Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 03, 1955, Page Eight, Image 8

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    Fraternities Pledge Record
Number of University Men
(Continued from faye one)
boro; Bruce Campbell, Pendle
ton; John Cogswell, Portland;
Rodney Hughes, Pendleton; Ver
non Keel, Roseburg; Clifford
Larimer. Willows, Calif.; Mar
rion McDaniel, Eugene; Angus
MacDonald, Oregon City; Robert
Macnab, Vancouver, Wash.; Gor
don Marlatt, Eugene; Henry Mar
tin, Grants Pass; Nick Maskal,
Portland; Donald Met*, Vancou
ver. Wash.; John Payne, Salem;
Carroll Peetz, Roseburg; Frank
Schaffers, Eugene; Frank Schorn,
Newberg; Dennis Snyder, Eu
gene; and John Ticknor of
Kappa Sigma
Francis Girard, Coos Bay;
Charles Thompson, Westfir; Rob
ert Skinner, Tillamook; Richard
Seine, Lebanon; Louis Savage.
Camas, Wash.; Webster Ruble,
Aberdeen, Wash.; Arthur Moses,
Eugene; Rudolph Littrell, Spring
field; Robert Lee, Eugene; George
Krupicka, Canby; Thomas Kirk
patrick, Portland; Irwin Joslyn,
Portland; Thomas Hallinan, Oak
dale, Calif.; Ronald Garnero,
Woodburn; Harold Erland, Au
rora; Cue Elliott, Coos Bay;
Ronald Denfield, Portland; Ray
mond Carter, Van Nuys, Calif.;
and James Beaton of Lebanon.
Lambda Chi Alpha
Charles Brown, Portland; Rob
ert Easton, Eugene; Gary Fen
ley, Burns; Charles Land, Cot
tage Grove; and Donald Tonole of
Cottage Grove.
Phi Delta Theta
Robert Anderson. Eugene; Ron
ald Bailey, Tillamook; Edw'ard
Capen, Portland; Jon Englund,
Astoria; Duncan Ferguson, Men
lo Park. Cal.; Charles Harvey,
Eugene; Roland Heath, Portland;
Jack Hennen, Eugene; Wayne
Henninger, Roseburg; Jerry
Laing, Eugene; Frederick Leo
nard. Milwaukie; Steve Nosier,
Eugene; Kenneth O’Neil, Pendle
ton; Richard Potter, Eugene;
Thomas Richardson, Portland:
Robert Sturgis, Milwaukie; Jerry
Walling, Salem; and Peter Welch
of Menlo Park, Cal.
Phi Gamma Delta
Richard Anderson, Portland;
Robert Baumgardner', Portland;
Gordon Bussey, Portland; Wal
ter Cox. Santa Paula, Calif.;
Don Defranco, Portland; Rich
ard Easton, Portland; Stephen
Fonda, Vale; Robert Geen, Oak
land. Calif.; Garry Gortler, Port
land; William Graeper, Portland;
Joseph Griggs, Beaverton; John
Gilmore, Ontario; Darrel Hansen,
Oswego; William Harris, Beav
erton; William Keeling, Portland;
Bruce Kerr, Portland; Phil
Knight, Portland; Keith Krupke,
Portland; Thomas Lewis, Port
land; Charles McGinnis, Milwau
kie; David Pearson, Portland;
Norman Pearson, Portland;
Joseph Raabe, Portland; James
Rice, Portland; Aubrey Smith,
Portland; Michael Stoutt, Mil
waukie; Martin Taylor, Ontario;
Stanley Tremayne, Portland;
David Troy, Klamath Falls; and
Warren Dorsey of Woodland,
Phi Kappa Psi
Brent Birkemeier, Portland;
Dennis Bowling-, Lewiston, Idaho;
Philip Bradley, Portland; George
Brandt, Klamath Falls; Cecil
Conner, Klamath Falls; Truman
Drew, Rogue River; Walter Gar
ner, Medford; Donald Hammock,
Eugene; George Joseph, Port
land; Michael McClain, McMinn
ville; Jerry Marks, Eugene; Far
ley Maxwell, Eugene; Charles
Metzger, Eugene; Ellis Olson,
Lewiston, Idaho; David Oring
bulph, Portland; William Pilken
ton, Newburg; Dick Ruark, Lew-”
iston, Idaho; John Ruberg, Eu
gene; Jim Stafford, Portland;
Stanley Wall, Gresham; Hal Wil
liams, Portland; Laurance Wil
son, Portland; and Michael Zim
merman of Denver, Colo.
