iciiouA Holes By Shirley Saunders Reiigiout NoU« Editor Christian House Tonight at 7:30 Christian House is holding a progressive table K*me party, with Jim Wear In charge of activities. Everyone is invited to attend. Sunday morning Donut Hour will be at 9:15 followed by two Bible study clauses at 0:45. Study on the Teachings of Jesus will be led by Victor P. Morris. Clar ence Elliott will lead a group In Studying the hook of Acts. The new Htudent choir will hold its first rehearsal at 4:30 p in. Sunday. Duane Mills, wor ship chairman, is in charge. The annual student dinner at Kb at Christian Church will be held at 5:30 p.m. Sunday. Theme for the dinner, which will replace the regular meeting at Christian House, is "Date-line, Eugene." A program will be given fea turing a skit by Roger Weaver and Gregory Calvert. Students from other lands and Christian church preference students are invited to attend. Ticket* are complimentary and must be pro cured in advance at Christian House or at the First Christian Church. Sunday fireside at 9 p.m. will be first of a series on the United Nations, Eileen Lindhlad. YWCA director, leading. Jane Copse y Shepard is in charge of a potluck dinner foi graduate students, veteran*, and interested upperclassmen at 5:30 Tuesday. Bob Randall will lead a discussion based on Chad Walsh's book "Campus Gods on 3 rial." Students are asked to bring a hot dish, salad or dessert. The new hour for the executive council Is 9 p.m, Wednesday, ac cording to Jean Miller, president. House devotions will be at 10 p.m. Thursday. The fall retreat has been sched uled for Saturday, October 22. at Kilaon Springs Resort. Wesley Foundation Wesley Foundation will have their second meeting of the Koinoniu Klass at 9:30 a.m. Sun day. Reverend Kenneth Peterson will speak on "The Life ami Teachings of Jesus." Transporta tion to the First Methodist Church will be furnished. The Sunday evening program will begin at 5:30 p.m. with a light supper at a charge of 35 cents. R. R. Huestis, head of Biology Department will speak on "Science and the Christian Faith." Roland Cross, Associate Secre tary of the United Board of Christian Colleges in China, will be the guest speaker at a pot luck dinner on October 4, at 5:30 p.m. He will speak on Christian education for Chinese refugees. Thursday evening choir re hearsal will start at 8:30 p.m. with chapel service following at 9:30 p.m. Christian Science The Christian Science organ ization will meet every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the men's lounge of Gerlinger Hall. All interested students and anyone connected with the University are welcome to attend. Canterbury Club Sunday evening prayer and worship for Canterbury students will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at St. Mary’s Episcopal church. The Eucharist Service and com munion will be Wednesday at 7 p.m. Newman Club The Newman Club will hold a meeting Sunday, October 2, at 7:30 p.m. in the Student Union. Westminster Foundation "How and How Murh*Can Wo Know About God?" will bo thn tuple, of a diaeuaaion beginning at 9:30 a.rn. thia Sunday at Weat mlnlater Foundation. It la tho find, in a Horioa of Sunday morn ing diactiaaiona and atudy. A aceond group will diacuas "Christianity and World Prob lems" at the name hour, lining "Kncounter with Revolution, .Shook and Renewal" and "Revo lution and Redemption," the S.V.M. texts for the year, an reference, "your God Ik too Small," by J. B. Phillips, and “Crossroads” will be used as texts for the series on "Our Knowledge of God.” A light breakfast from 0 to 0:30 a.m. will precede the discussion groups. The regular Sunday supper 1s scheduled for 5:30 p.m. with a group discussion on "How Can You Know Yourself?” highlight ing the evening program follow ing vespers. J. R. Jewell, pro fessor emeritus of education, will discuss the difference between reason and emotions. Wednesday potluck supper is at- 5:80 p.m., followed by discus aion groups on elective subjects. Students