Walls Came Tumbling Down ONLV A SKELETON remains of the south wing of th«* airhltce turc ItuildliiK. as Horkmcn raze th** old structure. Construction on the ntnv huildliiK will begin In February, 1956. €merJd-Want AdS Dependable persona private tutoring, music background; must be punctual, neat, like work with children. Good future with large' expanding organization. Good income, won't interfere with your aohoolwork. Car necessary. Call 4-5329 for appointment. 12-8 Ballerina Pinball Machine, $45. Call Don Pollock. 4 7747 noon and evenings. 12-2 Ballerina Pinball Machine $45. Call Don Pollock 4-7747 noon and evenings. 12/2 Lost: Oregon loose leaf note book. $3.00 reward. Con tains class notes. Gary Hub bard. Call 4-8381. 12-8 You wouldn't give us editorial space, so we’ll say it in a wunt ad. Happy Birthday, Gordon!!! 12-5 Magna Boy Table Model Radio AM FM. $65. Call 474 be tween 3-5 p.m. 12-8 ___ Lost: Shakespeare text. Re ward! Call Mary Langer. Ext. 482. 12-2 For Sale: Siamese kittens. Ph. 4-0659. 12-8 STUDENTS USED BOOKS WILL BE PURCHASED DURING FINAL WEEK Bring your Books to the Sporting Goods Counter on The Main Floor. Hof0 Co-op Store find THEATRE | Kidd ics JUjjqwurui fane4 0429 , .99 N.. I i Mi. No.of Overhead STARTS FRIDAY Both Cinemascope and Color " MAGNIFICENT MATADOR" — and — "PRINCE OF PLAYERS" LOOK SHARP, MEN when you get home. Before you leave, when you have some free time, stop in at ERIC'S for a neat, trim hair cut. Look sharp when you get home. ERIC S barber shop 792 EAST 11th AVE. f Before You Leave 1 For Vacation Drop in and Fill lip Always a good place to stop for gas or repairs. Close to the campus. Campus Shell Service 690 EAST 13th AVENUE Across from Dairy Queen a lovely Lentil eric lipstick gift-boxed for only sizes 8Vt> to 11 Q C proportioned lengths aLA ~ short, medium, long The finest of hosiery plus the finest of lipsticks for the price of the hosiery alone! A glamorous gift package _. high fashion and practicality^, that every girl will love!