# - __ _ _ 259 Frosh Women on Pledge List (Continued from page one) Carmel, Cailf. Delta Uainnu: Anna Kay Angstead, Klamath Falls; Mar cia Bishopric, Piedmont, Calif.; Deanna Bogle. Walla Walla, Wash.; Jo Bolton, Prineville; Jean Drost, Bend; Karen Dyer, Pendleton; Fran Fomey, Eu gene; Patricia Gibbons, Port land; Veronica Hadley, Las Ve gas, Nev.; Connie Hammond. Salem; Patricia Herbst, The Dalles; Suzanne Jette, Eugene; Irene Judith Johnson, Portland; Jan Kenyon, Klamath Falls; Anne Lease, Palo Alto, Calif.; Susan Mautz, Portland; Sharon Meyer, Portland; Jo Ann Milli gan, Pendleton; Nelle Newton, Palo Alto, Calif.; Karen See. Portland: Nancy Warren, Klam ath Falls. Delta Zeta: Beverly Diane An drews, Piedmont, Calif.; Susan Andrus, Astoria; Jean Babcock. Eugene; Charlene Blinn. Spring field; Barbara Bocarde, Port land; Sharon Coy, Reedsport; Doris Ginther, Albany; Alice Jensen, Junction City; Winifred Kellberg, Oakland. Calif.: Bar bara McClanahan, Oakland, Cal if.; Roberta Meeks, Portland; Marilyn Schleining, Portland. Gamma Phi Beta: Barbara Bacon, Salem; Janet Belton. San Francisco. Calif.; Deanna Bish op, Yerington, New; Jane Dav idson, Tigard; Roberta Elling son, Eugene; Gloria Jenkins. Sacramento, Calif.; R o m a i n e Lovelace, Reedsport: Carol Mc Keon, Eugene; Barbara Pinker ton, Sacramento, Calif.; Nancy Reynolds, Sacramento, Calif.; Carolyn Sewell, Portland; Al berta Van Utt, San Franciaco, Calif.; Margaret Veazie, Port land; Shan-on Woodworth, Ba ker; Dale Leuenberger, San Francisco. Calif.; Nancy Hamil ton. Medford; Marybelle Davis, Sacramento, Calif.; Gail John son. San Mateo, Calif.; Sandra Pearson, Salem. Kappa Alpha Theta: Chita Berni, Portland; Larrilyn Carr, San Diego. Calif.; Linda Darnell, Redding, Calif.; Anne Heltzel, Salem; Karen Kilkenny, Pendle ton; Gail Kneeland, Portland; Jean McDaniel, Marshfield; Anne Marshall, Portland; Bea trice Moore, Redwood City, Cal.; Dana Ann Peterson. Salt Lake City, Utah; Peggy Ragan, Flor ence; Sylvia Rawlinson, Salem; Christa Schoellenbach, Mon rovia; Karen Smith, Coos Bay: Mary Ann Smith, Oswego; Mari lyn Steeves, Santa Monica, Cal.; Patty Swindells, Portland; Gail Thompson, Reedsport; Carol Wolleson, Astoria; Laurie Scott, Ketchikan, Alaska. Kappa Kappa Gamma: Sally Akselson, Oakland, Cal.; Carol Burns, Portland; Marge Dake, Portland; Joanne DiGiorgio, Burlingame, Cal.; Katherine Dixon, Eugene; Laura Eng bloom, Oakland, Cal.; Margaret Frank, San Mateo, Cal.; Virginia Greene, Lake Grove; Gretchen, Glass, Pendleton; Virginia Hop pe, Portland; Anne Lathrop, Portland; Gerry Moore, Eugene; Kathleen Mullholland, Portland; Barbara Papulski, Oswego; Su san Sandoz, Astoria; Leslie Se der, St. Helens; Lynn Smith, Grants Pass; Martha Tubbs, Mil ton-Freewater; Nora Walsh, Portland; Janet Woodroffe, Sa lem; Molly Leu, Portland. Pi Beta Phi: Pat Bladine, Mc minnville; Barbara Burns, Port land; Judy Ecklund, Bremerton, Wash.; Gail Gritch. Portland; Suzanne Helfrecht, Pendleton; Marilyn Hagan, McMinnville; Kristin Hellis, Oswego; Joanne Hoover, Salem; Mary Ann Jones, Portland; Sue Kinser, Portland; Jean Lid beck, Salem; Ann Mautz, Portland; Karen Moke, Portland; Nancy Payne. Salem; Katherine Moore. Eugene; Linda Pope, Chdoquin, Myrna Roberts. Portland; Pat Palmer, Portland; Betsy Schwabe Portland; Nancy Taylor, Portland; Beth Green, Sacramento, Calif. •Sigma Kappa: Carol Adams. Milwaukie; Judy Anderson, San Mateo, Cal.; Lillian Bryant, Port land; Dorothy Coffman, Anchor age, Alaska; Judy Cowell, North Bend; Arlene Creed, Ketchikan, Alaska; Jane DeLuccla, Oswego; Daryl Dysle, Toledo; Hosemary Kriernan, Boise, Ida.; Frances Ann Jacobs, San Diego, Calif.; Kay E. Josselyn, Anchorage, Alaska; Judy Kuhn, Salem; Pa tricia Laurence, The Dalles; Bar hara Malum, Toledo; Marlene Metzger, Tigard; Marilyn Wll llamH. Portland; Barbara Wright, Bnndon. itrta Tan Alpha: Julie Burton, Portland; Ih-tHy Carr, Ketchi kan, Alaska; Lou Ann Fenn, Ku gene; Patricia Kent.linen, North Bend; Meta McNeil, Mt. Hhaata, Cal.; Blanche Hankln, Myrtle Point. Fall Calendars Ready Thursday in SU Lobby Copies of the Student Union fall term schedule of events will be available in the SU lobby Thursday and Friday, according to Adell McMillan, program di rector. They Include all lectures, assemblies and general campus events. Sunday SU Picture Stars Clifton Webb "Stars and Stripes Forever * is the movie to be shown Sunday at the SU. It stars Clifton Webb, Debra Paget and Robert Wag ner. Showings will be at 2:30 and 5 p.m., and admission is 30 cents per student. Administration Lists Faculty Changes Promotions and changes in the faculty of the University for the 1955-56 academic year have