are asked to complete a form indicating their study and interest group choices. J. Stanley Barlow, Presby terian University pastor, is avail able for conference during most of the week. Students are asked to drop a note in the appointment box on the door of the office in the event that he is not in. DID JESUS REALLY LIVE? New Evidence from the Dead Sea Scrolls. The question of whether Jesus was a real person or a legendary messiah will be the sermon topic Sunday, October 2, at 1 1 00 a m. New light cast by the dis covery of these ancient scrolls will be considered. UNITARIAN CHURCH FOUR BLOCKS WEST OF CAMPUS Eleventh and Ferry Streets Edward L. Ericson, Minister RECEPTION FOR U. OF O. STUDENTS 8:30 P.M. Sunday, October 2 At The First Evangelical United Bretheren Church 8th at Monroe Streets SPONSORED BY THE YOUTH FELLOWSHIP * * * EVANGELICAL HOUR - 7:00 P.M. GOOD MUSIC, A STIRRING MESSAGE. aaaa ».iinifc Student Church Directory T Firsi Congregational Church 490 East 13th Avenue Phone 5-8741 University Class — 1 1 ;00 A M. AlLusk, leader "STUDY OF THE RECORDS OF JESUS IN THE LIGHT OF MODERN SCHOLARSHIP" Morning Worship — 9:30, 1 1:00 "WORLD FELLOWSHIP" World-Wide Communion will be celebrated at both services Dr. Wesley Nicholson will preach. Sunday Services - 8:30, 1 1 00 A.M. Sermon: "THEY SHALL RETURN UNTO ME" by Vicar Weber Holy Communion will be observed at both services Bible Class: 10:00 A.M. — Dr. E. S. Wengert, leader Grace Lutheran Church Eleventh and Ferry Streets W. B. Maier, Pastor Walter Weber, Vicar University Class— 9:45 A.M. Sunday School — 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship — 11:00 A.M. Evening Worship — 7:30 P.M. Emerald Baptist Church (American Baptist Affiliate) Rev. Charles W. Moore 1992 Potter Street Phone 3-3198 Services temporarily being held in Roosevelt Jr. High School 24th and Hilyard First Methodist Church 1 185 Willamette Street — Phone 5-8964 Worship Services 9:30 and 1 1:00 A.M. Holy Communion will be observed at both services. Dr. Rector Johnson Wesley Foundation .. . Student Center... 1 236 Kincaid will have a snack supper at 5:30 Sunday. "SCIENCE AND THE CHRISTIAN FAITH" by Dr. R. R. Heustis First Baptist Church 11:00 A.M. — Communion Service and Sermon by Rev. John Henderson, Associate Pastor Broadway at High "CHIMES OF SILVER BELLS" KASH Broadcast UNIVERSITY CLASS-9:45 A.M. T 7:30 P.M. - "STORMS OF LIFE" (Billy Graham Film) Sermon by Youth Director, Bob Gillikin Central Presbyterian Church 10th and Pearl Streets Phone 5-8724 Sunday Services: Church School — 9:30 and 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship — 9:30 and 11.00 A.M. Westminster Foundation Student Center — 1414 Kincaid Rev. Stanley Barlow, University Pastor First Church of Christ, Scientist A Branch of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts 14th and Pearl Streets Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Sermon: "UNREALITY'' Nursery Facilities During All Services . . . Reading Room 86 West Broadway . . . Organization at University cf Oregon Tuesday, 7 p.m. First Floor Gerlinger. First Christian Church 1 166 Oak Street — Phone 4-1425 Dr. Carroll Roberts, Minister 9:45 — Sunday School 10:50 — Morning Worship "LET US BREAK BREAD TOGETHER" Visit Christian House — Our Student Center 736 East 16th Avenue Dr. Victor P. Morris, leader. ---I St. Mary’s Episcopal Church 166 East 13th Avenue Phone 5-7452 SUNDAY SERVICES: 8:00, 9:1 5 (family service 11:00 Canterbury Club 6-8 P.M. in the Parish Hall. Holy Communion will be celebraled at all morning worship services. WEDNESDAY Holy Communion and Morning Prayer 7:00 A.M., Gerlinger Hall, Rector: The Rev. Perry Smith. Chaplain to Episcopal Students: The Rev. Don B. Walster Eugene’s First Assembly of God West 13th at Madison Rev. E. Elsworth Krogstad — Rev. Harold Calkins 11:00 Divine Worship Service 6:30 P.M. C. A. (Youth Service) . 7:45 P.M. Evangelistic Service GOOD LISTENING 11 -.00 P.M. "Peace in the Valley" - KUGN, Dial 590