FOR THE FINEST FOOD IN THE FINEST ATMOSPHERE 5904 McKenzie highway SPRINGFIELD Telephone 6-3198 i,s The Driftwood Uniueriity J | yy 849 EAST 11th AVENUE Phone 4-4M 1 Eddies Flowers 1400 Willamette St. Phone 5-6121 • • • Get Your Flowers For the Game at EDDIES W ALDER'S Associated Service EUGENE - PHONE 4-0161 694 EAST 11th AVENUE Recommended by AAA Telephones — TV — Radios MILLS MOTEL Phone 5-8526 U. H. Hwy 99 So. 568 West 7th Avenue 4 Blocks North of Business District Eugene, Oregon Helen R. Norris, Mgr. Good Luck Ducks from the EL PRADO MOTEL 1055 West 6th Ave. Phone 4-0568 Good Luck, Ducks! Eugene s Merchants Helen West gate Shoppe Ducks, Duck In for all CAMPUS APPAREL 895 E. 13th Ave. Ph. 4-8152 JUMBO BARBECUE "It's the only Jumbo on the Campus" 873 EAST nth AVENUE Poplars Motel 595 PACIFIC HIGMWAY NORTH PHONE 5-3125 AFTER THE GAME. Drop In For Refreshments No one—but no one—makes heavenly hamburgers, french fries and creamy milk shakes like BOB ASHBY'S 1224 WILLAMETTE STREET Saturday Special! Hamburger and Shake . 50c Come in for COFFEE and DOUGHNUTS at the COLLEGE SIDE 889 E. 13th Ave. - Ph. 4-7055 EL DON MOTEL Wishes the Ducks Good Luck! 1140 WEST 6th AVENUE - PHONE 4-3363 WESTWOOD FURNISHINGS 72 EAST 11th AVENUE Phone 3-6311 If you miss the Colorado-Oregon Game, you may read the complete coverage in the sports pages of Monday's Oregon Daily Emerald.