*Duc£ 07,KZC&& By Jim Larimore Emorald Sport* Writer ■■■ I Ik* New York Yankees squared the Worhl Series at three >jai",'s ;,l’i,,<' ’ «*xplofliii(f for five runs in the very first inning ami hanging on to triumph 5 1 behind tin- stout four-hit hurling of outhpaw VVhitey Ford. H.iek in Yankee Stadium after losing three straight at unfriendly Ebbets Field, the Bronx Bombers wasted no time in blasting young lefty Karl Spooner from the mound. Spooner, who had pitched brilliant relief ball in the second game, was coaxed for walks by Phil Rizzuto and Gil Mc Dougal. Yogi Berra and Hank Bauer then produced run scoring singles, and Bill (Moose) Showron topped things off with an opposite-field home run to the right field stands. T hat was the ball game, as Russ Meyer and Ed Roebuck came in to step the Yankees cold the rest of the way. Ford Was Tough I '' of the better upsets of the young season, carry the Pacific Coast conference football torch into Big Ten territory this week in the highlight game of another full schedule. The Indians, who bewildered the Buckeyes of Ohio State with a 6-0 victory on Saturday, fly to Cast Cansing, Mich., to take on surprising Michigan State in the top intersectional tilt. The Spartans put up a tough fight before bowing to mighty Michi gan, 14-7. Three PCC flames Set Three conference contests and a pair of non-league outings complete the weekend PCC slate. UCLA’s Bruins, rebounding sensationally from their defeat by Maryland a week ago with a 55-0 pasting of woeful Washing ton State, entertain Oregon State Friday night at Los Angeles. The Beavers had an open date Saturday. ISC, Washington Collide Two unbeaen teams. Southern California and Washington, col lide at Seattle In the feature game of the PCC card. The Trojans, who opened with a pair of conference triumphs, tamed Texas, 19-7, in an intersectional last week. The hungry Huskies, surprise team of the loop, trim med Oregon, 19-7 on the heels of their Minnesota crusher. The third PCC clash, despite its early date, might decide last place in the conference. Neither Pennsylvania, nor W’ashington State is going anywhere and the looser at Berkeley is almost a cinch for the cellar. In non-conference billing, Ore gon hosts Colorado of the Big Seven at Kugene, and Idaho, loser by 47-14 to Arizona, enter tains independent College of the Pacific, 27-13 winner over Cin cinnati. at Moscow. Opening Day Turnout Less PORTLAND UP—The Oregon State Game commission reported Monday that there were fewer hunters in the field for the open ing week end of deer season than last year. And fewer deer were shot, a spokesman for the commission said. “A lot of hunters apparently are waiting for the either-sex season, and this is a good thing -in that it eliminates the usual opening week-end pressure,” said John McKean, game division chief of operations for the com mission. Dry conditions in the forests and ranges as well as the full moon are causing deer to feed at night and bed down in the day light hours, he said. This, with fewer hunters in the field to stir up the deer, was the reason for the decline in the number of deer bagged, he said. He predicted that hunting would improve as the moon dark ens. Recommended as best areas for hunting were forest areas of Lake, Harney, Grant, Wheeler, Morrow and Crook counties. The commission said that only six small hunter-set fires were j reported. These were extinguish- j ed without serious damage. Sports Stsrff Desk editor: Jim Carter Staff: Chuck Mitchelmore, Jim Larimore, Larry Sellers, Bob Rogers. Shaw and Ameche Lead Redhot Colts By the Associated Press Led by a couple of yearling.*!, the frisky Baltimore Colts are kicking up their heels in the Na tional Football league. The youngsters, Alan Amec he and George Shaw, have ac counted for all the Baltimore touchdowns in a surprising season in which the Colts find themselves in a three-way tie for the lead in the N'FL’s West ern Conference after whipping Detroit, 28-13, over the week end. The Colts, like the Green Bay Parkers and Cos Angeles Hams, have 2-0 records, and the Colts meet the Packers Saturday night in the best game on the N FI, card. Green Bay kept pace by shel lacking the Chicago Bears Sun day, 24-3, while the Rams cut it as close as humanly possible with a 27-26 victory over Pitts burgh, achieved on Les Richter’s 33-yard field goal just as the gun sounded. Washington, anohter surprise package, leads the Eastern Conference with a 2-0 mark after its wildly-exciting 31-30 squeaker over Philadelphia Saturday night. In other games Sunday, Cleveland’s powerful Browns snapped back after an opening loss to crush San Francisco, 38-S, and the Chicago Cardinals upended New York, 28-17. /i. record crowd of 40.030 watched in awe at Baltimore as the Colts manhandled the Lions. After all, the team had won only three games a year since coming back into the league in 1953. And those were the mighty Detroit Lions, whom they’d never beaten. But Ameche and Shaw were not in the league during the past two seasons, and apparently they were too busy playing college ball or studying to read about the Lions’ prowess. In any event, Ameche bowled two yards through the Lion line for one touchdown and added another on a 52-yard gallop. When Ameche, nicknamed "The Horse,” before he ever be came a Colt, wasn’t running through the Lions, Shaw was passing over their heads. He hit two touchdowns and the 28 points the Colts accumulated so stimu lated the defensive platoon that they stopped Detroit cold in the second halt. Sfanky to Manage Giant Farm Club NEW YORK Wt— Eddie Stanky, fiery former St. Louis Cardinal manager, was hired Monday by the New York Giants to manage their top farm club, the Minne apolis Millers of the Class AAA American Assn. Stanky, w'ho was ousted as Cardinal pilot May 28, will suc ceed Bill Rigney, promoted by the Giants to manage the big club after Leo Durocher an nounced his withdrawal as man ager Sept. 24. Students... Get Your Evening Snacks Delivered FREE... 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