On Campus Pix Set Next Week For the first time, Individual picture*) for the Oregana will be taken in the Student Union rather than off campus, atari mg Monday. Because of the eonveniece, the Oregana staff hopes that more married students and others liv ing off campus will have their pictures taken. Pictures will be taken In the SU basement from 8 a m. to H p.m. by Moderne Studio. A time schedule will be given to each living organization so that each person can sign up for a specific time. Prices remain the same as last year: $1 for four poses, one of which will tie chosen for use in the Oregana. Additional prints for students in activities are 10 cents apiece. Pictures of students enrolling winter term will tie taken in January. Deer Hunter Tells Grim Experience By the Aitocialtd Pan A deer hunter, one of at least seven wounded in the first weekend of the Oregon season, told the harrowing ex perleiwe he went through in a \aln attempt to keep from getting shot, apparently by an other hunter. Charles Drinkwater, Lake view, In good condition in a hospital With a wound in the thigh, suid he anil his son. Kit-hard, 8, were hunting in the North Crane area, 12 utiles south of Lake vie W. A shot from across a can yon hit a rook at their feet, he said. Ihtshlng Hit-hard to the ground, Drink water dropped down to protect the boy. He at tached his red hat to the end of his rifle and waved it, shout ing at the same time for sev eral minutes. After while, thinking it safe, he stood up. He promptly was shot in the thigh. Police searched without success for tlie man who did the shotting. Stop-Fire Week To Start Oct. 9 Fire kills 11,000 men, women, and children, and destroys $870, 984,000 in property unnuall, re ports the National Board of Fire under-writers. In hopes of reducing these figures. President Eisenhower lias proclaimed the week of Oct. 9-If) as Fire Prevention week. This also includes the anniver sary of the great Chicago fire of Oct. 9, 1871. Everyone is urged to ob serve Fire Prevention week by thoroughly checking for fire hazards, correcting any unsafe conditions, and following safety precautions. Carelessness with cigarettes, matches, electricity, portable oil heaters, stoves, and furnaces cause the most fires; s© every one should be extremely careful where these things are con cerned, the board warns. Campus Calendar 9:00 Noon 6:30 7:00 7:30 Thursday Oregana Pictures Coop Bd Phi Beta Cab AAA Fac Skull & Dag K warn a IFC ASUO Senate Phi Delta Phi NAACP 11 SU 110 SU 111 SU 112 SU 110 SU 111 SU 112 SU 334 SU Gerl 1st FI 214 SU Lt. Peterson to Interview Junior-Senior Girls Friday Lieutenant Helen L. Peterson, of the Women'# Army Corps Of ficer Procurement Section, Head quartern Sixth Army, Presidio of San Francisco, will be in Kugene on Friday to interview member# of the senior <:\hhh of the University of Oregon con cerning direct appointments an Large Turnout Produces Team Thin year due to a large turn out of enthusiastic freshmen and sophomores from both the Army ROTC and the Air Force ROTC, a Rifle Team has been organized. The team will be practicing for poatat matches, shoulder to shoul der matches with local teams, and the nationally known Ran dolph Hearst Match. Returning varsity members are: I^?e Tucker, Ben Kahalekulu, Gordon Nobriga, Norm Silliman, David Goode, and George Oka moto. Last year's varsity team finished second in the Willamette Valh-y league. Tiie army drill team will have its first special drill in Spring field Thursday at 12 noon. The special team will he composed of sophomores and juniors and the drill used in competition last y<-ar will he done. The members will be wearing class "A" uniforms for the per formance, This consists of the colorful helmets and scarfs. Campus Briefs • Skull and Dagger will hold a short important meeting to night at 6:30 in the Student Union. All members must at tend. according to President Chuck Cowen. The loom number will be posted. • Hubert K. Freedman, San dra Schori, Rob Roy and Doug las Basham were slaying in the infirmary Wednesday for med ical attention. • The October meeting of the University facility, normally hold on the first Wednesday of the month, has been postponed until Wednesday, Oct. 12, at 4 p.m. • YWCA Sophomore cabinet members going to dorms on Thursday night should meet at Gerlinger hall, 7 p.m., Thursday to get materials. All attending are encouraged to be prompt. • A meeting of all those who signed to be announcers, news casters, sportscasters, and disc jockeys will be held at KW'AX at 3 p.m. today. • YWCA Junior advisers will meet today at noon in the YW offices in Gerlinger hall. • All Phi Theta Upsilons will meet today, Thursday, at 6:30 for initiation at Gerlinger hall. Civil Service Sets Job Examination An examination for a position paying $342 to $440 on the staff of the State Civil Service com mission has been announced. Requirements are a degree from a four-year college or uni versity and one year's experience in personnel work. Applications must be received in the State Civil Service com mission office, Salem, by Nov. 5. Duties involve responsibility for classes (in recruitment, evalua tion of applications and analysis of examinations. officers in the Women's Army Corps, Those interested in discussing possible commissions should con tact Karl W. Onthank, Gradu ate Placement Office, 206 Emei | aid Hall. Direct commissions as second and