VIEW FROM HERE Spectacular Keynote Of Coming TV Shows By Tom Brown Radio and TV Editor Spectacular la the word that keynote* the year ahead tn tele vision. All of our major networks arc trying a monthly 80-minute format, and are prepared to spend a lot of money oil talent for them. CBS started off the season last week with a "Jubilee of Star*,” with Judy Garland and David Wayne, and wdl follow it up with shown for Bing Crosby, Noel Coward and Mary Martin. Kven Kdward R. Murrow will stretch Ids "See it Now" to 90-mlnutes occasstonally. TV Here to Stay Another big change in the Viewing picture is the* decision on the part of the major movie studios that TV can't be licked, fto it will have to be joined. Several of them have decided the new medium la here to atay. and Hre trying to figure out method* of using it to build box, office a Lara and promote their picture*. Their influence will be increasingly felt aa the aeaaon progress. Intereat and front-page head line* created by the "$64,000 Question" has goaded the other networks into the give-away field and they have come up with some rather frightening ideas. NBC* "Big Surprise" will have $100,000 with which to tantalize the contestants and, they hope, millions of folks at home. Incidentally. CBS officials are trying to figure out a way to lei their contestants take home a bigger thunk of theii $64,000 if they win it. It seems that "l-'ncle" gets a little greedy with his takes tin that kind of figure. Color Big News And finally, though probably not for Eugene lit costa too much i color is big news this year. Football games, spectacu lars. and regular shows will be in color, and the networks are scheduling (laytime programs so shoppers will be able to see what they are buying, by seeing a color set in the TV store. Lucky sport fans in the East viewed some of the World Series games in color. On the local sets this week, there will he an unusual lineup of talent. Today at 4 p.m. on "Guest Book,” Bov Brunton will interview U of O coed Karen Miehelson, who plays a wonder ful piano. Tonight at 9, Ken Murray’s mystery guest on "Where Were You?" will be a man who joined the ranks of the world's dis tinguished citizens by his ac tions on Feb. 24, 1949. Ilob Hope Debut Tuesday night. Bob Hope will start his television season at 8 p.m. with Jane Russell, Janis Paige, Roy Rogers and Wally Cox. Wednesday night at 7:30, "Dis neyland" will present “The Olym pic Elk." another of those charm ing and beautiful nature pictures that have brought so much com ment. Arlene Dahl Is Duckling At 9:30 p.m. Thursday, beau tiful Arlene Dahl presents a mas j^NO ONE—but no one—makes^ iheavenly hamburgers, french! >fries and creamy milk shakes like BOB ASHBY'S 1224 Willamette St. terful characterization in por traying an ugly duckling on the "Ford Theatre.” This is said to be the outstanding drama seriea of the current season, and should be worth watching. Broderick Crawford stain In “Highway Patrol” Friday at 9:30 p.m. This show Is now consid ered to be the most exciting po lice action show on TV. and is NBC’s answer to "Dragnet.” The show is filmed, and the sets are real. It's a top production all around. Saturday night sees the fall premiers of "Caesar’s Hour," at 8 p.m. and the "George Gobel Show” at 10 p.m. “IB76” Is Hour-long Likely to be the big event of the week will be the hour-long, "1976,” Sunday at 8 p.m. This Is a show that is being promoted with superlatives, and just might warrant them. The show is sponsored by the American Petroleum Institute, and is the opening gun of Oil Progress Week. The budget is big, and NBC is doing its best to make it better than last year's highly successful "Diamond Jubi lee of Light.” Among the top-bracket stars who will appear are Cyd Caesar and Nanette Fabray in a comedy sketch, entitled ’’The Commuter Of 1976." They have pulled out all the stops for this one, and it should be first class entertainment. Tryouts Still Held