SB I THE \«»K-01.I> INDIAN buriul ground on Memaloose Island near The Dalles, noon will lx- flooded l>\ The Dalles Dam reservoir. and that 20th century invention—the helicopter—began removing In- | cliaii remains to a new burial ground on the Washington shore of the t olumhia 11 i v r. Ihe helicopter carries two coffin-like boxes on its lauding skids. 1AI1 \Yirephoto >. YEMENITE EVII)EV( K—Tribesmen at Harib, in tin- remote Bed Sea kingdom of Yi'men, point to th • nibbled remains ot a house which they say was smashed by British air raids from the neigh* boring British-allied protectorate ol Aden. Peace talks to establish a permanent border between the adjoining territories in southeastern Arabia were proposed last week. AP Wuephoto). M & PRESIDENT OX 'Void" PROGRAM—President Eisenhower sits with his hand to liis face in Washington, D.C’., Feb. 23, just before beginning a world-wide radio broadcast marking the 15th year j anniversary of the Voice of America, in his broadcast, Ike told the Middle East nations the menace of international Communism “could smash all their hard won accomplishments over night.” - (AP Wirephoto) 1 CHEKI, IT S COLD OUTSIDE j —French eye-list wears mantle 1 of snow over his poncho as ; snow storm swept the French capital I'd). 22. Unusually se vere winter, coupled with the Suez-caused fuel shortage, has caused discomfort in France this year. (AP Wirephoto). MOVINC POST — Soviet *c lentist slam!', in tower, part of observation station on ice lloe in northern I*o!ar seas. Station has drifted more than 1.250 miles since its Inception. FINE FOODS Quick Courteous Service ON THE CAMPUS 854 E. 13th SPEND LESS MONEV SERVE BETTER MEALS With Fish and Shellfish NATI UK'S WONMKIt FOOD From NEWMAN’S FISH CO. 39 Fast Broadway Phone »I 4-237! MINUTE OF TRUTH Despite Red jamming attempts. Radio Free Europe cornea through powerfully and effec tively to 70 million hopeful listeners behind the Iron Cur tain. The truth of its broad casts keeps alive faith and the spirit of freedom. No wonder Reds fear Radio Free Europe. No wonder the Iron Curtain captives take heavy risks to listen. Make sure the trull: gets throughf Each dollar you con tribute sponsors a Minute of Truth on Radio Free Europe. Keeps its voice strong, free and effective. Official stations can give official views. Only Rad » Free Europe can apeak far the people themselves! Send your Truth Dollars to— CRUSADE (4 r\ «°r r %J freedom c/o local Po»tma*l*r 1 Oregon Datly bemerald WANT ADS Rates: 4c per word first inser tion, 2c thereafter. Minimum charge 40c. WANTED STEWARDESSES Overseas Flights. Full pay while in training. 30 days annual va cation. Write us for infor mation. Flight Service Sup erintendent, PAN AMER ICAN WORLD AIRWAYS, Seattle-Tacoma Internation al Airport, Seattle 88, Wash ington. 2-1-30 Two Male students want trans portation to Des Moines, Iowa or vicinity for Spring vacation. Contact Rick Van Rheenen or Ed Capen, DI 4-4702. 2-26-3 WANTED Stuilent who remov'd business texts from grad, desk in annex 3, please return. Ur gently needed. 2-28-3 SERVICES A-I Loan & Jewelry Co. Loans made on diamonds, cameras, guns, radios, mu sical instruments and type writers. 41 East 7th. Phone DI 3-6041. 2-22-6 Alterations and Repairs. One Day Service. Siegmund's Best Cleaners. 821 E. 13th. 1-9-tf PHOTOGRAPHS. H o u 8 e groups and dances. Phone DI 4-3432. The Febly Studio. tf