Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 03, 1955, Page Five, Image 5

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By Jerry Claussen
Emerald Columrmt
C i>niiuents ami speculation on results of the weekend's
football battles from coast to coast:
Washington 10. Oregon 7: Fumbles cost the Ducks a
chance to pull an upset over the improving Huskies, whose
real test will come against USC this coming Saturday.
Washington s assortment of huge linemen coupled with a
ground-eating backfield was somewhat remindful of the
Trojans game with Oregon. Oregon's passing attack was
immensely improved and will probably be tested further
against Colorado Saturday.
I C I,A .•'.'i, \VS( 0: 'I lii^ was tlu* worst beating WSC has
suffered in .1.? years and yet the big Hruins from Los Angeles
played under wraps because Oregon State's Tommy I’rothro
vy;i" scouting the game in preparation for next week’s
OSC-l CLA battle. The Hruins very definitely will be tough
to take out of the coast's top spot. A^ for WSC, little can
be said.
'Hopalong' Hobbled
Stanford 6, Ohio State 0: Indian C oach C huck Taylor is
cither very brilliant or else very lucky. He said Stanford
would likely heat the Hose Howl champs and they did just
that. Further, they held All America “Hopalang" Cassady
to only 37 yards. The result makes ()regon State look very,
very good.
USC 19, Texas 7: A routine win for the powerful Tro
jans who will finally meet someone their own size when
they play Washington this week. Without the friendly
home I.A coliseum, USC may be ripe for an upset.
C ahiornia — /, I enn 7, which has not won a game in the
hi^t 15, practically gave this one away. California turned
two recovered fumbles and a had punt into three scores hut
showed little improvement from its two losses to Hitt and
Illinois. The Cal-WSC game this week should he a good
match of the have-nots.
Vandals Victims Again
Arizona 47. Idaho It: Idaho apparently hn> never re
corded irom it> pre-season attack of foocl poisoning. Ari
zona, however, with scatback Art I.uppino averaging eight
' ard' per carry, was out of the Vandals’ cla-s. Tlu: Wildcat,
ari- loaded, as Oregon will find out when it journeys to
Tucson, Oct. 22.
Texas Christian 26, Arkansas 0: TCU, loser of only
five lettermen from a team that won only one conference
game last year, rises up to blast favored Arkansas, 1954
champ of the always-surprising Southwest conference.
The Horned Frogs have now won three straight, all by
big margins, but face a tough road to the title.
Notre Dame 19, Indiana 0: '1 lie Irish keep rolling, whether
under Knute Kockne, l-rank I.eahy or 1 errv Hrcnnan. As
UMiak XI) has a top quarterback in Paul llornung, who led
hi, team to its tenth straight win. I he big one comes with
Miami this week.!
Roses for Wisconsin?
Wisconsin .17, Iowa 14: Coach Ivy Williamson’s Badgers
turned what was supposed to be a tight game into a near
rout. Wisconsin thus serves notice it will be tough to keep
out of the Rose Bowl, which is a strong possibility since
favored Michigan does not appear on the schedule. But the"
" hole Big Ten is tough, as usual.
So much for the comments. From the way games have
gone this season, only one thing is certain—picking foot
ball winners in a haazrdous profession.
Brooklyn Moves Ahead
On Snider s Slugging
BROOKLYN !/Pi Duke Snider
alugged two tremendous home
runs Sunday and lifted the in
apt red Brooklyn Dodger* to
within one game of their first
World Series title on a tingling,
5-3 victory over the New York
Three smart double plays by
the Dodger infield helped
rookie Itoger Craig and work
horse Clem Lahine us the
Yanks mounted threat upon
threat In the fifth game.
Sandy Amoros thrilled the
happy throng of 36,706, a record
series crowd for Ebbeta Field, by
smashing a two-run homer over
the right-field barrier on a 2-1
pitch by loser Bob Grim in the
second inning.
Then Snider, the smiling
Duke from Lynwood, Calif.,
took over to send the statis
tics crew thumbing madly
through the record books.
The Duke led off the third
with a long drive over the right
Stengel Takes
Blame in Loss
BROOKLYN iJP) — Casey Sten
gel, blaming himself for the
rash of Brooklyn home runs
which has put his New York
Yankees down 2-3 in the World
Series, said laconically Sunday
i he Dodgers' Duke Snider was
the “turning point of the fifth
“That fellow was the biggest
thing they had out there,” the
Yankee manager added. “Noth
ing else hurt us just him. Two
home runs and a big double.
‘Afler Two Etrlkes ..
"I blame myself. We oughtn't
let a man hit that many home
runs on us, especially when we
get two strikes on him.
“We ought to know how to get
him out but we don't. I take
the blame.”
The Yankees as a whole were
a grumpy, solemn lot after ab
sorbing their third straight de
feat at Ebbets Field, 5-3, to go
behind tn the series in which the
Yankees got off to a two-game
Stengel was not ready to ad
mit that the change to more
friendly surroundings would be
any better break for his athletes.
“It's no sign we are going to
beat them over there (Yankee
Stadium 1,” the crusty pilot of
five world champions said.
^ “We ought to beat them in
this park. We beat them here be
fore. Our men ought to hit the
fences and the stands here as
well as they can. We've beaten
them here before.”
Redecorate Your House
Pittsburgh Paints
Make this your headquarters for
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field fence for a 3-0 lead. After
the Yanks got one run back in
the fourth, Snider again ripped
into a Grim pitch and sent it
Mailing into Bedford avenue over
the scoreboard in right field.
Snider’s clouts gave him
four for the series, tieing a
record held by Babe Ituth, Lou
Gehrig and himself, and boost
ed his career total to nine
series homers, tops in Nation
al league history.
Snider, whose hitting and
fielding have been a big factor
in Brooklyn’s 3-2 lead over the
Yankees in the series, declined
to say Sunday whether the Dod
ger fans deserve a world cham
“I think the players do,” he
said but went no further.
About a month ago, after be
ing booed by the fans while in a
batting slump, Snider said the
Brooklyn fans didn’t deserve a
National league pennant.
Meanwhile the odds favoring
the Dodgers to win the series
jumped to 13-5 Sunday after
their victory in the fifth game
of the classic. The odds were
13-10 before Sunday’s game.
Despite the odds on the entire
series, the New York Yankees
are favored at 6-5 to win today's
game at Yankee stadium.
New York ... 3 6 0
Brooklyn . 5 9 2
Grim, Turley (7) and Berra;
Craig, Labine (7j and Campa
W Craig. L—Grim.
IM Football
Opens Today
Intramural football play be
gins today with a full slate of
games scheduled for 16 fraterni
ty teams.
Postponements will not be per
mitted, according to Virgil Erick
son, IM director, and forfeits are
to be awarded if a team is more
than five minutes late for the
All teams will be required to
furnish a scorekeeper and time
Today’s schedule:
3:50—Phi Delta Theta vs. Del
ta Upsilon, IM field. Theta Chi
vs. Sigma Phi Epsilon, field one.
Alpha Tau Omega vs. Delta Tau
Delta, field two. Sigma Nu vs.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, field three.
4:45—Pi Kappa Alpha vs. Sig
ma Alpha Epsilon, IM field. Tau
Kappa Epsilon vs. Phi Kappa
Sigma, field one. Lambda Chi
Alpha vs. Kappa Sigma, field
two. Chi Psi vs. Sigma Alpha
Mu, field three.
Sports Staff
Desk Editor: Chuck Mitchel
Staff: A1 Johnson.
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