Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 03, 1955, Page Four, Image 4

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    Washington Downs Oregon
Huskies Capture 19-7
Win in Portland Tilt
By The Associated Press
Southern C alifornia 2 0 1.000
Washington 2 0 1.000
Oregon State .. . 1 0 1.000
UCLA 1 0 1.000
Stanford 0 1 .000
Idaho 0 1
Oregon . .0 2 .000
Washington State 0 2 .000
California 0 0 .000
By Al Johnson
Emerald Ass't Sports Editor
Washington’s alert Huskies
took advantage of every break
presented to them, and gradually
wore down a lighter Oregon
eleven to rack up a 19-7 Pacific,
Coast conference victory Satur
day night in Portland before 29.- I
111 spectators.
Coach Johnny Cherberg's
heavyweight backs and linemen
were slow in starting, but cracked
the scoring column early in the
Buckeye Upset
Makes Stanford
Team to Watch
Stanford, hitherto unnoticed,
emerged Sunday as the new pow
erhouse to watch in the Pacific
Coast conference.
The Indians, by virtue of a
6-0 win over Ohio State, also
wore the national upset crown
in a weekend that saw the rest
of the PCC clubs come through
as predicted.
Cougars Clobbered
USC bested a rugged Texas,
19-7, Friday night while UCLA,
its running attack finally in
overdrive, smashed Washington
State 55-0. It was the worst
whipping UCLA has ever dealt
the Cougars.
In other games, the California
Bears, in a comedy of miscues.
pounded Pennsylvania 27-7 and
Arizona pulverized Idaho 47-14.
Oregon State, which had stunned
Stanford the week before, 10-0,
had an open date.
Indian Defense Pays
Stanford accomplished their
nationally televised upheaval by
completely bottling All America
‘Hopalong’ C a s s a d y. Coach
Chuck Taylor gambled on a
tricky defense to stop Cassady.
The gamble paid off as the Buck
eyes’ star ball toter only clicked
off 37 yards all afternoon.
Jess Hill called his boys out
for Saturday practice in prepa
ration for powerful Washington
in Seattle on Saturday. The Tro
jans came out of the Texas game
without injuries.
Penn Errors Tell
California converted Penn’s
errors into a rout before a slim
21,000 fans at Berkeley. Three
of the four Cal touchdowns came
from Quaker fumbles. Penn also
had 161 yards in penalties to
UCLA’s track meet at Pull
man could best be summed by
the after game statement of the
coaches. Coach A1 K i r c h e r,
whose Cougars have lost three
straight, said: “They played too
much football for us.” The Bru
ins’ Red Sanders conceded his
club played “real good football.” j
Idaho had the misfortune to be
on hand in Tucson when Arizona
quarterback Vaughn Corley
broke into the starting lineup for
the first time. He passed for
three touchdowns and master
minded the Arizona smash. Both
Idaho scores came in the final
quarter after a non-threatening
three stanzas.
second period nnd followed with
a six-pointer in each of the last
two quarters.
The speedy Ducks were able
to grain around midfield, but the
massive Husky line repeatedly
stopped Webfoot scoring thrusts.
End George Slender snarel a
13-yard pass from Jack Crabtree
for the only Oregon tally, the
play coming late in the third
Dick James and Jim Shanley of
the Ducks chalked up some fine
runs for the losers’ cause, but
the line-smashing of Bob Me
Namee, Mike Monroe, Jim Jones
and Credell Green, along with
the short passing of Sandy Led
erman, more than made up for
The loss gave the Ducks a con
ference record of 0-2, and an
overall mark of 1-2. For the
Huskies, it was their third
straight win, and tied them with
Southern California for the PCC
lead at 2-0. USC travels to Seat
tle next week to meet the Wash
ington club, while Oregon enter
tains Big Seven opponent Colo
rado at Eugene.
Neither team scored in the
first period, but the Huskies
threatened seriously as a sen
sational catch by end Jim Hous
ton gained 22 yards to the Wash
ington 38. Monroe shredded the
middle for 21. then gained two
more, and McNamee went over
left tackle for ltl. After a short
gainer, Monroe fumbled on the
Duck 19 and guard Spike Hil
strom pounced on it.
Washington started with a
vengeance in the third stanza,
and marched 77 yards in 19 plays
to score again. Lederman, mix
ing up his plays, alternated short
passes with line thrusts. Monroe
almost went the distance, but
James tripped him up after a
23-yard advance. After a brief
halt, Green dove over. Again,
Derby's PAT was off center.
Shanley Grubs Pass
Oregon returned quickly to
score in just six plays. James
returned the kickoff to the Duck
47. After a run picked up three,
Tom Crabtree passed to Shanley
on the right sideline, where Phil
McHugh threw a key block, and
the play went to the Washington
12 for a 38-yard gain. Morris
rammed for three and Shanley
lost two.
James was nailed for a two
yard loss and then Jack Crabtree
came off the bench to connect
with Slender on the goal line for
the touchdown. The rangy end
stepped into the end zone, un
touched. Morris thumped the ex
tra point and it was 12-7.
Two losses set the Ducks back
to their seven-yard line, from
where Jack Morris got off a short
punt out-of-bounds on the Ore
gon 28. From there the eager
Huskies moved across in six
plays. Quarterback Steve Koako
tossed a key pass to Houston for
a first down on the three and
Jones rammed across two plays
later. Dean Derby's extra point
try went wide left.
Len Casanova's club then
launched a drive from its own
six to the Husky 37, only to lose
possession. James rambled 4 1
yards on a weak side reverse
to start things. But a fake punt
run by Shanley resulted in a four
yard loss and Washington took
over on their own 37.
Clock Kims Out
After a Washington punt, the
Webfoot started again from the.r
own 10-yard-mej’ker. James and
Shanley combined in six plays
to move the ball to the Washing
ton 30. Jack Crabtree then tried
a long pass to James which just
fell incomplete. Twc more plays
gained to toe 14 l>efore Crabtree
fumbled on an option play as the
clock ran out to halftime.
Washington recovered a James
fumble on the Oregon 40. The
Huskies ruckl'd up two quick first
downs mid then exchanged hold
ing penalties with the Ducks.
Finally McNamee punted, with
the hall almost rolling dead Just
short of the goal line, but going
on In for a touchback.
Green Gets TI)
Morris was stopped for no gain
for the Ducks. Then sub fullback
Fred Mikionctc picked up four
yards, but fumbled and Wash
ington recovered. Green went
for eight, then two, Lederman
misfired on a pass, Lederman
gained six. Green gained five and
then Green went across from
the two. This time Derby's con
version try was successful, with
4:31 remaining In the game.
Wally Russell guided the Duck
attack for the test of the con
test, having one pass intercepted,
but completing 3 for 6. Oregon
had the ball on the Musky 17 as
the final gun sounded.
Outstanding on defense for the
Huskies were 230-pound tackle
Fred Robinson, Houston and cen
ter Bert Watson. For the Ducks,
guard Spike Hilstrom recovered
two fumbles and turned in a fine
defensive game. Center Norm
Chapman also stood out.
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