Phi Kappa Sigma
Richard Bond, Portland: Fran
cis Brown. Oakland; Stuart
Campbell, Klamath Falls; Paul
Cleaver, Albany; James Cowgill,
Albany; Robert Dixon, Klamath
Falls; James Dutcher, Klamath
Falls; Marvin Edwards, Chand
ler, Arizona; Thomas Humble,
Klamath Falls; John Hurd, Sea
side; Duane Mills, Olympia,
Wash.; Lee Mohney, Portland;
Curtis Nasmyth. Portland; Wal
ter Slocum, Lebanon; and ftich
ard Soderbejg of Milwaukie.
Phi Sigma Kappa
Edgar Hadley, Independence;
Richard Lawson. Portland; and
Arthur Wolfe of Estacada.
Pi Kappa Alpha
Douglas Burns, Portland; Rob
ert Fischer. Long Beach, Cal.;
Allan Foltz, Boise, Idaho; Gerard
Jeub, Coquille; Alan Kelley, Clov
erdale; Leland Larimore, Grants
Pass; Kenneth Niehans, Penrose,
Colo.; Berne Noyes, Portland;
and Quentin Steele of Portland.
PI Kappa Phi
Dirward Boyles, Roseburg;
Fred McBride. Oswego; Gary
Schilling, Grass Valley; Joseph
Schwab. Portland; Terry Stan
ley, Eugene; Bill Wallace, Gold
Beach; and Ronald Young of
Forest Grove.
Signia Alpha Mu
Harvey Kelinson, Portland;
Peter Blau, Portland; Mel Campf,
Portland; Sanford Director, Port
land; Don Eichman, Portland;
James Feldman, Portland; Rob
ert Freedman, Portland; Ron
Gervurtz, Portland; Warren
Jackel. Portland; Millard Lesch,
Portland; Jerry Leveson, Port
land; Thomas Mandler, Portland;
Ralph Miller. Portland; Garold
Pearlman, Portland; Harold
Schneiderman, Coos Bay; Sam
Weiss, Portland; Howard Wiener,
Portland; and Ted Zell of Port
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Gary Boice, Bandon; Dave
Bronson, Portland; Beal Burns,
Portland; John Cameron, Port
land; Melville Campbell, Port
land; James Costello, Portland;
Guy Davis, Portland; John Davis,
Portland;. John Forney, Eugene!
Joel French. Portland; Robert
Gerding, Portland; Jack Hard
ing, Portland; Thomas Hender
son, Portland; William Jones,
Portland; Thomas Klosterman,
Portland; Pete Lamoureux, Port
land; William Leiteh, Grants
Pass; Thomas Mohn, Portland;
Gary Morgan, Oregon City; Tim
Norton, Portland; Fred Nunn,
I Vancouver, Wash.; Sidney Par
man, Condon; George Porter,
Washington, D. C.; James Ran
som, Vancouver, Wash.; Clyde
Ritter, Portland; Charles Sle
mons, Eugene; Richard Sly, Port
land; and Robert Stevens of
Sigma Chi
Bob Amble, Albany; Gerald
Bashaw, Portland; Dick Blue,
Portland; Tom Cudd, Grants
Pass; Dave D’Olivo, Klamath
Falls; Pete Dowsett, Oswego;
Bruce Fraser, Portland; Willard
Grimes, Prineville; Bob Gratkau,
Oakland, Cal.; Ed Hagan, Port
land; Harry Hanna, Portland;
Carroll Hansen, Denver, Colo.;
John Harris, Portland; Walt
Haugen, Portland; Larry Hughes,
Eugene; George Kane, Portland;
Gordon McCarty, Klamath Falls;
Michael McDonald, Portland;
Mike McLellan, Portland; John
Madden, Daly City, Cal.; Bruce
Merrill, Grants Pass; Pete Miller,
Grants Pass; Larry Ottis, Grants
Pass; Don Pollock, Portland;
Douglas Pollock, Portland; Jim
Rask, Portland; Roy Rumery,
Everett, Wash.; Owen Sabin, Mil
waukie; Terry Shannon, Albany;
James Siler, Everett, Wash.; Rob
ert Snyder, McMinnville; Jack
Stone, Gresham; Harry Visse,
Portland; Ron Wendland, Port
land; Terry Williams, Coos Bay;
and James Wright of McMinn
Sigma Nu
Alien Alderman, Prineville;
James Anderson, Baker; John
Apostal, Portland; Burcc Blom
gren, Canyonville; John Bradley,
Eugene; Terry Cox, Coos Bay;
Allen Craig, Eugene; Richard
Davis, Milwaukie; Jerry Fischer,
Ontario; Tim Goodrich, Tacoma.
