Top Movie Continues at Mac By Dave Sherman Amusement Page Editor Paramount's wonderful trav elogue of the Riviera, called "To Catch a Thief” continues over the wreekend at the McDonald. Cary Grant and Grace Kelly, beautiful and rich winner of last year’s academy award, provide most of the interest in Alfred Hitchcock's "danger affair of the year!” Mr. Grant portrays an ex-jewel thief gone good who has to capture another thief whose methods are much like his own. Miss Kelly is an American heir ess who wants to be around all the time. Local interest may or may not be found when Grant claims to be "an Oregon-born lumberjack." The film is worth viewing for the camera shots of the Riviera. Ap parently there is no other rea son. College Life View Hollywood’s version of college life will be on view at the North End drive-in. Betty Grable and Sheree North become very, very popular when they run away from a murder and hide out in a man’s dormitory on a Califor nia college. The murderer also wants to make a hit with the two girls, as do everyone else. Finally, though not much in the way of trumped up plot line, the happy ending is finally reached. Bob Cummings plays an archi tecture major who has been on campus for 17 years. He and Miss Grable seem to hit it off all right. Sheree North takes up bumping and grinding as a means to overcome shyness. Freshmen women take note. Bigger Than Shane At the Fox we are offered something “bigger than ‘Shane.’ bigger than ‘High Noon’.” It’s Joel McCrea in "Wichita.” We also get to hear Tex Ritter sing Movie Schedule FIRST RUN FILMS HEILIG—Fri., Sat.. Bar Sinister. 1 :15, 4 :20, 7 :30. 10 :30. Untamed Frontier. 3 :00. 6:10. 9:20. Sun.—Combat Squad. 1:30. 5:00. 8:25. To Hell and Back, 2:50. 6:15, 9:40*. McDOXALD—Fri., Sat., To Catch A Thief. 3:00, 6:50, 10:40. Annapolis. Story, 1:10.5:05.8:55. FOX—Fri.. Sat.. Wichita. 12:30, 3:45, 8 :00,T 1 :15. Finger Man. 2 :00. 5 :20. 9:35. SECOND RUN FILMS FIRS—Fri., Sat.. Treasure of Ruby Hills and Far Horizons. Starts Sun., Love Me or Leave Me and Moonfleet. McKENZIE — Fri.. Sat.. Pete Kelly’s Blues and Chicago Svndicate. MAYFLOWER—Fri.. Sat.. The Wizard of Oz. Starts Sun., Beachcomber. DRIVE-IN THEATERS EUGENE DRIVE-IN—Fri.. Sat.. 20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea and The Scarlet Coat. Starts Sun., Mr. Roberts and Golden Mistress. NORTH END DRIVE-IN—Fri.. Sat.. How to Be Very, Very Popular and Prize of Gold. Chairmanship Open For Nursery School Petitions are being called for a chairman of the co-operative mother’s nursery school at Ply mouth House in the first Con . gregational Church from 8:45 to 11:45 a.m. daily. The chairman of this group will work under the service chairman of the YWCA and will have a committee to help plan times for girls to work at the nursery and organize special pro jects. Those who are interested in this chairmanship may call the YWCA office or contact Brenda Blaesing at 5-6826. Law Students Told About Honor System President William F. Frye of the law school student body ad dressed the incoming class of law students at 9 a.m. today on the traditional honor system. This system of giving tests with no professor or proctor in the room and without signed “no help” pledges, was initiated 30 years ago. It has been the topic of annual initiation assemblies. “Wichita." That may be all we ] can stand. Those who are dog fanciers will enjoy “The Bar Sinister " at the Heilig through Saturday. It is advertised as being “de cidedly worth seeing." You make your own decisions. Sunday at the Heilig Audie Murphy will blaze across the screen in “To Hell and Back," in connection with the feature, a contest to win a free trip to! Hollywood is being run. Entry blanks ask for "your most thrill ing experience in so many words or less." The film is at regular prices. Also playing is “Com bat Squad." Best of Weekend Undeniably the best movie of the weekend is a second-run showing of “Mr. Roberts." This is a fairly faithful reproduction of the smash Broadway play starring Henry Fonda. James Cagney plays the Captain and Jack Lemmon is very funny as Ensign Pulver. This starts Sun day at the Eugene Drive-in. There is also a co-feature — I some may consider this an ad vantage. It is called "The Gol den Mistress." Judy Garland sings "Over the Rainbow” and is wonderfully sup ported by Bert Lalir and Ray Bolger in “The Wizard of Oz" through Saturday at the May SU Petition Deadline Set Petitions for positions on Stu dent Union standing committees are available now on the third floor of the Student Union. Dead line for turning them in is noon Oct. 4. Petitioners should mark the committees in which they are in terested in the order of their preference. They will be notified as to interview time, according to Marlis Claussen, SU personnel chairman. UO Poets Invited To Submit Work The National Poetry Associa tion invites all college students to submit original manuscripts to be considered for publication in the Annual Anthology of Col lege Poetry. > Students may submit as many manuscripts as desired. Stories must be typed or written on one side of paper, and the student's home address, name of college and college