first lieutenants are being ! offered to women with college I backgrounds between the ages of 20 and 33. A summer train j Ing program is also being offered for college Juniors who are in terested in applying for commis sions in their senior years. Lt. Peterson, a graduate of ! Colby Junior College in New London, New Hampshire and a 1 former airline hostess, accepted 1 a direct commission in 1952 un der this same program, and is well qualified from her own personal experience to explain the various careers open to col ! lege women interested in direct ! commissions in the Women's ! Army Corps. Dance Pairings... (Continued from page one) dancing will be in seven-minute periods with three minutes be tween for men’s groups to ro tate. To keep on schedule, men must move quickly from dance to dance. Money collectors at women’s organizations should have change ready before the Derby begins. Men should have sufficient change so no lines will form at doors. The period from 11 to 12 p.m. wilt allow men to return to pre viously visited organizations if they wish. Music for the Derby will be broadcast by KUON and picked up by FM receivers. The entire dance will be recorded by KUON staff members and broadcast for AM receivers Saturday night. Trophies to the women’s or ganization collecting the most money per member and to the men's group with the largest attendance will be awarded dur ing the last five minutes of the half-time at the Oregon-Colorado football game Saturday. Since some men's groups did not attend all women's organiza tions last year, each of the 34 men's groups must stop at each of the 23 women’s organizations to be eligible for the trophy. Eugene students will be includ ed with their house or dorm. Any men’s organization with more than 100 percent attendance will be eliminated from competition. This is a required function for all men’s and women’s organiza tions. Tally sheets have been mailed to all women’s organiza tions. Pictures will be taken during the evening, some of which, will appear in the Oregana. Club Makes Plans For Hawaiian Fete The Hui-O-Kamaaina Dance, sponsored by the Hawaiian club, will be held Saturday at 7 p.m. in Gerlinger hall. All Islanders and their guests | are invited to attend the dance. Islanders attending other colleges i have been invited too.. The club will also have elec j tions and serve refreshments. Dress is informal. Today's Staff Makeup editor: - Janet Knee land. News offices: Cornelia Fogle. Loretta Meyer Copy desk: Ann McKechnie, Charmion Ford Night staff: Judy Anderson, Ann McKechnie Wire editor: Scott McArthur Copy boy: Chuck Mitchelmore. SV CURRENTS /Sti Derby Plans Erase Fishbowl Mixer Because of the Bunion Derby taking place Friday night, the fishbowl mixer and the Coffee hour which were scheduled in the Student Union at that time, have been cancelled. E. C. A. Lesch, professor of English, who was scheduled as guest speaker on the Coffee hour agenda will speak at the next Coffee hour, Friday, Oct. 14. "Bicycle Thief" Due "Bicycle Thief” is the feature movie which will be shown Sun day, in the Student ballroom at 2:30 and .">:00 p.m. Admissicm : charge is 30 cents. Lawman, Age 12, Busy with Tickets MADISON, Wls. UP'—Police were looking for a self-appoint ed traffic officer, age about 12, Tuesday. He apparently has a book of parking tickets. John Arens reported he saw a boy put a parking ticket on his car. The ticket is a legiti mate one, but the boy still has to learn how to make them out, police said. YWCA Prepares Member Drive Freshmen women will have an opportunity to Join the YWCA Thursday evening as the wo men’s organization conducts its annual membership drive. Members of the YW sophomore cabinet, unable to solicit as pre vioiftly planned Tuesday night will be in the freshmen dorms Thursday evening from 7:30 to 10 p.m. Membership may be purchased during this time. Dues are $1.50 a year. Field areas which will be covered in YWCA work this year are service; public affairs, wor ship. international affairs, and religious growth. YeaWlfa. Out Sew" WHENEVER^** S? IN FOR A GAS-OP OUR SERV»CtEXPERT ssffjsJS CWATT»n»N! WALDER’S ASSOCIATED STATION 694 East 11th Ave. Pressing • • Whi,e You wan COMPLETE Laundry Service Dry Cleaning Alterations Phone 5-6321 815 East 13th Avenue J Co-op Members For your own protection please observe the following: 1. Be sure you have a membership. 2. If for any reason you drop out of school during the year please leave your cash register receipts in the proper envelope at the office of the Co-op. 3. To be sure of your refund have your envelopes turned in to the Co-op before May 20th. 4. Checks will be mailed to students who have dropped out of school. 5. Patronage Refunds will only be paid to students with memberships on record at the Co-op. 8. The refund is paid in cash during final examination week spring term. 7. Turn in only one envelope. If another is required please staple together. Be sure your name, home address and membership number is on the envelope. 8. May 1st is the iast day for purchasing memberships. A Profit Sharing Store that has given for thirty-five years careful, economical service to OREGON students as their campus supply head quarters. JOIN THE "CO-OP" AND SHARE IN THE PROFITS. 25c buys a membership and at the end of the fiscal year, your refund will be paid in cash. SAVE YOUR CASH REGISTER RECEIPTS University Co-op CHAPMAN HALL