Wash.; Joe Griffey, Cooa Bay;
Phil Guinns, Portland; Phil
Hager, Ontario; Jules Haglund,
Bend; Tom Hogg, Albany; New
Mackey, Bend; Larry Molahan.
Heppner; Jerry McCormick, Eu
gene; John Lengel, Reno, Cal.;
Pat O'Connor. Lakeview; Gary
Odell, Seattle, Wash.; Stanley
Perry. Piedmont, Cal.; Dale Pre
vos, Reno, Cal.; Dormen Robin
son, Yachats; Duane Sampson,
Astoria; Kemet Spence, Baker;
Dan Stepp, Woodland, Wash.;
Walt Schreck, Menlo Park, Cal.;
Dick Taylor, Modesto, Cal.; Char
ley Tourville, Martinez, Cal.;
Bruce Trafton. Bellingham, Cal.;
Stewart Tuft, Portland; Jay Van
der Zwiep, San Francisco, Cal.;
Mike West, Bakersfield. Cal.;
and James Harryman of Baker.
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Guy Beaehler. St. Helens; Wil
liam Bechen, Klamath Falls;
Donald Boyd. Klamath Falls;
Granvil Brittsan, Medford; Rich
ard Cleveland, Eugene; John De
chaine, Paso Robles, Cal.; Mike
Devore, Medford; Robert Roy,
Palo Alto. Cal.; James Fratzke,
Independence; Jerry Holloway,
Medford; Thomas Hawser, Burns;
Robert Huffman, Eugene; Stan
ley Jayne, Estacada: Mitchell
Karaman. Portland; Jerry La
mer, Portland; Ron Lodge, Eu
gene; Newman Masten, Gresh
am; John Shaw, Klamath Falls;
Mike Talbot, Annapolis, Md.;
John Truett, Rainer; Wendell
Vaughn, Pendleton; Jeff WiU1
liams, Medford; Carry Yarnell,
Klamath Falls; and Robert Yar
nell of Eugene.
T*u Kappa Epsilon
Barney Hardin, Ontario; Dean
Hainline, Ontario; and Dale R.
Kneeland of Portland.
Theta Chi
Stephen Anderson, Tacoma,
Wash.; Howard Backen, Rose
burg; Keith Blue, Gladstone;
Bruce Brenn, Boise, Idaho; James
Brooks, Roseburg; John Burg,
Tacoma, Wash.; Walter Burgher,
St. Helens; Jack Chapman, Port
land; Thomas Chapman, Pendle
ton; Fred Clewley, Oakland, Cal.;
Ron Compton, Roseburg; David
Fish, St. Helens; Larry Fivecoat,
Madras; Miles Hutchins, Bend;
David McKinney, Eugene; Terry
Miller, Eugene; Larry Newsom,
Salem; Jerry Ramsey, Madras;
Allen Ricketts, Roseburg; Jerry
Schwarz, Oswego; William Seal,
St. Helens; James Smith, West
port; Harold Smith, Portland;
Ron Stover, Vallejo, Cal.; Her
bert Titus, Baker; Don Walman,
Astoria; Robert Young, Bend;
and Jay Zirkle of Pendleton.
Campus Briefs
• A 10-week life class, spon
sored by the Eugene Ail. Center,
will begin this Wednesday and
will be held at the center build
ing. University students have
been invited to attend the classes,
v/hich will be held from 7:30 to
10 p.m. Further information may
be obtained by calling 5-2648.
• YWCA house representa
tives will meet today at 4 p.m.
in Gerlinger hall.
New Look
YKIJ. KINO Ollle I'rblgkelt, renter, and yell dukes Have K junto
and IJon Soflby, left and right, display the “new look" In Oregon
rally sound attire, Irhlgkelt’s yellow herntudn’s and green works,
and the dukes’ green foe mintin'» and white work* were worn for
the first time at the Saturday night game In Portland's Mult
nomah stadium.
Petitions Available
For Kiddie Karnival
Petitlrfns for the annual YWCA
sponsored Kiddie Karnival sched
uled for Nov. 4, are now avail
able in the YW office in Ger- I
linger Hall. Petitions are due
I Wednesday.
Positions to be filled are gen
eral chairman, und promotion,
publicity, decorations. script,
| prizes, entertainment and booths ;
And games committees.
Those petitioning for general
chairman should list a second
choice, and those who wish to be
i on the prizes committee should
be from the Eugene area.
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