Ikes Setback Only Temporary; New Bulletin Says Condition Good I H\\ \ I ;di f A I ’) I ’resident I'.isenhower -cheerful again ; afleen made since June Stl on continuing foreign aid for various nations. 1. Approved an extension of time, from Oct. I to Oct. 21, for a presidential emergency to rc|u>rt on a labor dispute be tween the Pennsylvania Kail road and S6.000 non-operating employes. These actions were announced by presidential press secretary James C. Hagerty, who told re porters that "of course" Kisen hower is cheerful. Concern Sunday A period of concern had set in Sunday night when his doctors found the chief executive tired and feeling under par. The phy sicians. trying to determine the cause, took an X-ray of his dam aged heart Monday to sec wheth er there had been any enlarge ment. They found none. Still further evidence of presi- | dcntial Improvement who the half hour, Hagerty said, the chief executive spent Monday morning j playing h plrturc quiz game with t lie help of a nurse. Relief Kelt And in Boa ton, the internation ally-famed heart specialist, Dr. i Paul Dudley White, said that “I feel relieved." He had hcen suspicion;! earlier that Kiscnhowcr's weariness! Sunday night meant something might he wrong. Bulletin Says “flood Day” The chief executive's doctors summed tilings up as "a good day" in their latest medical bul letin at S 45 p ni. (MST). It said: “The President had a good day. He was in a cheerful mood. “There was no evidence of fa- j tigue. "The President had supper and again visited with Mrs. Kis , enhower. “llis condition continues to be satisfactory without compli ! cations." Brazilian Election In Mud, Muddle RIO DK JANEIRO, Brazil (iff Brazilians elected a Peraident In drizzling rain Monday. The turnout was poor and a court battle loomed to settle the final results because of closeness of i the race. 4 Supporters of the three letyl ing candidates proclaimed vic tory for their nominees but re sults will not be known for 10 days or 2 weeks. The count starts at noon Tuesday and communica- j tions with remote interior areas 1 are poor. AEC In New Drive To Harness H-Bomb WASHINGTON (J’l Top US. atomic scientists arc Joining force* at five research centers in an effort to harness the terrific power of the hydrogen bomb for peace-time energy purposes, Chairman Lewis L. Strauss of the Atomic Energy commission announced Monday. Scientists connected with the long-range program, known as “Project Sherwood," said it holds the promise of supplying man kind with all the energy it will need for all time to come. 'I Shall Return' Says Peron From Paraguayan Exile ASUNCION, Paraguay iff) Juan D. Peron implied Monday he plans to return some day to his Argentine homeland. Until then, he said, he is through with politics. "I will not, move a finger in political affairs, but will live a purely private life as Juan Peron,” the deposed dictator said in a handwritten statement to a group of newsmen who asked an interview. “When I do indulge in political affairs,” he added, “I will re turn to my country.” The former Argentine strong man who arrived here Sunday to begin a life in exile, gave no in dication when he might try to go back home. Stratus told a news conference he is hopeful of success perhaps i within 20 years. The AEC chair man cautioned in a formal state-: ment, however: "Our work is in the research stage and many years of intens ive effort may be required before the first prototype of an operat ing thermonuclear machine may be developed." Strauss disclosed that “Proj ect Sherwood,” which seeks in j effect to tame the terrible force unleashed when light atoms fuse, has been under way since 1951. Prof. Lyman Spritzer, in charge of Princeton university research, said the energy now locked in a light element found in sea water could, if released, "provide many times the present rate of world energy consumption for more than a billion years." Typhoon Margie Dies Near Japan TOKYO t.T) — Typoon Margie hlew itself out on Japan’s doorstep Tuesday with winds of diminishing velocity crossing Southern. Honshu at Hiroshima. Little damage was reported. The storm had headed for Ja pan in the wake of destructive typhoon Louise. Blit by the time it reached Hiroshima its winds of 115 miles per hour had di minished to 58 miles an hour. ’ I Ike Illness Sends Stock Down in $4-Million Loss NEW YORK >m — Price* dropp'd 95 a share and more Monday a* selling came into the stock market