been announced by the president’s office. Gordon Wright, head of the history department, returned from leave without pay during 1954-55. W. A. Williams, assist ant professor of history, was granted leave without pay dur ing academic year 1955-56. E. R. Gingham, assistant professor of history, returned from leave without pay during 1954-55. Ivan M. Niven, professor of mathematics, was granted sabba tical leave during the academic year 1955-56. E. Yood was promoted from as Campus Briefs • YWCA cabinet will meet this noon in Gerlinger hall, ac cording to Germaine LaMarche, YW president. • The phone numbers of Alpha Phi listed in Monday’s paper were incorrect. The correct num bers are 5-9250 and 5-6626. • Petitions for Bunion Derby chairmen are due today at 5 p.m. Students may petition for gen eral secretary or chairmanship of the publicity, finance, or house co-ordination committees. Pe titions may be found on the third floor of the Student Union. • Art DeMoss, insurance executive from New York, will speak tonight at 6:15 p.m. at Philadelphia house. DeMoss has been active in recent “Crusades for Christ’’ in Mexico. Everyone is welcome. • President and Mrs. O. Mere dith Wilson have invited mem bers of the faculty and their wives and husbands to attend from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. in the Student Union. • There will be a Kwama meeting in the Student Union Thursday at 6:30 p.m. • There will be a meeting of YWCA junior advisors Thursday at noon. sistant professor of mathematics to associate professor; R. L. San Soucie was promoted from in structor to assistant professor of mathematics. R. J. Richman was promoted from instructor to assistant pro fessor of philosophy; V. H. Dyk stra was promoted from instruc tor to assistant professor of phi losophy. F. E. Dart was promoted from assistant professor to associate professor of physics. E. G. Ebbighausen. associate professor of physics, was granted sabbatical leave during the aca demic year 1955-56. C. P. Schleicher, professor of political science, returned from sabbatical leave. H. E. Dean, assistant professor of political science, was granted sabbatical leave during the academic year 1955-56. I. G. Nagy was granted an extension of leave without pay during 1955-56. Psychology Changes A. Parducci was promoted from instructor to assistant pro fessor of psychology. Robert Leepe,r, head of the department of psychology, was granted sabbatical leave during the academic year 1955-56. Paul B. Means, head of the department of religion, was granted an extension of leave without pay during 1955-56. W. Drum was promoted from assistant professor of social work to associate professor. T. B. Johannis, Jr., was promoted from instructor in sociology to assistant professor. J. M. Fos Campus Calendar Wednesday 9:00 IFC 213 SU 7:00 RE Wk Exec 319 SU 7:30 Skull & Dag 110 SU j 8:30 Pres Reception Dadsrm SU Under the Weather Students confined to the in firmary hospital Tuesday were Barbara Knight, Melvin J. Bank head, Jules Haglund, Catherine L. Peterson, Douglas B. Basham, and Walter E. Ashland. kett was promoted from asso ciate professor of sociology to professor. Glenn Starlin, associate pro fessor of speech, returned from leave without pay during 1954 55. Sandra Price Rennie resigned as program director of the Stu dent Union. By appointment purveyor* o» soap to the late Kmf Georie VI, Yardley * Co. ltd . londoo Yardley brings you a new feeling of well-being— London style The way to arrive at this happy state, gentlemen, is to use Yardley After Shower Powder morning and night. Here is a cooling, masculine body powder—conceived in England and now made in America-which has a special drying action effective in the muggiest weather. Its deodorant properties are invaluable. At your campus store, $1.10 plus lax. Makers and distributors for U. S. A., Yardley of London, Inc., New York. SI CURRENTS Petitions Due Oct. 4 For Union Committees Petition* for Student Union committee* are available now In tile program director'* office on the third floor of the SU, Mar lin Claussen, personnel chairman, haw announced. Petitioner* must have their application* (damped at the of fice of Student Affair* in Km erald hall and return them to the SU box out*ide the program di rector'* office by noon Oct. 4. Ml** Clauaaen awk* that pe titioner* number the committee* in which they are interested ac cording to preference. They will be notified at a later date when interview* for the position* will be held. *he »a!d. toujh&tider SLACKS On the campus, In the class room, around the links — Rough Rider Slacks take top honors. They're action-tai lored. Try on a pair today.