For 'Pennypacker' Several roles in the first Uni versity theatre production "The Remarkable Mr. Pennypacker" are still open according to Daniel Krempel, director. A special tryout will be held today from 3 to 5 p.m. in the mam auditorium for those who have not previously tried out. Students unable to attend tKe afternoon tryouts will be given an opportunity during the eve ning. The meeting will be at 7 p.m. and will also be held in the mann auditorium. Today's Staff Make-up editor: Pete Taussig News desk: Anne Ritchey, Mar cia Mauney Copy desk: Bob Scherer Night staff: Sam Vahey. KVAL-TV Channel 13 — Eugene Weekly Program Schedule MONDAY— K 10 am. World Series Showca H 10 World Scries Rase ha II (imm i :•*$ p.m. Matinee 4:00 (in***'t Rook 4 .10 llik Roundup 5 :00 Pinky Lee 5 50 What One Prrson Can J) t 5:4 5 The News 5:50 Sports Headlines 5 :55 Weather Report 6:00 For Your Irnagination 6:15 Little Rascal* 0.50- Watch Mister Wizard 7:00 Kin Tin Tin 7 :30 Surprise Theatre 8:00 Grand Ole Opry H : to Radge 714 9:00 Where Were You? 9 :10 Robert Montgomery 10:30 The Hunter. TUE8DAY— H:30a.m Work! Serie* Showcaic 8:45 World Serifs Paschal] Came 2:45 p.m. Matinee 4:00 Four o'( ’luck Date 4 : to Hi# Kotindup 5 :00 Pinky Lee 5:10 Paul Killiam Show 5 45 The News 5:50 Sport* Headline* 5:55 \\ rather Report 6:00- For Your Information 6 :15 The Little Pascal* 6:50 Industry tin Parade 6 4S Patti Fatfr 7 00 Curtain Call 7 ;J0- The Falcon K :00 Thr Chrvvv Show 0:00 Firestone'fhratrr 9 ‘0 The Star and the Story 10:00 Paris Precinct 10:30 Thr Eugene Scene 10:40 Famous Playhouse. WEDNESDAY— 2:45 |< m Matinee (“Sky-bound**) 4:00 Cneat Hook 4:30 Hi# Roundup 5 :0O Pinky Lee 5 :30 Paul KtUtam Show 5 :45 The New* 5:50 Stiorti Headlines 5:5 5 Weather Report 6 :O0 Superman 6 t0 Industry On Parade 6:45- Webf'*ot Peats 7 On I led Three Lives 7:30- Disneyland H to Life <#f Riley 9 oo Science Fiction Theatre 9:30 Sherlock Holmes 10:00 Race to the Ro*e Howl 11 00 Special Featurette THURSDAY— 2 4' p.m Milmrf O'M ek'd;. Par J ^”) 4 00 Four o'Clock Date 4 JO Big Roundup 5 00 Pinky I >ec 5 JO Paul Killiam 5:45 The New* 5:50 Sj*orf* Headline* 5:53 Weather Ret>ort 6 00 Annie Oakle> 0 JO Industry On Parade 6 45 Patti Page 7 :00 Western Marshal 7 JO A mo* 'n' Andy 8:00 You llet Your Pile. H JO Waterfront 9:00 Dragnet 9 JO Ford Theatre 10:00 Inspector Mark Sal»er 10 JO The Cun Corner 10 35 Channel 13 Theatre FRIDAY— 2 45 p.m. Matinee 4 :00 Roy Roofer * 4:J0 Rig Roundup 5 .00 Pink> Pec 5 .30 Birthday Party Time 5 45 The News s .50 Sports Headline* 5:35 Weather Report 6:00 Cavalvadr of Sport* 6.45 Piano-Organ Punch 7 :0Q The Great Cildcndecve 7 :30 Pet’s Co Fishing 7 :45- Sportsman’s Club 8:00 City Detective 8 :30 Cr<«*s Road* 9:30 Frank Leahy Football Forecast 9:15 Road to Adventuic 9 30 Highway Patrol 10 :00 Wrestl ng ; >1 :00 Spotlight On Su*i>efa»r. SATURDAY— 4 :00 p.m. Stars of Western Range : 00 Saturday Matinee <• 30 The Big Picture WELCOME U of O STUDENTS • • o Need Shelving Boards? WE HAVE KILN DRIED 1 x 10 and 1 x 12 Boards in 3, 4, 5 and 6 Foot Lengths. Prices Range from 12c to 2Cc per Lineal Foot, Depending on Size and Grade. Twin Oaks Builders’Supply 669 High Plenty of Free Parking Phone 4-3248 7 :00 Lawrence Welk 8:00 Caesar’* Hour 9:00 IViple Arr Funny ') 30 flit Honor Homer Hell 10:00 fleorge liobrl 10:30 Your Hit Parade 11 :00 Keque«t Playhouse. SUNDAY— a.m. Professional Football f *.m. Faith f'»r Today People, Morgan Beatty This Is the Life Special Featurette f hristian Sc ience What fine Person Can Do Meet the Press Life with Eliza bet ft It’s a Great Life Story of the Century ■ 1976 The Whistler 4 Star Playhouse Loretta Young Show Sunday Show Time. lame Representatives Named For Tobacco Company John Frey and Joan Rainvilje have been appointed American Tobacco company representatives on the University of Oregon cam pus by the Student Marketing Institute of New York. The representatives will give members of