Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 03, 1955, Page Seven, Image 7

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    London Crowd
Watches Drama
On Clock Tower
By Eddy Gilmore
Of the Attocialed Pratt
LONDON (AP) A dark-haired
young man played a breathless
game Of hide and Keek with police
Sunday on the spidery scaffolding
of Big Ben Tower 320 feet above
Parliament Square.
Several thousands looked on In
fascination and horror at the
spectacle that took place above
the nhlnlng face and long black
handa of the clock whose chimes
are known around the world.
The unrehearsed melodrama be
gan shortly before noon when a
policeman In the cobblestone yard
of Westminster Palace saw the
man start his long climb up the
Tower Being Kepaired
The tower, which stood up to
derman bombing during the war.
Is being repaired and cleaned and
workmen have sheathed it with
steel scaffolding from ground to
The lone policeman shouted to
the climber. Witnesses said he
halted for a moment, looked down
at the cop, and then went on.
Constables and firemen roped
several short laflders together
and went after him. Other pur
suers swarmed onto the scaffold
ing. and one of them grabbed the
rnan around the ankle.
lilkf'lt to Hospital
He kicked once and then gave
lip. Police took him to a hoapital
for observation und refused to
give hia name.
One of the policemen said later
that when the man reached the
top he mild he would come down
only when the minister of holla
ing agreed to meet him "over my
, hojalng problem."
Nasser Repeats
West Accusation
CAIRO, Kgypt tjft Premier
Oiunal Abdel N h.k.ho]' declared
Sunday he has a document prov
ing the British War Office be
lieves Kgypt has no aggressive
Intentions, but doubts Israel has
similar peaceful aims.
Nasser made the statement In
a speech to military academy
graduates in which he again ac
cused the west of arming Israel
while denying arms to Kgypt.
"I am ready to show this docu
ment to the British ambassador,"
Nasser told the crowd.
There was no immediate com
ment from the British War Of
fice in London.
The Egyptian leader, who has
closed a deal to swap cotton and
rice for Czechoslovak arms, ac
cused the Western powers of
purposely leaving Egyptian and
other Arab armies weak while
arming Israel.
Nasser ridiculed the Western
Big Three promise to maintain
the Middle East balance of pow
"Western sources repeatedly
have said Israel could put a quar
ter of a million men under arms
- which they admit is more than
all the Arab armies combined,”
he said. “Is this what they mean
by balance of power?"
Support for the Egyptian po
sition on the arms issue came
Sunday in interviews given by
government leaders of Jordan
and Syria, two other nations of
the eight-nation Arab League.
In Amman, Jordan, acting
Premier Hazzaa Majali said the
Bgyptian-Czech deal was purely
commercial and "I cannot see
the reason for all this fuss.”
Married Veterans: if the Vet
erans Administration doea not
know that you are married and
have proof of such, you will only
he paid at the rate of a Mingle
person If such proof ia not forth
coming withlng a reasonable
period, then the date might, not
be retroactive. If you are not
sure about the VA knowing of
your marital status then come In
and aee ua.
There are Home married vet
erans whose wives are also at
tending school under their own
rights as a veteran. When both
persons are veterans, then two
different rates of monthly allow
ance might be paid. If children
are involved then both persons
might draw for the same child.
Some veterans and their vet
eran wives are not aware of this
and it obviously would tie to their
financial benefit If they knew of
these provisions.
If you aren't sure of your al
lowance rates then be sure; see
Inquiries about news In this
column and other veterans affairs
should be directed to our office
at the address below.
Larry Whitson, Officer in
Charge, Veterans Administration
Office. 20S Hampton Bldg., 610
Willamette St., Kugene, Oregon.
Phone 5-3444.
Moscow Supports
Egypt's Decision
To Buy Red Arms
LONDON (APi The Soviet
Union takes the view that Egypt
has the right to buy arms wher
ever she chooses and has so in
formed the Egyptian government
as well as the governments of
Ozechoslovaia. Britain arid the
United States, Moscow radio said
Saturday night.
The Moscow broadcast, beamed
to newspapers abroad, laid down
the official Soviet stand on
•"-Kypt s decision to buy arms be
hind the Iron Curtain.
