AND A-WAAY WE GO! Mickey's Leg Still Series Question By JACK HAND NEW YORK (APt — Mickey Mantle remained a doubtful starter and the weatherman pre dicted a “chance of showers” for today’s opening: game of the sixth New York Yankee-Brook lyn Dodger World Series at Yan kee Stadium. Despite a gloomy statement from Mantle that he was “not hopeful of playing in the series —at least in the first game or two at the stadium’’- the Yanks remained a strong 13 to 10 fa Emerald Posts Scores Inning-by-inning scores of all World Series games will be posted, beginning today, on the Oregon Daily Emerald Score board in front of the Pioneer Father on the old campus. The Emerald will place the scores on the board at the end of each inning, according to Sam Vahey, managing editor. vorite in man-to-man betting to take the best-of-seven set. The opening game price was 6 to 5 with the Yanks favored. Mantle tested his injured right leg in a brief workout at Ebbets Field Tuesday. “It doesn't affect my_hitting at all,” he said, “but it hurts when I try to run.” Manager Casey Stengel has in dicated he would use Irv Noren, a lefthanded hitter, in center field if the switch-hitting Mantle were unavailable. Elston How ard probably will be in left, and Phil Rizzuto at short, the other doubtful positions. Kain Could Drift By The weatherman may have a final say on this first game. He forecast a chance of showers but also observed that the rain might drift north of New York and also might come in the morning, too early to interfere with the game. In the event of a postpone ment, the entire schedule would be pushed back with No. 1 tickets good for Thursday at the stad ium. Commissioner Ford Frick would make the decision of any postponement after a conference with officials of the home club, the Yanks in this instance. Furillo Misses Again Call Furillo, Dodger right fielder, missed his second straight workout, due to a head cold and a touch of sinus. However, the club doctor has assured Manager Walter Alston that Furillo will be ready to play in the opener. The Dodgers can't understand why the Yanks are favored be cause Stengel's pitching staff leans heavily to the lefthanded side and the Brooks have a repu tation for murdering lefties.' Ford, Newcoinbe to Go White Ford (18-71 a chunky left-hander, works the opener for the Y’anks against Don New combe (20-5), the Jumbo. Negro right-hander who won 10 games in the spring before losing. The Yanks will use Tommy Byrne (16-5), another lefty, against Billy Loes (10-41, a second straight right-hander, in the sec ond game. Encouraged by the fact that this writer picked both the Yanks and Dodgers to win the pennant in spring training, the guess here is the Yankees in four games. Oregon State Enrolls More Casaba Height CORVALLIS