the student body sample packs of Lucky Strike, Pali Mall, and Filter Tip Tarey ton cigarettes throughout the year to acquaint them with the qualities of the products. They are willing to cooperate with campus organizations in planning college floats, decora ! tions, parties apd smokers. The | representatives also cooperate with local campus stores to in 1 crease their cigarette sales. ADVERTISEMENT On Camp® Mth Max<& 1 (Author of "Barefoot Boy With Cketk," etc.) HURRAY FOR THE RED, WHITE AND GOLD! There’s a new package on Philip Morris Cigarettes. It’s red and white and gold and pretty as a picture. You’d never guess that behind anything so bright and cheerful is a saga packed with action and passion, with love and romance and not a few tears. It started quietly enough. The makers of gentle Philip Morris, as hale a bunch of fellows as you ever clapped your eyes upon, got to talking last summer during their annual outing on Attu, a secluded and unspoiled island, often called “The Capri of Alaska.” Capri, on the other hand, is often called “The Attu of Italy.” But I digress. I was saying that the makers of Philip Morris, jim-dandy fellows every man-jack of them, got to talking on their last outing. “Don’t you think,” said one maker to the other makers, “that our brown Philip Morris package, though in many ways terribly fetching, doesn’t quite reflect the basic quality of today’s Philip Morris—its happy gentleness, its jolly lightness?” “Why, yes,” replied the other makers to the first maker, “we do think that our brown Philip Morris package, though in many ways terribly fetching, doesn’t quite reflect the basic quality of today’s Philip Morris-its happy gentleness, its jolly lightness.” “Let us have the pack re-designed!” suggested the first maker, whose name is Laughing Ned. “Yes, let us!” cried the other makers, whose name is Fun Loving Tom. "Let us! Let us! Let us!” The makers forthwith engaged the prominent firm of package re-designers, Sigafoos and Associates. It was with full con fidence that the makers entrusted the task to Sigafoos and Associates, for Sterling Sigafoos, the senior member, is known the length and breadth of the world as “The Grand Old Man of Package Re-designing,” and his partner, Fred Associates, though a younger man, is everywhere regarded as a comer. Sigafoos and Associates began their job by conducting inter views from coast to coast to determine what kind of pack people wanted for Philip Morris. The partners could not do the inter viewing themselves — Sigafoos because of his advanced years; Associates because he is subject to motion sickness — so they sent our two trusted employees: Mr. Walker Nylet (Yale ’51) and Miss Felicia Sigafoos (Radcliffe ’52), daughter of the senior partner. After canvassing the entire nation and tabulating more than 90 million interviews, Mr. Nylet sent the following communique to the home office: “Dear Dad and Associates, I call you Dad because Miss Sigafoos and I discovered during our long and exhaustive survey that never were two people so admirably suited. We have accordingly been married and have accepted a position with the United States Government keeping the lighthouse off Gay Head, Martha’s Vineyard. I hope you are not too upset by this news. May I suggest you look at it this way: you haven’t lost a daughter; you’ve gained a beacon. Sincerely, Walker Nylet” Well sir, old Sigafoos fumed for a while, but at last he calmed down and went to visit the newlyweds in their lighthouse, bring ing them a suitcase full of twenties as a wedding gift. It was there he learned that people want Philip Morris in the red, white, and gold package which you are now, I trust, holding in your very own hand. ©m« stwiraan. 1953 The milkers of PHILIP MORRIS uho bring you this column beg to remind you that for a while you'll still be seeing Philip Morris both ways — in the bright new red, white and gold package, and in the friendly familiar brown.