vs. Phi Delta Theta B. Court 36. Oregon's varsity gridders de feated Puget Sound 114-0 in 1910 for their most decisive victory in history. AAA IN EUCENE, IT’S The Wil-Mar Motel For Your Parents Added Convenience and Pleasure • NEW Heated Pool • Kitchenettes • TV — Phones 571 W. 6th Ph. DI 5-0361 Downtown Eugene ■.. Meet Your Friends at HAMBURGER HEAVEN "The friendliest place in town" No wonder everyone goes to Hamburger Heaven. It's the place where you find: • Delicious Food • Friendly Atmosphere • Speedy Service 1224 Willamette AFTER SHAVE LOTION Refreshing antiseptic action heals razor nicks, helps keep your skin in top condition. 1.00 plus tax SHULTON New York • Toronto