Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 16, 1956, Page Six, Image 6

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    NEARLY 400 people were served at the YWCA Smorgasbord Min
tlay night in Gerlinger hall. Fir boughs and lighted candles deco
rated each table including the Smargasbord table. YWCA mem
bers in Swedish costumes acted as hostesses and waitresses. Chair
men included I-arrilyn Carr, food and clean-up; Sue Walcott, pro
motion; and Kathy Thurston, Sue Slauson, Gerry Sou rt»o rough,
and Nancy I.idheck, decorations and music, tieneral co-chairmen
of the exent xxere Jean Fay, and tilixia TharuJilsoii.
Senator Offers
Research Spot
To College Grad
The position of research intern
has been offered by Senator
P.ichard L. Neuberger to an Ore
gon college graduate whose in
terest is in political science.
For the third time since his
election. Neuberger La offering
the internship pl^n as a means
of encouraging superior students
to enter the field of government.
The successful candidate will act
as a research intern on the sen
ator's Washington staff for one
Applications for University
students should be made through
the political science department,
which will select the best quali
fied student for consideration by
the final selection committee of
various Oregon educators.
Both men and women, graduat
ing seniors who have exhibited
“sincere interest and outstanding
ability in the study of problems
of our society and government,"
are eligible for the position. Ap
plications must be filed before
March 1.
Candidates will be interviewed
by the selection committee, which
will announce its choice before
April 1.
Want Ads
For Sale: Midnight blue serge
suit, double breasted, size
38, Tailored in Hong Kong
of finest English wool.
Never worn. $16,00. Phone
4-3581. 1-17
Clean, modem studio apart
ment. close to campus. Stu
dents or faculty. Available
Jan. 17. I860 Onyx. 4-1527.
Need Cash: 1946 Plymouth,
clean. $100. Phone 5-8752,
after 7:30 p.m. 1-16
Friday Deadline Set
For Quartet Contest
Friday is the deadline for en
tries in the Dads' Weekend bar
bershop quartet contest.
Any quartet representing an
organization or group may enter,
according to Fay Campbell, who
is accepting applications at Kappa
Alpha Theca. Judging will be
based on national rules, copies of
Department Head
Writes Psych Text
“The Psychology of Human
Differences,” written by Leona
E. Tyler, acting head of the psy
choiogy dept., will be printed in
second edition this week by Ap
pleton-Century Crofts publishing
firm of New York City.
This edition of the illustrated,
545-page textbook includes a
large amount of research ma
terial from the field of differ
ential psychology. The new ma
terial comprises more than half
of this rewritten edition.
Designed for advanced courses
in differential psychology, the
text places emphasis on general
principles and emerging ideas
rather than on detailed research
Campus Calendar
Noon UP.C 110 SU
Spanish Tbl 111 SU
Soc Staff 112 SU
3:00 Fr Causerie 111 SU
4:00 Dads Day Lr.ch Com
110 SU
Dads Wknd Spec
Event Com 112 SU
Pi Sig Alpha 113 SU
Eng Sein Dadsrm SU
Y Fun Fest Exec 315 SU
New Fae Senate 334 SU
6:30 Dads Wknd Prom Com
111 SU
7:00 Orides Gel 1 3rd Fir
8:00 Sigma Xi Lect 16 Sci
Frosh Variety Show
Aud Ballrrn SU
which have been distributed to
1 men's living organizations
The qualifying round will be
held Jan. 30. The final contest is
scheduled for Feb. 3.
Officers to Interview
Men for Audit Offices
Commander Joseph R. Roszel,
SC, USN, will visit the Univer
sity of Oregon campus Wednes
day to interview for the Army,
Aar Force, and Navy pudit of
Interested students may call
the office of student affairs for
time and place of meeting.
Union Committees
Meet Today at 4
The SU dance committee is
! holding a meeting today at 4
; p.m. in SU 313. Chairman Bar
bara Berwick announced that the
meeting is an important one.
A music committee meeting
will be held in the Student Union,
at 4 p.m. today, according to
chairman Jeanne Scales. She
asked that all members be pres
ent for discussion of the Barber
. shop quartet contest.
Local Artist Gives
Classes at Center
The Eugene art c-nt.-r has an*
jnonneed a series of life drawing
class*-* by La Verne Krause, local
| artist. The first class will be
Tuesday evening from 7 30 to
9:30 p m. at the Lane county fair
Pi ice of the 10-lesson course
is $10, which may be paid at the
first meeting. Ciusses will tie
every Tuesday.
Interested University students
may obtain further Information
from Mrs. VV. H. Brockway, vice
president of the Eugene ail cen
ter, at 5-6392.
Campus Briefs
• Lee KUtesing, chairman of the
Dad.-' Day luncheon hus called u
general meeting of her committee
for today at 4 p m. in the Student
Union. The room number will be
posted, she said.
• PI Sigma Alpha, political
j science honorary, will meet today
at 4 p.m. in the Student Union.
Initiation of new members will
: he discussed.
S i
• There will lie an Important
! meeting of Oridea tonight at 7
! p.m. in Gerlinger hall. All mem
| hers and pledges are expected to
| he present, according to Connie
i Drury, president. Those who are
unable to attend have been asked
j to call her at 4-0369.
; • Dads’ Di*y promotion oom
| niittee will meet in the Student
Union tonight at 6:30, according
; to committee co-chairman Frank
' Ingram.
Groceries — Fresh Produce — Meals
Mixers — Beverages — Magazines — Ice Cream
_ TILL 11=00
13th at High St.
Dial 4-1342
11 Cadets Get
Awards Tuesday
Awards will be presented to
22 cadets at the first Air Koree
ROTC review of the year The
ceremony is to !*• held Tuesday
at 2:13 p.m. on th<- lower drill
field. Major laiwis B. Tiffany
has announced.
Eleven of the awards will go
to Air Science IV cadets who
have been designated as dis
tinguished AFROTC cadeta. The
eleven are Richard K. VaiiAllcn,
Baker; Timothy D. James. Eu
gene; Robert E. Ransom. Hermi
ston; Kenneth C. Moore, Silver
ton; George W. Waller. Eugene;
Duane Reeves, Springfield; Don
ald K Mead, Eugene. Otto M.
Nelson Eugene; Justin M Smith,
Medford: Aithvr 1. Weber. San
Carlos. Calif.: and Everett Stiles,
An Science l and II commenda
tion awards are »1 ited for the
top two per cent of basic cadets.
Those to receive Atr Science I
awards are Ron J Annin, Eu
gene; Richard G. Carlson, Eu
gene, Lelluy E Cuthiell, Cottage
Grove; John I*. Colvin, Pendle
ton. John D Earle, Eugene;
Jerry R. Schwarts. Oswego, and
Eugene S Wall. Gresham.
Air Science It commendations
will be presented to Kenneth D.
Boyer. Haines; William .1 Cook,
Salem; Kredrlc C Davis, fort
land, and Owen T. Watkins,
Wrangell. Alaska
Today Last Day
To Change Classes
Today is tint last day to
change Haws wit hunt u $i
(H'nalty and complication*. ac
cording to <’. I- < onstuncr,
After today a charge in
course requires tile signature of
the instructor and department
If the course is drop|M-d after
today the student’s progress in
the course becomes u part of
his record.
Join /hf>
January 3 to 3/