address must appear on each manuscript. Mail entries to the association at 3210 Selby Avenue, Los Ange les 34, Calif., by Nov. 5. EfElLIG LR PICTURES PERFECT SOUND STARTS SUNDAY, OCT. 2 “To Hell and Back“ Audie Murphy “COMBAT SQUAD" John Ireland Lon McAllister STARTS SUNDAY, OCT. 2 “The Beachcomber" Robert Newton Glynis Johns Donald Sinden STARTS WEDNESDAY, OCT. 5 “LIMELIGHT" Charles Chaplin Claire Bloom Nigel Bruce “THE LADY VANQUISHED" Michael Redgrave Margret Lockwood flower. Those who wish to re-live a small portion of their “lost youth" may enjoy the filmed fairy-tale. Maugham's 'Beachcomber' Sunday the Mayflower pre sents W. Somerset Maugham's "The Beachcomber,” and English import starring Robert Newton. "One-expression" Jack Webb plnys horns and Pete Kelly in "Pete Kelly’s Blues,” through Saturday at the McKenzie in Springfield. Peggy Lee is the best thing in the film. Also there is Janet Leigh and Edmond O'Brien. Unfortunately, so is Mr. Webb. Oregon history students may wish to see “Ear Horizons” at the "Firs.” Its only claim to fame is that it's based loosely no doubt — on the Lewis and Clark story. 50 Prize Photos Now on Display Some 50 prize-winning photos will be on display in the reading room of the school of journalism when the 29th annual high school oress conference convenes on the University campus Oct. 7 and 8. Oregon high school yearbooks will also be on display during the conference. Pictures which are to be dis played include reproductions of orize-winning prints which were entered in the annual national high school photography contest sponsored by the National Scho lastic Press association and East ern Kodak Co. Several hundred high school students are expected to be on campus for the conference. Staff members of high school year books and newspapers who at tend the conference will hold roundtable and panel discussion on all phases of publication of yearbooks and school newspapers during the meeting. Today's Staff Makeup editor: Val Hersh. News desk: Anne Ritchey, Bill Mainwaring. Copy desk: Bob Scherer, Ro berta Pollock. Night staff: Sam Vahey. RE VO EMERALD WANT AOS FRIDAY & SATURDAY NITE Sept. 30 — October 1 SHOW AT 7:00 Richard WIDMARR A PRIZE of GOLD TiCHNICOlOk . MAI STTCRLINC Si ARTS SUNDAY M-G-M's iSUSPENSE STORY OF THE YEAR! COLOR aud. CinemascopC SPENCER TRACY ROBERT RYAN BAD DAY AT BLACK ROCK AND TECHNICOLOR rriBcess rfthe^ilc - ALSO TUNA CLIPPER' In Cinemascope + Campus Briefs + • Nine ntiidrali were tayln^ in the infirmary hospital for medical attention Thursday. In firmary record* listed liar bars Knight,* Karen Kuke Moke, Su zanne Silverthorne, Laurie K. Fisher, Sandra Ann Schorl. Lynn Curtis Jones, James Noble, Doug las B. Basham and Walter IS. Ashton. • Chairmen of the Bunion Dei by are to meet at 12:30 today in the Student Union. The room number will be posted on the Student Union bulletin board. No excuses will be accepted. • Ye Taburd Inn will hoi.I a fall term planning meeting at 707 15th Ave. E. tonight at 8 p m. • Tin* Cosmopolitan club will SU Calendar Set For Coming Year Student Union calendar of events schedules are available today on the SU first floor, ac cording; to Si Ellingson, Union director. The calendars, which Itst all ac tivities occurring in the SU Itself and many scheduled for Mac court, are free to all students on campus. Listings in the schedules were prepared by Adell McMillan, new SU program director. They will also be available Friday, she said. Sousa Story to Be SU Feature Movie "Stars and Stripes Forever" will be the Sunday feature movie of the Student Union. Clifton Webb, Debra Paget and Robert Wagner star in the film. It will be shown at 2:30 and 5 p.m. In the SU ballroom. Admis sion is 30 cents. HE ILIG STARTS OCTOBER 2 i rill the guts and fighting glory of the best-selling autobiography! TOHELL “’EM THE EXCITING TRUE LIFE STORY Of AUDIE MURPHY AMERICA’S MOST DECORATED HERO! STAttMG AUDIE MURPHY -MARSHALL THOMPSON HEILIG THEATER STARTS OCT. 2 hold Its first mooting tonight ;it s p.m, ill Plymouth House, i8th and Kerry. A short program will be fea tured concerning the recent UN. convention held In Han Francisco. Games, dancing, and refresh ments will form the remainder of the evening. Kveryone is welcome. • The Kugrne Art Center will begin n ten-week life class at the center building on Oct. 5. University students are Invited to attend the classes, which will last from 7:30 to 10 p.m. Fur ther Information may be ob tained by calling 5-2648. MAYFLOWER STARTS SUNDAY rh# World’* Melt fomoui South Ira Advnturtl — • hM Am mu a man — Door* Open at ! 45 Sunday, 6:45 W««k Dayi ^the cucenje panoramic M m B ■■■■ I 'W N 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA with James Mason And Kirk Douglas SCARLET COAT With Cornel Wilde And Anne Francis PLAY OP PLAY* IS THE SCREEN S SMASH OF SMASHES! {/ CinemaScopS Wahn t RCoton HENRY- JAMES WILLIAM lOMCAGMWELL JACK **“> bctsy paues WARD BOND • PHIL CAREY PRODUCED BY LELAND HAYWARD b, JOHN FORD «d MERVYN LeROY | MvfrC COWOMO AMO COmOutmo •» pa**/ otnuii LEMMON jgl^OTwo^d do ftyrtna ler nriHi iv TECHNI COLOR! KLEASEO THRU UNITED ARTISTS 2860 WILLAMETTE " \JP/tom 4.4IS2 M __ WMNlffiMk