George Allen. U. S. assistant
secretary of state, had a two
hour meeting with Egyptian
Premier Gamal Abdel Naser in
Cairo Saturday in an effort to
counter the Communist offers of
arms. Nasser 41so met with the
British, French and Soviet am
To Be Boss, Get
Broad Education
By Elton Engstrom
Emartld St»ff Writer
"Why can't Johnny lead?" is
a frequent question asked about
the public school children. In
college the question becomes
"Why can’t Joe College get the
high-paid job he wants when he
graduates ?”
American magazine’s Septem
ber issue gave one answer in an
article entitled "Why business
men are going hack to school.”
The article asks “Would yoti
like to be the boss?" The answer
advises reading classics, visiting
museums and learning to appre
ciate music and ballet. Topflight
men require broad, liberal frluca
tion more than specialized knowd
edge, it says.
School Set I'p by Bell
A school for such a purpose is
the Institute of Humanistic
Studies for Executives at the
University of Pennsylvania.
It offers a 10-month course for
Bell telephone junior executives.
The total cost of the course is
paid by the telephone company.
Students draw salaries during
the training period.
"Why is such a school neces
sary?" the article asks. Top
management is worried about
"the over-specialization of young
er executives as craftsmen or en
gineers. advancing through the
narrow channels of technical su
periority, who seem singlemind
ed, unimaginative and overeager
to conform,” the author believes.
“Bounded” Men Needed
Industry needs more “well
rounded, broad-gauge individ
How are they doing it at Bell’s
Institute on the University of
Pennsylvania campus?
The study program consists
largely of "reading great books
day anf^ night as preliminary to
class discussion."
The nine major fields of cul
tural broadening used at the
school are world literature.
Chairmanship Open
For Recreation Night
Petitions for general chairman
of Recreation night are being
called for by the Women's Rec
reation Association. ASUO pe
titions should be used and turned
in at the cage in Gerlinger hall
by 5 p.m. Friday.
The WRA representatives'
meeting scheduled for Oct. 3 has
been changed to Oct. 6. This
meeting will be held in the WRA
room in Gerlinger hall at noon.
The Perfect Match -
A Courtship Couple
The bride and groom are a perfect match and so
are the beautifully handcrafted Courtship Master*
Guild wedding rings they wear.
Whether plain or most intricately carved, Courtship
■"couples" are exactly alike — and from the 50 dif
ferent 14K solid gold pairs, there's sure to be a
design to please your taste and budget. Select now
for a lasting Courtship.
jeweler nearest
you write COURTSHIP,
P. 0. Rox 1914,
Seattle 11, Wash. ,
American civilization, music, ait.
ethics of living, the social sci
ences, practical logic, politics and
international relations, and mod
ern architecture and city plan
Trends Have Changed
The author, a college graduate,
says that when he was grad
uated from college with a back
ground of general education in
the early 30's the only work he
found was "pick and shovel la
"Liberal arts majors were a
drug on the market. Big corpora
tions were seeking those grad
uates specialized in technical
training, engineers, chemists, ac
Recently, the author discov
ered, industry has reversed its
stand. "Industry is complaining
that colleges are producing spec
ialized cavemen and barbarians.
Industralists bemoan the narrow
ness of the engineering and the
accounting mind,”
Applications Open
For Tax Examiner
Applications for inheritance
tax examiner I are now being
taken in either office of the State
Civil Service commission in
Salem or Portland.
The work is of a specialized
and legal nature, assisting in the
investigation of estates to deter
mine proper inheritance and gift
tax assessment.
Any person who is a resident
of the Pacific Northwest, a citi
zen of the United States, has two
full years of course work in a lib
eral arts college and two years
of course work in a college of law
or an equivalent combination of
experience and training may
apply for the examination.
The examination consists of a
written test and an evaluation of
the applicant's experience and
training. The passing score is 70
on all examinations.
Applications must bo filed by
Oct. 28, or be postmarked by mid
night of that date.
Welcome Back OREGON Students!
So Stop in at
Picnic Supplies
Handy to the Campus
Corner of 13th and
Open from 9:00 A M.
Daily and Sundays
Till 11:00 P.M.
Wonderful things happen when you wear it!
Q&tui Stmt
.Yard ley
The inevitable choice for the special occasion—because a
fragrance is as memorable as the gown you wear. Per
fume from S3; deluxe toilet water and dusting powder,
each SI.75 (all plus tax). Created ir England, made in
U. S. A. 'fardley of London, Inc., 620 Fifth Avenue, N. Y.C.