on renewed concern over President Elsen hower's illness. .More than four billion dol lars was estimated to have been wiped from the valuation of all shares listed on the New York Stock Exchange despite the fact only briefly did the selling show much urgency. The Associated Press aver age of 60 stocks declined 93.H0 to dose at 9160.50. That was below the closing figure of 9170.10 a week earlier, when tile market plummeted on news of President Eisenhower's heart attack. I,ack of encouraging reports on President Eisenhower's con dition was cited by some Wall Streeters as a factor in Mon day's decline. However, many analysts have been predicting lower markets over the next few weeks because of nervous ness engendered by t he size of last Monda>'s fall. FBI Head Urges Public Support PHILADELPHIA I/Pi—,1. Edgar Hoover said Monday that iaw aliiding ritlzcns most mobilize to help "take the handcuffs off law enforcement.” The director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation told the 0‘Jnd annual meeting of the Asso ciation of < hiefs of Police that the crime picture in the I'.S. is a ^‘national disgrace” and de clared that the problem is pri marily a youth problem. Morocco Riots Flare Anew RABAT, Morocco French troop* supported by plane* *tnick back hard Monday at an estimated 2,000 Moorish rebel horsemen in the North near the Spanish Moroccan zone and in the Ka*t along the border with Algeria. Sketchy reports reaching here gave a picture of reinforcements swarming over the rocky moun tain roads to relieve hard pressed garrisons in the Beau Oeste type forts which the French have manned since the Riff wars of the 1920's. The fighting broke out Satur day night a few hours after Ben Youssef’s successor, Sultan Mo hammed Ben M o u 1 a y Arafa, bowed to French wishes and withdrew to retirement in Moroc co's international city of Tangier. Commando Group* Well organized rebel com mando groups, each 100 men strong, made surprise attacks on three small French posts along the French-Spanish zonal bolder in the Riff Mountains. The posts were abandoned, then retaken when French re inforcements arrived. Seven were reported killed, including two Europeans, and six missing at one of the posts. Losses in flicted on the rebels were not known. New Fights Flared As Fiench military command ei s dispatched troops to the fron tier with the Spanish Zone, new fighting flaied on the high pla teau of the middle Atlas Moun tains 63 miles southeast of the Moslem holy city of Fez, along French Morocco's eastern fron tier with Algeria. The French-Moroccan garrison of Imm o u z e l -Des-Marmoucha fought more than 18 hours to repulse an attack by hundreds of Marmoucha tribesmen. Fighting •‘Fierce’* Authorities in Fez described the fighting at Immouzer-Des Marmoticha and nearby Berkine Power Debate Continues ONTARIO, Ore. Rep. Coon (R-Ore) told farmers of this Eastern Oregon region Monday night that his “partnership” bill for construction o£ John Day Dam would mean more power sooner for domestic uses and in dustry. But Sen. Neuberger (D-Ore) said that what farmers of the region really need is expanded markets for their produce. And he added that this could be ac complished only with low price federal power bringing new in dustries to the Pacific North west. The two Oregon legislators re peated many of their previous arguments as they launched the second of their series of 10 de bates on Coon's bill for construc tion of the proposed Columbia River project. as "fierce.” The rebels were armed with submachine guns, they said. Eievc n of Immouzer's 50 Eu ropeans were killed, including three women and two children. Military casualties, although not disclosed, were said to be high. French Heads Cancel Trip PARIS ft Premier Edgar Faure and Foreign Minister An toine Pinay cancelled Monday a scheduled "courtesy and friend ship visit” to Moscow, with the explanation that the atmosphere is not favorable now for this type of trip. The French action reflected the bitterness in Paris at what -vas apparently considered a gratuit ous blow to French prestige in the United Nations General As sembly’s vote to discuss the Al gerian situation. In Moscow, Communist Party boss Nikita S. Khrushchev, in ef fect the spokesman for world communism, announced the Sov iet Union suppoits the independ ence movement in North Africa. He called it the “national libera tion'' movement. 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