v-uiuiiih *t unu j UO Registration . . . ... as of Saturday, was 1,285 as compared to 3,934 at this time last year. This is an in crease of 9 per cent. VOL. LV1I. I NIVKIt-SlTV OK OKM.ON, KliOKNK, WK.DNKSIMV, SKITKMBKK 28, 19V, >0. 5 Sororities Pledge 259 Freshmen r* i I V ROTC Department Names 1955-56 Cadet Officers The militury department ha* announced the following promo tion* and initial duty asslgn ment* for the achool year 1955 .’>6 for cadet officers in the Army ROTC. Alonzo P. Stiner will be the new regimental commander. Ilia rank will be cadet colonel. Promoted to the rank of cadet I.t Col. are John H. Socolofsky, regimental executive officer; L