Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 14, 1955, Page Seven, Image 7

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    (Continued from put/c .six)
Christian Science
The Christian Silence organ
ization will meet at 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday in the men's lounge Of
Gerlinger hall. All interested
persons connected with the Uni
versity are welcome to attend.
The Baha’i religious group will
have a public meeting .Sunday at
7 p.m. at the Eugene Women's
club, 450 K. 13th St.
Mis. Clare Kuhnle will speak
on the Baha'i faith, which is 112
years old and one of the nine
Freshman Rally
Finalists Named
Seventeen semi-finalists for
the freshman rally squad were
announced last night at the
"squat rally" for the Oregon
California game.
These girls are Charlcae Isaacs.
Carol Boyd, Ann Lathrop, Deane
Bogle, William Kunke, Judy Kek
lund, Put Gibbons, I.lndu Darnell,
Mary Ann Jones, Kathy Moore,
Donna Roberts, Karen Moke, Joy
Stevens. Nancy Taylor, Nancy
Payne, Sandra Hess, and Laurie
Tryouts to select the final
squad will be held at Gerlinger
annex Tuesday noon. Semi-final
lsts are to wear shorts and will
try out to a record of the Oregon
fight song.
Drive Ends Today
For United Appeal
The United Appeal drive, which
has been conducted on campus
this week, ends today.
All Kwama and Skull and
dagger members should turn in
envelopes with money solicited
from living organizations at the
Student Union director’s office
today, according to Margaret
Tyler, drive chairman.
Winners will be announced
next week and prizes will be
awarded to the men's house and
women's house that collect the
most per capita, she said.
If any houses have not been
notified of the drive, they are
asked to telephone Russ Walker,
YMCA executive secretary.
Charter Day...
(Continued from I'at/e one)
public observance of Charter day.
It commemorates the founding
of the university on Oct. 8, 1876.
All afternoon classes will be
dismissed Tuesday in observance,
anti the library and the recrea
tion and coffee areas of Krb
Memorial Student union will close
during the convocation.
Want Ads
For Sale: ’47 Chevrolet, four
floor, very good condition.
Charles Chicks, Alpha Hall.
Phone 3-1014 or Ext. 501.
Wanted: Rider to share ex
penses to Salem. Leave
every Friday, return Sun
day. Jerry Blank, ext. 371.
Men in Freshmen dorms an
swer your phones once in
awhile. Signed Ruth and
Jane. 10-17
major religions or the world.
All interested students are in
vited to attend. Refreshments
will be served.
Newman Club
The Newman club will hold its
meeting at 7:30 Sunday in I he
Student Union. There will be a
pane! discussion on the "Church
in Argentina.” All interested stu
dents are cordially invited to at
Eisenhower Well
Enough to Confer
DENVER '.tf President Eisen
hower recovered sufficiently for
the Denver White House to an
nounce he will confer here Mon
day with Secretary of Defense
Wilson and Admiral Arthur W.
Radford, chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff.
In a “happy mood” on the eve
of his 60th birthday, he was well
enough, too, to sip a cup of coffee
and wave to fellow patients from
an 8th floor hospital mindeck.
Under the Weather
Dixie Miller, Diane Oldham,
Jane Butler, Klin Jean Hend
ricks, Ronald Crepe, Gerald Nel
son and Robert Usilton stayed in
the informary for medical care
Today's Staff
Make-up editor: Sam Yahey.
Copy desk: Sam Weiss, Bob
News desk: Cornelia Fogle, Bill
Mamwaring, Anne Ritchey.
Night staff: Mickey Schlcin
ing, Judy Johnson.
Truman Sets Quick Pace
!)A.\(iU.\(i A TRAIL of newsy cnmmrntar.v for the hurrying reporters behind him. former Presi
dent Harry Truman sets a brisk pare on usual early morning ualk in New York Oct. 12. The
forcer chief executive steps along Park Ave. as the newsmen keep track of such items as: “I see
they're holding it in the Cow Palace. When they come out. it will be the Bull Palace'—Truman’s
answer to a request for comment on the Republican national convention to be held in San Fran
cisco. (AI* Wlrcphoto).
French Premier Faure Asks for Vote of Confidence
PARIS >/P* - Premier Edgar
Fame early Friday asked for a
vote of confidence in his gov
ernment’s proposed economic and
political reforms in Algeria.
The vote will be held next Tues
day. If defeated, the cabinet
must resign. . .
Fam e's demand was made at I
dawn after a confusing all-night
session of the National assembly
at which the deputies turned
down, one by one. all of the six
resolutions which had been pro
posed as outlines for a new gov
ernment policy in Algeria.
The call for a vote of confi
dence gave the Premier four days
of grace to work out a possible
compromise. The call auto
matically shut off debate for 24
hours and the deputies decided
to extend the cooling-off period
until Tuesday.
the most
wanted slip
fabric . . .
never needs
tricot knit beauty!
styled for beauty, long wear
and easy care . . . fash
ioned in a miracle blend of
Dacron & Nylon and lav
ished with lace & pleated
trims ... a quick-dry
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a touch of luxury
at a tiny price!
main floor