Busy Morning For Women FLKIMJKS W KHIC WKU OMKD with ojH*n arm* and broad smile* Wednesday morning by Oregon's sororities at special breakfast honoring the freshman women. A typical scene Ih this one at Alpha Oinii ron FI. where mnnlM-r* of Sigma Mil Epsilon jazz hand entertained happy pledges and members. Band Greets Pledges •IAZZ liKKOUK BKKAKFAST was order of the day, with Slg Kp member playing MKh selection* as “When the Saints Go March liiK Home" to happy coeds. The Jazz group will also play for l ni \crslt> pep rallies during footbull season. Campus Briefs • Kwania, sophomore women'** honorary will meet tonight at 6:30 ill the Student Union. • Infirmary record** tinted four student* who were confined to the hospital for medical atten tion* Wednesday. They are Bar bara Knight. Laurie K. Fisher, Douglas Basham and Walter E. Ashton. £mera(cl .... Want Ads 1910 Plynx>uth club coupe, re built motor, A-l mechan ically. Good tires and bat tery. New two-tone paint job. $150. Phone 3-2640. 9-26tf Royal quiet Deluxe portable typewriter. Excellent con dition. Reasonable. Call 5 8694. 9-23 tf For sale: L. C. Smith type writer. Good condition. $25. Phone 4-9426. 9-30 Circulating oil heater, 3-room size. Good condition. $20.00. Phone 4-9958. 9-29tf Used Desks and Chairs. Phone 4-1238. Tree Management Positions Offered The Department of Interior has positions open in the north west and Alaska for foresters ' in the Bureau of Land Manage ment, Bureau qf Indian Affairs uud other agencies. The position pays $4,525 a year I and includes professional work in scientific and executive phases of forest management. Grad Assistant On Senator's Staff Bert E. Swanson, graduate assistant in political science, is working on the staff of Senator Neuberger during a three month leave of absence. Swanson, who graduated from [ George Washington university in 1951 received his master’s degree this summer. On Jan. 1 he will return to his research duties on ! the Kellogg project with the po litical science department. ____ Today's Staff Makeup Editor: Janet Knee : land. News Desk: Corenlia F’ogle, Loretta Meyer, Anne Ritchey. Night Staff: Bev Chamberlain. Woman Returns Abducted Baby SAN FRANCISCO <*-A child i less housewife who "just had to ’ have a baby” remorsefully sur i rendered Robert Marcus to a j priest in Stockton early Wed i nesday, nine flays after the new born boy was kidnaped in San Francisco. Recovery of the healthy baby, | nrw 11 days old, ended a nation wide hunt. Dr. Sanford Marcus. 34, and his wife, Hanna, 29, sped in a | police car the 82 miles to Stock | ton from San Francisco in 75 ■ minutes for a joyful reunion with their son. Gives I’p Baby Frightened by the earlier ques tioning of a deputy sheriff, Mrs. Betty .lean Benedicto, 27. plump and blonde, decided to give up the baby she had tended while i police and the FBI hunted him ; from California to New York. Police were closing in on Mrs. Benedicto when she stepped to I a telephone in Stockton, called i Dr. Marcus, told him the infant was safe and that she was leav | ing it at St. Mary's Church in ! Stockton. Baby Sleeps Through All Baby Marcus slept through it : nil. He was taken to the emer gency ward of Stockton's St. Joseph Hospital, where Dr. j Marcus and his wife were re | united with him. Dr. Marcus said it took “only a few seconds” to "become at least 99 per cent sure" that the child was his son, stolen from San Francisco's Mt. Zion Hos pital Sept. 19. They Went That-Away LONDON Iff>—It's enough to make • a man hopping mad— someone with itchy fingers had stolen the flea circus Maurice Cheepen has taken days to bring up to scratch. Cheepen, manager of the Troxy movie house at subur ban Stepney, put his miniature performers out on display in the lobby to advertise a coming circus flint. Overnight they disappeared. “You've no idea how hard it is to find a nice juicy flea in London these days,” he said. Vets Office Announces Loan Examiner's Post An open competitive exami nation for appointment of loan examiner and loan servicing rep resentative in the loan guaranty division of the Veterans admin istration regional offices in Se attle and Portland was announc ed today by the VA. The Joan examiner position has a minimum annual starting salary of $4,525 and the loan servicing representative, $5,440. For both positions applicants | must show at least three years of progressively responsible gen eral experience in investigation or review of loan applications or transactions in connection with business, industry, agriculture or housing conditions. In addition, loan examiner UO Library Hour Corrections Noted Corrections in the library hours as previously listed are as fol lows: Browsing room: Monday: through Saturday, 1 to 5 p.m.; Monday through Friday, 7 to 10 p.m.; Sunday, 2 to 5 p.m.; 7 to 9 p.m. Museum library: Sunday through Saturday, 1 to 5 p.m.; Thursday night, 7 to 10 p.m. Professor's Review included in Journal A book review by Edmund P. Kremer, professor of Germanic! languages, appeared this summer in “Comparative Literature.” He reviewed "Proverbs for Pleasure. Uncommon Sayings Collected. Arranged and Annotated,” by H. Pullar-Strecker, described by Kremer as “a physician who has made proverbs his hobby, and who wishes to promote their use by the general public." Openings Announced The Federal Civil service com mission has announced openings for appraisers and construction analysts, paying $4,525 and $5440 respectively, a year. An exami nation will be given in Portland at the Veteran’s Administration offices. Applicants can obtain further information from any post office. positions require one year of specialized experience in passing on or servicing loans or in the acquisiton, management and liquidation of real or personal property. The loan servicing representa tive position requires two years of such specialized experience, six months of which must be in servicing of loans or work re lated thereto. Further information may be obtained from the Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Veter ans Administration Regional Office, 8eattel 1, Wash. Applications will be accepted until further notice. Campus Calendar 9:00 SU Cal of Events Distrib Checkrm SU IFC 213 SU 10:00 RDA Chrstn Hat Noon ASUO Ins Sales Checkrm SU 4:00 ASUO Ins Sales Checkril SU AW8 Transfer Tea Dadsrm SU Asbly Com 337 SU 6:30 Phi Theta Ups 110 SU Kwama 111 SU SPEND LESS MONEY SERVE BETTER MEALS With Fish and Shellfish NATURE'S WONDER FOOD From NEWMAN’S FISH CO. 39 East Broadway Phone 4-2371 PRESSING WLL Ijou Wait. PRESSING J ALTERATIONS FAST SERVICE Ml w 815 East 13th Avenue Phone 5-6321